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  • [Bot] Prosto_Pets: Battle Pets 4 in 1, and more

    Discussion in 'Botbases' started by Prostak, Jan 7, 2015.

    1. Prostak

      Prostak Member

      Mar 17, 2013
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      Actually, it's fun. Not for me, cause I'm sorta burned out on this thing, but in a healthy quantities - it is fun.

      I've created a post on tactics under the main one. Not sure if I've not missed something, but can edit if something is not clear.
      In short: Rules are checked from top to bottom, one by one. And the one that is allowed to fire - fires. Next move begins from the top again.
      And you can post here your attempt and describe what you are trying to achieve. We'll make it work.
    2. Prostak

      Prostak Member

      Mar 17, 2013
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      It's not just for non-programmers, it for me :) If I've modified for one pet, say "Surge" to be used on a near-dead opponent - I can easily see other "Surge"'s on the same page and in the same file. But if it would be not "Surge" but "23145" I would need to fire up a search in the editor.

      We'll make it. Just need some time.

      Yep, that's what we are looking at judging by the manual tactics that are posted.

      Tracking CDs looks unavoidable. Any URL's for these addons by chance?

      The biggest inconvenience in Pokehbuddy (In my ho) is that they were using SwapOut ("I do not need this pet") instead of SwapIn ("I need that pet now"). We'll have SwapIn(pet).

      One more tab is still one more tab. And we probably will need tabs for Black/White Lists and Misc - for like these pet *****ers.
      I still think that profiles are pretty good place for zone and stable composition dependent things. Especially coupled with auto loading...
      Looks like I have missed some things in my RoadMap. Let me add them.
    3. Studio60

      Studio60 Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 3, 2014
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      I know that PetTracker displays a frame with the enemy's attacks at the bottom and also indicates remaining cooldowns after the skills have been used.
    4. quel

      quel Member

      Oct 19, 2010
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      Hey Prostak :)

      Would it be possible to make camping profiles for like Minifernal and the other "rare" weather dependent pets?

      Baby Ape in Cape of Stranglethorn it has to be raining on the island. And for Silithid Hatchling in Tanaris there has to be a sandstorm to see them.

      Edit: I don't know if you are aware of this but the bot's wants to use Elekk Plushie which is a pet they literately can't do anything besides from being cute and for achivements :)

      Here's a link for it Elekk Plushie - Item - World of Warcraft
      Last edited: Jan 15, 2015
    5. Valla

      Valla Member

      Jan 15, 2015
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      Hi there, maybe I'm being dumb here but I don't seem to be getting any drop-down options for Min Level, Max Level, Min Pet Health, Min H Ringer etc on General tab? Only, Capture Not Owned: (Rare). Maybe I'm missing something..
    6. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      Elekk Plushie is just like any other carry/newb pet. All the abilities still fire, they just "miss". 0% hit rate. If you decide to level it, you can run the plushie as your carry pet through trainer battles to get the achieve and the baby elephant. Even at 25, it does 0 damage. it's designed to be an achievement to level and to carry pets (think of it as a tacit acceptance and approval of grind = pet battles)

      Timed Events are hard to set profiles for.

      Minfernal has a server spawn at 4am server time till 4.30am or 5am. similar to the scourged whelpling, in sindragosas rest, near the argent tournament grounds in icecrown, but they don't die before the morning hits, IIRC, takes about an hour after the daily reset for them to spawn, and there's only about 10 that spawn at most for both the whelpling and the minfernal. Spawn locations are available on wowhead, they appear around the fel pools in the area where the critters do.

      A profile won't help for either pet, because you want to be there at a specific event time. you could grind for 23 hours and get nothing at all. Baby Ape / Silithid are easy in comparison, a standard grind will get those 2 pets, and any weather pet, like the snowy owl (appears now) and the qiraji guardlings just don't show up until July.

