I would really appreciate if the bot would be able to use first aid also. Could this be implemented in the general settings (below food and drinks) or as a plugin ?
Try http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/plugins/free/leveling/13095-[plugin]-firstaider-makes-bandages-uses-bandages.html Not sure if its up to date etc.
http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/plugins/free/leveling/13095-[plugin]-firstaider-makes-bandages-uses-bandages.html Here, its a plugin that make and uses bandages,its made by BPAlpha, hope this helps. baxterboy said it first*
Thanks a lot. Did not find this plugin before... Just wondering, why we need plugins for this. First aid (and the wonderful plugin from Baxterboy to use elixirs and flasks) should be part of the HB interface
i dont use bandages and i refuse to, and I don't want my bots using up my cloth. a plugin is just like a CC / profile. to customize just like a plugin for Mozilla