i might have been to quick to congratulate on the release... stood at the bossdummy had necro plague set on 20 second minimum and it still managed to fall off the dummy and the routine was not able to maintain it.
btw for anyone having the same issue that np seemes to fall off, i did set it now to 26 and it seemes to remain on target now, it still dips low sometimes though.
How big of a difference in DPS is this raid wise from tuanha free to YRB2 Paid, i'm 670+ ilvl and seem to do shit dps with tuanha, only doing around 27k~ when I could be doing 30k+
This is probably been asked...but the search system here is not the best... The percentages on the homepage are reflecting WoD CR's?
How does this compare to singular in terms of overall performance? (MM/SV, boomkin, arcane, glad main specs playing)
SV aoe priority needs option for more multishot.. in BRF theres several fights that have like 10 adds up at once and multishot rapes for damage on these fights.
Holy shit your right. Fantastic CR in 5 mans / scenarios as Marks, took a dump on my manual and singular attempts. Thx for your input.
Hi guys, I haven't personally seen this fight, are you using auto mode? I would recommend changing to Semi-Auto / Hotkey Mode, so you can manually trigger AoE (no range check here) If you choose Semi-Auto, it will still use your cooldowns auto. I'll look into it, it's most likely a range issue on those fights.
This is basically it. I'm currently testing for situations like this, but essentially in full auto mode the routine processes very quickly and with little downtime or focus pooling. For now, your best option for these aoe situations is to use the hotkey mode and settings provided, as that is really what they are meant for. Testing in heroic BRF has been limited so far. =p
Anybody know why I'm getting spammed with [02:56:06.030 D] Exception in Cast(): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at YourRaidingBuddy.Core.Spell.<CastBase>d__6b.MoveNext() on my SV Hunter? Anybody know of a fix?