Is there any way to not fight Baron Geddon? He pulses an AE ability, I just want to run away not get owned.
I have "Repair every 2 hours" checked and I have "Repair at 50%" checked yet in Uldum, Twilight Highlands and Mt Hyjal, I wake up in the morning and all of my bots are full red gear and not even attempting to repair. Also I am still unclear as to how to get the toons to mail their inv to another toon. I dont want them to use the guild vault because honestly my guild bank cant handle the amount that I farm in one day so I have it mailed to an AH toon.
is the mailing function included now? the previous version seems not to have this function, but it was posted that it can do so...
You have to post a log. I really have no idea if you are reporting the same bug again and again or what.
Not right now but I share your concern. Re-gearing toons makes a huge difference but we have mobs with 75k health hitting level 81 gatherers.