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  • TuanHA Death Knight- The Ultimate Experience

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by tuanha, Dec 24, 2012.

    1. razor1201

      razor1201 New Member

      Mar 27, 2014
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      I have a problem, before such was not. When you start combat routine, the game crashes, and this happens after 3-4 seconds .... started after an update routine
    2. wilmire

      wilmire Member

      Oct 19, 2012
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      I experience an Issue in PvP.

      With UH spec, when my life is going down to "Blood presence percentage", the routine switch betwin blood/UH presence indefinitly.

      THx for support !

      Have fun boting guys

      [23:36:11.555 D11:555 Trying to cast Blood Presence (48263on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason BloodPresence RP100 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:1)
      23:36:11.597 DActive Enemies8
      [23:36:11.667 N11:667 HP64RP100 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:1Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 64hp Blood Presence (48263)
      23:36:11.713 DActive Enemies7
      [23:36:12.140 DActive Enemies8
      [23:36:12.536 NYour pet don't have Attack
      [23:36:12.570 D] 12:570 Trying to cast Unholy Presence (48265) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason  RP: 3 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:1)
      [23:36:12.577 D] 12:577 Trying to cast Soul Reaper (130736) on Lvl 100 Alliance Shaman'
      s pet reason SoulReaperBuff RP(B:0 D:0 F:0 U:1)
      23:36:12.588 DCastFailListUpdate 48265 Unholy Presence (Can't do that while fleeing)
      [23:36:12.593 D] Active Enemies: 9
      [23:36:13.256 D] Active Enemies: 8
      [23:36:13.303 D] Active Enemies: 7
      [23:36:13.411 D] Active Enemies: 5
      [23:36:13.593 D] 13:593 Trying to cast Unholy Presence (48265) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason  RP: 6 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:2)
      [23:36:13.616 D] CastFailListUpdate 48265 - Unholy Presence (Can'
      do that while fleeing)
      23:36:13.702 DActive Enemies6
      [23:36:13.746 NPetAttack
      [23:36:13.752 D13:752 Trying to cast Soul Reaper (130736on Lvl 100 Alliance Shaman's pet reason SoulReaperBuff RP: 6 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:2)
      [23:36:13.929 D] 13:929 Trying to cast Icy Touch (45477) on Lvl 100 Alliance Shaman'
      s pet reason Icy TouchFlag Capper or Totem RP(B:0 D:0 F:1 U:2)
      23:36:14.147 N14:147 HP64RP(B:0 D:0 F:0 U:2Lvl 100 Alliance Shaman 11.47y 93hp Icy Touch (45477)
      23:36:14.589 DActive Enemies7
      [23:36:14.750 NPetAttack
      [23:36:15.010 DFailed in InterruptCheck
      [23:36:15.095 D15:095 Trying to cast Unholy Presence (48265on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason  RP19 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:2)
      23:36:15.096 DFailed in InterruptCheck
      [23:36:15.172 N15:172 HP64RP19 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:2Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 64hp Unholy Presence (48265)
      23:36:15.329 DActive Enemies8
      [23:36:15.475 DActive Enemies7
      [23:36:16.112 D16:112 Trying to cast Blood Presence (48263on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason BloodPresence RP(B:1 D:0 F:0 U:2)
      23:36:16.174 N16:174 HP62RP(B:1 D:0 F:0 U:2Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 62hp Blood Presence (48263)
