I have not been able to find away to turn off mounting through the honorbuddy settings. My rogue stealths just as fast as rides a mount. I'd like the option to never mount up. I saw the plugin for alwaysdruid and thought this would also be doable.
Hi, Imabot, We didn't try it, but from a quick code inspection, it looks like the plugin graciously provided by Pi1at should work just fine. Our guess is you failed to install it correctly, or forgot to enable it. Without a log, we'll never know. The plugin is only designed for ground-only navigation. If you are flying, there is no real solution to your problem. You must pick or edit your profiles to accommodate this. cheers, chinajade
might be a silly question, but the NoMount.cs goes right inside Honorbuddy\Plugins right? or does it need to go in a folder labeled NoMount in Honorbuddy/Plugins folder. or do i just drop it in plugins without adding it to a folder?
Nice work man, thanks! Since the latest honorbuddy version there is a bug. Sometimes the bot wont attack the target when mounted. DidnĀ“t happen with earlier versions of hb. This plugin solved the problem