umm... im hatred assasin but it select sorcerer madness Code: Starting Buddy Wing v1.0.1137.552 Logging in... T: 5247253859043434315 H: 3560862910 Login Success! User is a Inquisitor Advanced Class: Assassin / Discipline: Madness Medpac Created! [DefaultCombat] Level: 38 [DefaultCombat] Class: Inquisitor [DefaultCombat] Advanced Class: Assassin [DefaultCombat] Discipline: Madness [DefaultCombat] Rotation Selected : Sorcerer Madness Chose DefaultCombat as your combat routine. [DefaultCombat] Level: 38 [DefaultCombat] Class: Inquisitor [DefaultCombat] Advanced Class: Assassin [DefaultCombat] Discipline: Madness [DefaultCombat] Rotation Selected : Sorcerer Madness BuddyMonitor has started up successfully. [BuddyMonitor] You have enabled BuddyMonitor but haven't entered your API key or your identifier yet! Open the configuration, set the values and restart BuddyWing. Sell quality set to Premium. Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready! edit: also there must be some kind of bug in DefaultCombat.cs, because it never cast buffs out of combat, i tried different classes(assasin,pt,op,sorc) and its same with all of them. Code: public override Composite Buffs { get { return new PrioritySelector( Spell.Buff("Lightning Charge"), Spell.Buff("Mark of Power"), Spell.Buff("Stealth", ret => !Rest.KeepResting() && !DefaultCombat.MovementDisabled) ); } } for example this... it does nothing it never buff me with LC or MoP
So it appears now anytime the bot sees a person of the opposite faction is goes right after and starts attacking them. Has this always happened? I think it may have something to do with shoulder cannon?
Sentinel issues: Combat: Combat sentinel's rotation seems to just stop casting after a few skills, doesn't cast anything afterwards until I restart bot. No errors or anything, this is at lvl 14 mind you so no specific sentinel skills besides the Ataru form. Concentration: Only uses strike and master strike(ravage) at level 14, doesn't use Focused burst at all.
Focused burst is not in, and i bet other low level abilities also not included. Also isnt it a good option to include some other stuff like Heroic Moment? For leveling with companion this would be so helpfull... and also would give me the option to use Blade ward instantly. We need to check if we have companion, and i suggest below 30-40% hp ourself and on elite/boss. Also for sentinel, i would include this one: Inspiration, when we are in Opps / Fps where we have boss below 20% (usually this is the time when boss go berserk or party goes max dps) So we need to check, if target has large hp pool, if its below 20%. Guarded by the force, when we are below 10%-15%. Gives us 99% damage reduction for 4secs. after this we lose 50% of our hp pool thats left. Disable droid when we have 2+ mobs where one is a droid. stun it, so we can kill with more freedom. Pacifiy if we got an strong or elite mob, debuffs target for 6secs. i bet there are stuff like this for other chars aswell, but yeah would be nice. Gives the bot some more freedom in spells.
Update -Hardcoded Sentinel Concentration and Marauder Fury, so they should work now. I dont feel too bad about it, its like 2 lines of code. -Healing should target the heal target now. Im testing that as we speak. -Added Hotkeys for Pause, AOE, and set tank.
Hip hip hooray for healing! Ima donate for your work. Also, do we have to wait for BW updates to get your updates or?
yeah, gotta wait.. dont donate just yet lol.. I just tried to heal a FP and it was a disaster lol I was getting 5 frames per second and I couldn't move sometimes.
Lol too late on the donation. Any chance we can get an svn to update from sometime? As far as the fps, is that from the bot or your pc? xD
Here, Ill try to keep this one up to date as well.. the fps is a few things.. I had my graphics turned up, was in a group, had bot going... Healing is also a bit more resourse intensive than dps. Ill screw with healing a bit more this weekend. Healing is also harder to test out b/c you need a group and you are inevitably going to piss people off. I wish swtor had a proving grounds like wow lol.
Cool beans, ill test the sentinel stuff. Is there a way to make certain abilities prioritized when you are not moving? I'm customizing the rotation to my personal preference. For instance make master strike/ravage #1 priority when you are not moving.
we could add a clause to make sure we aren't moving before we cast that. I may actually need to put a check pretty early on to make sure we aren't moving before casting any channeling spell.
error: Code: Starting Buddy Wing v1.0.1137.552 Logging in... T: 5247255085998866841 H: 139285036 Login Success! User is a BountyHunter Advanced Class: Powertech / Discipline: ShieldTech Medpac Created! [DefaultCombat] Level: 13 [DefaultCombat] Class: BountyHunter [DefaultCombat] Advanced Class: Powertech [DefaultCombat] Discipline: ShieldTech Unhandled exception during init: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: type at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic) at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type) at DefaultCombat.Core.RotationFactory.Build(String name) at DefaultCombat.DefaultCombat.Initialize() at Buddy.CommonBot.RoutineManager.set_Current(ICombat value) at Buddy.CommonBot.BotMain.SetCurrentCombatRoutine() at Buddywing.MainWindow.DoInitialization() Buddy Wing: The Old Robot is ready! fixed it with changing ShieldTech.cs Code: public class Shieldtech : RotationBase into Code: public class ShieldTech : RotationBase "case sensitive" much, huh?
Yeah it works, though it bugs out with stealth classes and stops casting. Temporary fix is to just target someone else. I'm coordinating with Ama to see if we can get a dedicated pvp targeting script which would make pvp nice, and could pave the way for a warzone bot. EDIT: Been working with Powertech, and both Advanced prototype and Shield Tech work fine. Though Pyrotech only casts Incendiary missile and Rail shot only, been digging around the code to see where the problem is but haven't found it yet. This is at level 52.
In my oppinion the bot craps out on stealthed people/npc, because inside the game it can detect it, but cannot target it. Maybe if there was something like, get range of it, cast area spell else ignore.
Sith Inquisitor doesn't attack anything when using the routine with kicks profiles lvl 1-10. I tested another routine from Joe, and it worked perfectly. But my bot runs better with ur profiles, so please fix. Also, there were no errors. So nothing to post really.
so how would i go about using this for an op? like what kind of profile would i load so it just attacks the things i target
To have it just attack you will need to use just a combat bot for the profile along with DefaultCombat for the routine. I personally use the combat bot found inside Pure's rotation found in the combat routines forum, however discontinued, the combat bot still functions as intended for other routines. So you can just find the combat bot file in there and drag n' drop it into the default combat folder or wherever, and load the combat bot as the main profile. Then Default combat should function plainly as a rotation bot, which will only use abilities on those you target. Keep in mind the routines are still being worked on for optimization, so post here with any problems.