      23:36:16.891 DActive Enemies6
      [23:36:17.117 D17:117 Trying to cast Blood Boil (50842on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason BloodBoilWoD2 RP(B:1 D:0 F:0 U:2)
      23:36:17.205 N17:205 HP61RP13 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:2Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 61hp Blood Boil (50842)
      23:36:17.271 DActive Enemies5
      [23:36:17.666 DFailed in InterruptCheck
      [23:36:18.000 DActive Enemies4
      [23:36:18.012 DFailed in InterruptCheck
      [23:36:18.086 DActive Enemies5
      [23:36:18.099 DFailed in InterruptCheck
      [23:36:18.131 D18:131 Trying to cast Unholy Presence (48265on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason  RP16 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:2)
      23:36:18.132 DFailed in InterruptCheck
      [23:36:18.203 N18:203 HP59RP16 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:2Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 59hp Unholy Presence (48265)
      23:36:18.206 DFailed in InterruptCheck
      [23:36:18.382 DActive Enemies4
      [23:36:18.884 DActive Enemies5
      [23:36:18.932 DActive Enemies6
      [23:36:18.965 NActivate Primal Combatant's Badge of Victory on Burst Mode
      [23:36:18.996 N] Burst Mode is OFF
      [23:36:18.996 N] Burst Mode Activated On Cooldown
      [23:36:18.996 D] Dispel Delay Milliseconds = 124
      [23:36:18.997 N] Activate Primal Combatant'
      s Badge of Victory on Burst Mode
      [23:36:18.997 DInterrupt Random Value 45
      [23:36:19.013 NActivate Primal Combatant's Badge of Victory on Burst Mode
      [23:36:19.033 N] 19:033 HP: 59% RP: 3 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:2) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 59% hp Rapid Adaptation (170397)
      [23:36:19.041 D] Active Enemies: 7
      [23:36:19.053 D] CastFailListUpdate 170397 - Rapid Adaptation (Item is not ready yet)
      [23:36:19.150 D] 19:150 Trying to cast Blood Presence (48263) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason BloodPresence RP: 3 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:2)
      [23:36:19.183 D] Active Enemies: 6
      [23:36:19.204 D] Active Enemies: 5
      [23:36:19.223 N] 19:223 HP: 59% RP: 6 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:2) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 59% hp Blood Presence (48263)
      [23:36:19.340 N] PetAttack
      [23:36:19.754 D] Active Enemies: 4
      [23:36:19.964 D] Active Enemies: 1
      [23:36:20.165 D] 20:165 Trying to cast Unholy Presence (48265) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason  RP: 0 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:2)
      [23:36:20.215 N] 20:215 HP: 50% RP: 0 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:2) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 50% hp Unholy Presence (48265)
      [23:36:20.300 D] Active Enemies: 2
      [23:36:20.679 D] Active Enemies: 1
      [23:36:20.896 D] Active Enemies: 0
      [23:36:21.180 D] 21:180 Trying to cast Blood Presence (48263) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason BloodPresence RP: 0 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:2)
      [23:36:21.198 D] Active Enemies: 1
      [23:36:21.251 N] 21:251 HP: 50% RP: 0 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:2) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 50% hp Blood Presence (48263)
    3. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Thank wilmire for the log, I'll check that part