      Arctic Fox Kit is much rarer, almost to the point you can farm it and the unborn Val'Kyr together in northrend, and get 2 unborn val'kyrs before you get the arctic fox kit (appears when snowing, which lasts about 8 minutes every 1-9 hours.)
      Last edited: Jan 15, 2015
    7. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      Definitely agree with the burnout. I still have some 300 profiles from Pokeh i can convert, but it's tedious converting the petid to the names. somewhat easier to run through a checklist than to create an access db and match the petid key values to names. records for readability.

      On reading the source, i also looked through the existing tactics , and found some blank entries, i will need a crib sheet to remember what buffleft/debuff /famEnemy and so on are,, but i can fix those in my spare time.

      i do think there's scope for a hpInt and hpenemyInt for attacks that only work when they're higher numerically and not percentage based comparisons. easy enough to store as int values. from 0 to 4k, but you might have to check for nulls. this is mostly due to health being more problematic at low level, where a percentage is deceptive.

      Not sure how shouldihide works quite yet, didn't find a good example of it.

      As for a dictionary/comparison to allow german/ru/cn usage, there's 3 more immediate problems with strings vs numbers.
      1. pet ID's are easy to grab a list from petsear.ch (there's an xls sheet of them all), 2, there's the problem of ability codes (which can be grabbed off wowhead easily enough without going in game) and 3, the debuff/aura sometimes has a unique value ingame thats not connected to the spell id, that wowhead would show up on the ability. e.g. stunned, has about 3-4 different abilities that stun, but use different numbers. usually though, wowhead shows the right value.

      and from what i've seen, there's a ton of string comparisons. hundreds. some of this is good, it makes things much easier to read. the one puzzle i couldn't find an answer for is, do you set the pet layouts or store them ? is it just 1,2,4 ?

      i'll see if i can update some of the existing ones before adding in older pets. just need to find a good family/pet checklist or priority to revise.
    8. Valpsjuk

      Valpsjuk Member

      Nov 10, 2014
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      Ok, here's my first attempt at a battle tactic :)

      Bronze Whelpling

      elseif (petName == "Bronze Whelpling" )
                      dragonkin_abilities = new List<AandC>()
      			new AandC( "Arcane Slash",      ()=> hpEnemy < 0.2 			),	// Slot 1
      			new AandC( "Arcane Storm")      () => buffLeft("Arcane Storm") < 9                         	),	// Slot 3
      			new AandC( "Early Advantage",   () => hpEnemy < hp			),	// Slot 2
      			new AandC( "Tail Sweep",	    							),	// Slot 1
      			new AandC( "Arcane Slash" 			                      	                ),	// Slot 1
      			new AandC( "Crystal Prison" 		                                                ),	// Slot 2

      Prolly borked it totally though :)
    9. HBfanboy1980

      HBfanboy1980 Active Member

      Jan 16, 2012
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      Curious about some of the profiles for Pandaria that I really do like. Why do they fly so high all the time? Often it'll battle then mount fly up very high then right back down to a pet 50 yards away. Actually wastes a lot of time and seems to look very funny to any observer (although I understand that extremely extremely unlikely lol)
    10. Gigofar

      Gigofar Member

      Jun 8, 2013
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      Sorry i'm pretty noob to the pet things, can i use this to collect all the pets in every zone starting from scratch ?
    11. HBfanboy1980

      HBfanboy1980 Active Member

      Jan 16, 2012
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      Most all and its mostly built it. Your best bet is to get it and have a peek around in the GUI for starters. Then when you have questions come back here. You actually won't need to go to every zone. There is some overlap where the wild pets are concerned.
    12. Gigofar

      Gigofar Member

      Jun 8, 2013
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      Nice, i will check this then .
    13. Monomo

