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  • ExilebuddyBeta Act 4 Preparations

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by pushedx, Feb 7, 2015.

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    1. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      Even though Act 4 is roughly 2 months away, it is rapidly approaching. Dubbed the "largest expansion ever", we expect a lot of work ahead for us when it finally arrives. As a result, we feel it's best to get started by making some big changes to EB that we've been holding off for a while now, in hopes we'll be better prepared for the expansion.

      The Beta version of Exilebuddy will not be updated after the next game update, whenever it comes. This is so users can transition to the Release version, and we can start using the Beta version to test the big changes internally first, and then eventually let people try out the new stuff before Act 4 arrives. Release will still be getting any bug/API fixes, but no code breaking changes until Act 4 arrives. Hopefully by then, the changes that arrive with Act 4 can be handled in an improved setup.

      As for what we're looking into changing, here's a list, in no particular order with some reasons why.

      1. GUI: We're going to update to MahApps so EB looks more modern and offers more QoL features that are not possible with our current setup. We want to get back to a more simple GUI design, so here's a work-in-progress image of what is being aimed for. Clicking on the PID text focuses the attached client. Clicking on Support opens the Exilebuddy support forums. Settings / Tools will now open new popup windows and not block access to the bot. The Start/Stop button will always be visible. The clear/zip/copy log features are integrated into a right click context menu. The status bar is back and will be settable by plugins as needed. There's still some things to workout, such as bot/routine/plugin selection and configuration, but this direction "feels" a lot better than what we currently have.

      2. Item Filters: They are going to be reworked. It's been on the to-do list for a while now, so it's about time to get that system updated to take advantage of our entire API for items. An API issue was recently found and fixed that will solve all the issues we've had with implicit and explicit stats on items for the past year and a half. The item API itself will be collapsed into one object now, Item, and properties will be added for users to know which items are what types so they don't have to cast by object type anymore. Due to the way items work in the API when obtained from the GUI, this should simplify a lot of things further.

      3. General bot/routine/plugin development: The current system was the next stepping stone in moving EB towards more community driven development, and it has turned out pretty well. However, it's not quite at a point where it needs to be, as the current design was rushed as part of the 1.3 rewrite, and there's some design issues that need to be resolved in different ways. As a result, several aspects of the way bots, plugins, and routines work will be changed. One of the biggest new addition that we'd like to be made is to get rid of the standard event handler setup, and instead allow code to generate their own events that can be propagated though the system. In addition, more modularity is desired to help users add features to the bot, without requiring them making their own from scratch. However, certain changes are needed to avoid user code from breaking bot code, and then features we provide not working as expected.

      4. BasicGrindBot/ExampleRoutine: As with previous versions, these have served their purpose and did their job for the time being, but are not the "ideal" implementations for a bot/generic routine we provide. As a result, these will see substantial changes to address current issues. A lot of the existing non-API bot stuff will change as well. AreaStateCache needs a rework to handle the specific of this game better, specifically when it comes to trying to handle keeping track of data for multiple areas but still avoiding issues with caching too much. More "dynamic" aspects are needed to the routine to allow users to test and configure things without having to restart the bot each time (however, full support for that is not possible in EB as a whole due to other technical issues).

      5. Objects/Components: This is the trickiest thing, but the model we use for objects/components needs to be updated. The design we used was for a very old version of the game, and the game has changed substantially since. However, it's been something we've not been able to change up until a point like this, just due to other things needing fixes in order to keep a running bot. We'll be looking into better ways to handle the memory model this game uses to avoid some of the new issues that started happening post 1.3 from having to use the new API model we do (no client functions to perform actions, multi-frame execution).

      That's just some of the things worth mentioning at this point that we'll start working on in Beta to get ready for Act 4. While there's a lot of little QoL things we know people would like to see in the bot, focusing on the reasons why those QoL aren't already possible or added is far more important than trying to hack them in and then have them conflict with user development (as much of our current (old) feature set does!).

      Moving forward, we want development to be easier, but not remove the control given to people to do whatever they need using the API. A lot of issues could be solved by simply removing user customization, but that's not a viable solution to us, as it's people in the community that will help make it better in the long run by doing new creative things we might never have thought of. This post is just to give users a heads up of what's on the horizon before Act 4, as changes to Beta are already being made (but not deployed).
      judge001 likes this.
    2. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      Placeholder for new Beta stuff.
    3. 2lazytotype

      2lazytotype New Member

      Oct 18, 2012
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      So with the item filter, will it be more like poe.xyz in the sense of item pickup, sell, save?
    4. toNyx

      toNyx Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2011
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      I love this part =) good news pushedx, keep improving this bot that is already magic ! and we'll keep working to make it better, and better ;)
      Last edited: Feb 9, 2015
    5. alcor75

      alcor75 Community Developer

      Nov 22, 2012
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      This is a great news, and i believe you guys are going to to make a giant leap in quality, and i love it.
      Maybe is the time for a little request?
      Can you pls look for a way to implement Passive?
      I know i a hell of a request... but i try :)

      Anyway tnx alot for this communication, knowing that you are active and developing make me feel better.

    6. fabcard

      fabcard Member

      Nov 7, 2013
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      Nice to see this. At this time the problems I have are related to the item filter and example routine. For example routine, as I already posted on other thread, lets say I have a trap build that uses 4 or more traps and I want to bot to use them all so I can make elemental equilibrium works. For now I can make it use only 2 traps. For the item filter, this problem is because I'm noob on coding, I have to ask people on forum to share their filter. I can't make my own one even after reading the guides... Would be nice if we have a pre-made item list with the most good items included. Maybe a list of items like good weapons for melee/spell, ES armor, +3 gem weapons, items with T3+, etc where we could just tick what we want and a edit button if we want to add or change anything, making it more friendly to users. I'm sure someone could share their well elaborated filter to be integrated on that new EB if pushedx can't make one. As e know, the hard part is to set it up for the rare items. For me, the item filter is one of the most important things on the bot, since the good gears are what make your char stronger and make you rich :D
      I'll be waiting anxious for it. Thank you all :D
    7. Pab

      Pab New Member

      Dec 14, 2012
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      I have the same question and I'm hoping it will be as good as Diablo 2 Etal bot's item filter. You can specify the minimum stat and all...
    8. toNyx

      toNyx Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2011
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      It's already like this, but you need to investigate the Advanced features of the itemfilter :))) But yeah, it should be handier, and I hope pushedx will prove he's a Genius !
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