      Edit: @wilmire can you update and check if the problem fixed?
      Last edited: Feb 7, 2015
    4. fightcancer

      fightcancer New Member

      Jul 19, 2013
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    5. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Hi guys,

      First of all, I'm sorry for the server issue, it's down at the moment.

      I've invested and find out the issue is not from my website but from the Web Service Company - they are doing maintenance.

      I hope the server will get back soon within few hours.

      Sorry for inconvenience.
    6. fightcancer

      fightcancer New Member

      Jul 19, 2013
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      OK, thanks! :)
    7. wilmire

      wilmire Member

      Oct 19, 2012
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      Hey, Thanks for the answer TuanHA. I ll try it today and post in this tread if problem is fixed or not.
    8. eigoteacher

      eigoteacher Member

      Apr 3, 2012
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    9. wilmire

      wilmire Member

      Oct 19, 2012
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      I tried it just now, the previous problem is resolved (not spaming switch), but the DK is still switching presence really often, wasting many RP

      [09:35:06.101 D] 06:101 Trying to cast Blood Boil (50842) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason BloodBoilWoD7 NecroticPlague RP: 18 (B:0 D:2 F:0 U:2)
      [09:35:06.125 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Druid
      [09:35:06.159 N] 06:159 HP: 76% RP: 28 (B:0 D:1 F:0 U:2) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 76% hp Blood Boil (50842)
      [09:35:06.168 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Druid
      [09:35:06.228 D] Active Enemies: 1
      [09:35:06.261 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Druid
      [09:35:06.408 D] Active Enemies: 3
      [09:35:06.450 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Druid
      [09:35:06.913 D] StrafeRight to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Druid
      [09:35:06.928 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:06.939 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Druid
      [09:35:07.017 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:10.000 D] Set Focus: Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:10.139 D] 10:139 Trying to cast Unholy Presence (48265) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason UnholyPresence RP: 20 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:2)
      [09:35:10.236 N] 10:236 HP: 63% RP: 20 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:2) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 63% hp Unholy Presence (48265)
      [09:35:10.322 D] Active Enemies: 1
      [09:35:10.867 N] PetAttack
      [09:35:10.972 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:10.986 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:10.999 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:11.106 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:11.118 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:11.153 D] Dispel Delay Milliseconds = 102
      [09:35:11.153 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:11.154 D] Interrupt Random Value = 44
      [09:35:11.163 D] 11:163 Trying to cast Scourge Strike (55090) on Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin reason ScourgeStrikeWoD4 RP: 5 (B:0 D:0 F:1 U:2)
      [09:35:11.178 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:11.179 D] CastFailListUpdate 55090 - Scourge Strike (Can't do that while frozen)
      [09:35:11.191 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:11.202 D] 11:202 Trying to cast Icy Touch (45477) on Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin reason IcyTouchWoD5 RP: 5 (B:0 D:0 F:1 U:2)
      [09:35:11.215 D] CastFailListUpdate 45477 - Icy Touch (Can't do that while frozen)
      [09:35:11.228 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:11.260 N] Burst Mode is OFF
      [09:35:11.260 N] Burst Mode Activated On Cooldown
      [09:35:11.264 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:11.285 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:11.298 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:11.355 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:11.367 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:11.411 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:11.436 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:11.450 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:11.560 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:11.908 N] PetAttack
      [09:35:12.194 D] 12:194 Trying to cast Scourge Strike (55090) on Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin reason ScourgeStrikeWoD4 RP: 8 (B:0 D:0 F:1 U:2)
      [09:35:12.248 N] 12:248 HP: 48% RP: 8 (B:0 D:0 F:1 U:1) Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin 2.01y 91% hp Scourge Strike (55090)
      [09:35:12.259 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:12.277 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:12.289 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:12.381 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:12.730 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:12.744 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:12.757 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:12.838 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:12.851 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:12.930 N] PetAttack
      [09:35:12.944 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:13.141 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:13.194 D] 13:194 Trying to cast Blood Presence (48263) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason BloodPresence RP: 21 (B:0 D:0 F:1 U:1)
      [09:35:13.214 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:13.241 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:13.247 N] 13:247 HP: 37% RP: 21 (B:0 D:0 F:1 U:1) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 37% hp Blood Presence (48263)
      [09:35:13.261 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:13.337 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:13.607 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:13.627 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:13.639 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:13.709 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:13.722 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:13.832 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:13.998 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:14.021 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:14.024 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:14.038 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:14.049 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:14.056 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:14.086 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:14.090 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:14.121 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:14.149 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:14.168 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:14.192 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:14.197 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:14.220 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:14.229 D] 14:229 Trying to cast Death Strike (49998) on Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin reason DeathStrike RP: 5 (B:0 D:1 F:1 U:1)