      Monomo New Member

      Feb 16, 2013
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      To Prostak ;
      I think if you can add a User Interface for enter tactic logics and save them to ur logic files will be good for all users. Else most of users cant set up logics for pet or corrupt existing files (like i did) while trying to creat logics. Not much details at the begining Just me and enemy health and buff conditions for setup. Simply read pet from my team pet1 and its default skills chosen and add parameters when will use, click and save for this pet. First pet in my team example not all them. After i create tactic for this pet, i change pet at slot1 and repeat. Read my pet enter conditions and save. Is it possible to add such an interface ?
    14. feskins

      feskins Member

      Jul 24, 2013
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      Hi I've been trying to find out how to get the profiles from Pokehbuddy? I'm still a newb at programming and need some help.
    15. hauntedbypast

      hauntedbypast Member

      Jun 8, 2011
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      I'm feeling like I'm doing something wrong, I'm trying to set up the ringer 2 settings so that it loads 1 pet lvl 10-24 and 2 pets lvl 25 to fight in a lvl25 zone (Goregrond) I can't for the life of me get this to work. Can anyone provide me some insight?
    16. HBfanboy1980

      HBfanboy1980 Active Member

      Jan 16, 2012
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      Just click the button on the left side for Ringer x 2 then click the button below the manual movement checkbox to apply the settings you've chosen. Then turn off the pet zones if your using your own profiles or leave it on if you are.

      I recommend checking the sue favorites check boxes and using only favorite pets which are strong in your chosen area. Then click start and go afk :)
    17. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      Slightly off topic, but it might help others.

      Older pokehbuddy is more difficult because of the .xml files being linked to the unique petID values. This requires scanning the pet journal or the armory for your pet IDs. The JSON data can be used, parsed into a table and a similar process can take place. Very tedious task.

      A programmer could knock up a Json parser pretty easily, but there's not a lot of use, journal data is also what you get from the armory api.

      With the newer pokehbuddy, it's stored in a database, making things always akward, but easier.

      Using MS Access is easier for most people, but you can use any db editor to read the tables from the sqlite files which has the logic and the pet IDs as numbers. You can then use wowhead or other api searches, or another table to link up the number to the names of the pets.

      First, for MS Access, you need to install an SQlite ODBC connection for MS Access to open and save to the .DAT or .DB files. There are a few options. Once it's installed, you "connect" to the petlogics file instead of open it.

      Once you can read the tables, then you could extract the results into either excel (copy/paste) , or export the values from the tables into an access DB (or any relational DB) so you can create relationships and parse identifier values. (database stuff)

      From there, you can link the npc pet id to the original pet name, the breed and the unique pet id that the journal uses to identify pets.

      Excel is slightly easier because it allows errors and incomplete data, but Access is similar enough to set up.
    18. hauntedbypast

      hauntedbypast Member

      Jun 8, 2011
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      I have under general "ringer x2" in mode, under Team Selection Min lvl 20, max lvl 24, min pet health 90, min h ringer 90, no check in wild pets, fav only pets, or fav only ringers, bules only is cheked... in ringers x2 mode screen I have Pet2 to differ 25 (grey cant change), pet3 to differ 25, selectZone 5, battle swap 100, 0, 0... and it generated a group w/ a lvl 1, 25, and 25. I have 22 pets lvl 20-24. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
    19. Prostak

      Prostak Member

      Mar 17, 2013
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      Just to let you know where we are.

      >1. Ground profiles for EK and Kalimdor. Will add stability to ground-only toons. ETA this weekend.

      Info collected for both continents and processed by removing too close hotspots.
      Ground navigation definitely improved, but still is not perfect. There are "blackholes" standing in which a toon does not move. Log shows the same meshes are loaded again and again.
      I will probably publish ground profiles anyway since the problem does not seem to be in the coordinates. Need to check first how flying toons work with new profiles.

      >6. Auto-Loading maps for a continent you are in. Need to fit it somewhere, since I like it.

      This looks like a proper time to make auto-loading. Otherwise I will need to change 11 names by hand - again :)
    20. Prostak

      Prostak Member

      Mar 17, 2013
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      Looks like we indeed need to have black lists and white lists. And blacklists for a team? No, probably I can just block Plushie. Workaround for now will be to use Favs.

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