      [09:35:14.253 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:14.281 N] 14:281 HP: 31% RP: 5 (B:0 D:1 F:0 U:0) Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin 3.03y 80% hp Death Strike (49998)
      [09:35:14.292 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:14.347 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:14.395 N] [BGFarmer] [HP: 30.2] Our Stats: [Killing Blows: 8] [Deaths: 1] [K/D Ratio: 8.0] [Damage: 7.0m] [Healing: 2.1m]
      [09:35:14.406 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:14.422 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:14.432 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:14.435 D] Active Enemies: 2
      [09:35:14.457 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:14.526 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:14.737 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:14.740 D] 14:740 Trying to cast Anti-Magic Shell (48707) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason AntiMagicShellHP RP: 25 (B:0 D:1 F:0 U:0)
      [09:35:14.764 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:14.777 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:14.824 N] 14:824 HP: 28% RP: 25 (B:0 D:1 F:0 U:0) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 28% hp Anti-Magic Shell (48707)
      [09:35:14.837 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:14.852 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:15.095 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:15.121 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:15.135 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:15.194 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:15.212 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:15.224 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:15.236 D] 15:236 Trying to cast Blood Boil (50842) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason BloodBoilWoD2 RP: 28 (B:0 D:1 F:0 U:0)
      [09:35:15.269 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:15.315 N] 15:315 HP: 29% RP: 38 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:0) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 29% hp Blood Boil (50842)
      [09:35:15.329 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:15.333 D] 15:333 Trying to cast Empower Rune Weapon (47568) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason EmpowerRuneWeaponWoD1 RP: 38 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:0)
      [09:35:15.351 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:15.362 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:15.362 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:15.379 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:15.380 N] 15:380 HP: 29% RP: 64 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:0) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 29% hp Empower Rune Weapon (47568)
      [09:35:15.390 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:15.393 D] 15:393 Trying to cast Lichborne (49039) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason LichborneHeal RP: 64 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:0)
      [09:35:15.420 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:15.463 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:15.465 N] 15:465 HP: 29% RP: 64 (B:1 D:1 F:2 U:2) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 29% hp Lichborne (49039)
      [09:35:15.477 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:15.566 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:15.659 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:15.680 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:15.697 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:15.782 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:16.039 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:16.252 D] 16:252 Trying to cast Death Coil (47541) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason LichborneHeal - Death Coil RP: 80 (B:1 D:1 F:2 U:2)
      [09:35:16.309 N] 16:309 HP: 26% RP: 50 (B:1 D:1 F:2 U:2) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 26% hp Death Coil (47541)
      [09:35:16.320 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:16.338 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:16.352 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:16.431 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:16.444 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:16.556 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:16.784 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:16.798 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:16.814 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:16.912 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:17.281 D] 17:280 Trying to cast Death Coil (47541) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason LichborneHeal - Death Coil RP: 54 (B:1 D:1 F:2 U:2)
      [09:35:17.313 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:17.327 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:17.353 N] 17:353 HP: 44% RP: 24 (B:1 D:1 F:2 U:2) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 44% hp Death Coil (47541)
      [09:35:17.364 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:17.377 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:17.392 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:17.440 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:17.454 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:17.467 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:17.478 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:17.581 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:17.637 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:17.648 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:17.660 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:18.339 N] 18:339 HP: 43% RP: 29 (B:1 D:1 F:2 U:2) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 43% hp Unholy Presence (48265)
      [09:35:18.355 D] 18:355 Trying to cast Strangulate (47476) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason StrangulateInterrupt RP: 29 (B:1 D:1 F:2 U:2)
      [09:35:18.520 D] Generating new path because we are not on the old path anymore!
      [09:35:18.520 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:18.523 D] 18:523 Trying to cast Strangulate (47476) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason StrangulateInterrupt RP: 0 (B:1 D:1 F:2 U:2)
      [09:35:18.556 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:18.560 D] Failed in InterruptCheck
      [09:35:18.594 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:18.595 D] Failed in InterruptCheck
      [09:35:18.632 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:18.635 D] Failed in InterruptCheck
      [09:35:18.688 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:18.690 D] Failed in InterruptCheck
      [09:35:18.740 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:18.740 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:18.741 D] Failed in InterruptCheck
      [09:35:18.760 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:18.772 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:18.773 D] Failed in InterruptCheck
      [09:35:18.807 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:18.808 D] Failed in InterruptCheck
      [09:35:18.840 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:18.842 D] Failed in InterruptCheck
      [09:35:18.863 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:18.875 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:18.876 D] Failed in InterruptCheck
      [09:35:18.908 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:18.909 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:18.910 D] Failed in InterruptCheck
      [09:35:18.941 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:18.954 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:18.955 D] Failed in InterruptCheck
      [09:35:18.983 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:18.984 D] Failed in InterruptCheck
      [09:35:19.015 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:19.016 D] Failed in InterruptCheck
      [09:35:19.043 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:19.208 D] 19:208 Trying to cast Strangulate (47476) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason StrangulateInterrupt RP: 4 (B:1 D:1 F:2 U:2)
      [09:35:19.220 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:19.232 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:19.233 D] Failed in InterruptCheck
      [09:35:19.236 D] 19:236 Trying to cast War Stomp (20549) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason AutoRacial: War Stomp Interrupt RP: 4 (B:1 D:1 F:2 U:2)
      [09:35:19.250 D] CastFailListUpdate 20549 - War Stomp (Can't do that while moving)
      [09:35:19.263 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:19.265 D] Failed in InterruptCheck
      [09:35:19.267 D] 19:267 Trying to cast War Stomp (20549) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason AutoRacial: War Stomp Interrupt RP: 4 (B:1 D:1 F:2 U:2)
      [09:35:19.276 D] CastFailListUpdate 20549 - War Stomp (Can't do that while moving)
      [09:35:19.287 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:19.976 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:20.134 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:20.146 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:20.157 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:20.252 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:20.268 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:20.573 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:20.585 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:20.596 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:20.687 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:20.699 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:20.859 D] 20:859 Trying to cast Blood Boil (50842) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason BloodBoilWoD7 NecroticPlague RP: 22 (B:1 D:1 F:2 U:1)
      [09:35:20.881 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:20.949 N] 20:949 HP: 42% RP: 32 (B:0 D:1 F:2 U:1) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 42% hp Blood Boil (50842)
      [09:35:20.962 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:21.033 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:21.051 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:21.065 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:21.147 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:21.158 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:21.932 N] 21:932 HP: 38% RP: 35 (B:0 D:1 F:2 U:1) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 38% hp Blood Presence (48263)
      [09:35:21.944 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:22.243 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:22.675 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:22.732 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:22.738 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:22.761 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:22.766 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:22.784 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:22.788 D] 22:788 Trying to cast Mind Freeze (47528) on Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin reason Mind Freeze Interrupt RP: 2 (B:0 D:1 F:2 U:1)
      [09:35:22.811 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:22.815 D] 22:815 Trying to cast Mind Freeze (47528) on Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin reason Mind Freeze Interrupt RP: 2 (B:0 D:1 F:2 U:1)
      [09:35:22.824 D] NotFacingUnitUpdate 47528 - Mind Freeze (Target needs to be in front of you.)
      [09:35:22.824 D] CastFailListUpdate 47528 - Mind Freeze (Target needs to be in front of you.)
      [09:35:22.835 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:22.838 D] 22:838 Trying to cast War Stomp (20549) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason AutoRacial: War Stomp Interrupt RP: 2 (B:0 D:1 F:2 U:1)
      [09:35:22.863 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:22.867 D] 22:867 Trying to cast Strangulate (47476) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason StrangulateInterrupt RP: 2 (B:0 D:1 F:2 U:1)
      [09:35:22.880 D] NotFacingUnitUpdate 47528 - Mind Freeze (Target needs to be in front of you.)
      [09:35:22.880 D] CastFailListUpdate 47528 - Mind Freeze (Target needs to be in front of you.)
      [09:35:22.892 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:22.895 D] 22:895 Trying to cast Strangulate (47476) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason StrangulateInterrupt RP: 5 (B:0 D:1 F:2 U:1)
      [09:35:22.918 D] 22:918 Trying to cast Strangulate (47476) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason StrangulateInterrupt RP: 5 (B:0 D:1 F:2 U:1)
      [09:35:22.938 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:22.941 D] 22:941 Trying to cast Strangulate (47476) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason StrangulateInterrupt RP: 5 (B:0 D:1 F:2 U:1)
      [09:35:22.961 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:22.965 D] 22:964 Trying to cast Strangulate (47476) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason StrangulateInterrupt RP: 5 (B:0 D:1 F:2 U:1)
      [09:35:22.999 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:23.003 D] 23:003 Trying to cast Strangulate (47476) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason StrangulateInterrupt RP: 5 (B:0 D:1 F:2 U:1)
      [09:35:23.033 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:23.038 D] 23:038 Trying to cast Strangulate (47476) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason StrangulateInterrupt RP: 5 (B:0 D:1 F:2 U:1)
      [09:35:23.059 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:23.063 D] 23:063 Trying to cast Strangulate (47476) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason StrangulateInterrupt RP: 5 (B:0 D:1 F:2 U:1)
      [09:35:23.089 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:23.093 D] 23:093 Trying to cast Mind Freeze (47528) on Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin reason Mind Freeze Interrupt RP: 5 (B:0 D:1 F:2 U:1)
      [09:35:23.117 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:23.120 D] 23:120 Trying to cast Mind Freeze (47528) on Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin reason Mind Freeze Interrupt RP: 5 (B:0 D:1 F:2 U:1)
      [09:35:23.143 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:23.147 D] 23:147 Trying to cast Mind Freeze (47528) on Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin reason Mind Freeze Interrupt RP: 5 (B:0 D:1 F:2 U:1)
      [09:35:23.159 N] 23:159 HP: 34% RP: 5 (B:0 D:1 F:2 U:1) Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin 3.01y 74% hp Mind Freeze (47528)
      [09:35:23.170 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:23.178 D] 23:178 Trying to cast Death Strike (49998) on Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin reason DeathStrike RP: 5 (B:0 D:1 F:2 U:1)
      [09:35:23.203 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:23.249 N] 23:249 HP: 41% RP: 25 (B:0 D:1 F:1 U:0) Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin 4.56y 67% hp Death Strike (49998)
      [09:35:23.261 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:24.002 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:24.192 D] 24:192 Trying to cast Death Strike (49998) on Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin reason DeathStrike RP: 28 (B:0 D:1 F:1 U:0)
      [09:35:24.216 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:24.255 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:24.257 N] 24:257 HP: 48% RP: 48 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:0) Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin 2.33y 64% hp Death Strike (49998)
      [09:35:24.273 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:24.331 D] StrafeRight to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:24.331 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:24.344 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:24.344 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:24.354 D] StrafeRight to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:24.452 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft, StrafeRight
      [09:35:24.452 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:24.466 D] StrafeRight to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:24.516 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:24.527 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:24.615 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:24.630 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:24.690 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:24.729 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:24.740 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:24.851 D] StrafeRight to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:24.870 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:24.884 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:24.954 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:24.967 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:25.202 D] 25:202 Trying to cast Death Coil (47541) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason DeathCoilHeal RP: 53 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:0)
      [09:35:25.221 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:25.255 N] 25:255 HP: 43% RP: 23 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:0) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 43% hp Death Coil (47541)
      [09:35:25.266 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:25.323 D] StrafeRight to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:25.338 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:25.350 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:25.433 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:25.447 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:25.801 D] StrafeRight to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:25.818 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:25.831 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:25.927 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:25.942 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:26.102 D] Active Enemies: 1
      [09:35:26.173 D] Dispel Delay Milliseconds = 111
      [09:35:26.174 D] Interrupt Random Value = 63
      [09:35:26.266 N] Burst Mode is OFF
      [09:35:26.266 N] Burst Mode Activated On Cooldown
      [09:35:26.336 D] StrafeRight to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:26.362 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:26.377 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:26.470 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:26.772 D] StrafeLeft to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:26.793 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:26.809 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:26.901 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeLeft
      [09:35:26.956 D] 26:956 Trying to cast Unholy Presence (48265) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason UnholyPresence RP: 29 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:1)
      [09:35:26.999 N] 26:999 HP: 41% RP: 29 (B:0 D:0 F:0 U:1) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 41% hp Unholy Presence (48265)
      [09:35:27.987 D] 27:987 Trying to cast Scourge Strike (55090) on Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin reason ScourgeStrikeWoD12 RP: 3 (B:0 D:1 F:0 U:1)
      [09:35:28.043 D] StrafeRight to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:28.066 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:28.067 N] 28:067 HP: 40% RP: 13 (B:0 D:1 F:0 U:0) Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin 1.27y 67% hp Scourge Strike (55090)
      [09:35:28.078 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:28.152 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:28.165 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:28.277 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:28.719 D] 28:719 Trying to cast Strangulate (47476) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason StrangulateInterrupt RP: 15 (B:0 D:1 F:0 U:0)
      [09:35:28.734 D] CastFailListUpdate 108194 - Asphyxiate (Invalid target)
      [09:35:28.751 D] StrafeRight to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:28.757 D] 28:757 Trying to cast Asphyxiate (108194) on Lvl 100 Alliance Mage reason Asphyxiate Interrupt RP: 15 (B:0 D:1 F:0 U:0)
      [09:35:28.767 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:28.782 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:28.794 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:28.815 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:28.863 D] 28:863 Trying to cast Asphyxiate (108194) on Lvl 100 Alliance Mage reason Asphyxiate Interrupt RP: 18 (B:0 D:1 F:0 U:0)
      [09:35:28.878 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:28.896 D] 28:896 Trying to cast Asphyxiate (108194) on Lvl 100 Alliance Mage reason Asphyxiate Interrupt RP: 18 (B:0 D:1 F:1 U:0)
      [09:35:28.935 D] 28:935 Trying to cast Asphyxiate (108194) on Lvl 100 Alliance Mage reason Asphyxiate Interrupt RP: 18 (B:0 D:1 F:1 U:0)
      [09:35:28.966 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:28.971 D] 28:971 Trying to cast Asphyxiate (108194) on Lvl 100 Alliance Mage reason Asphyxiate Interrupt RP: 18 (B:0 D:1 F:1 U:0)
      [09:35:28.998 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:29.004 D] 29:004 Trying to cast Strangulate (47476) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason StrangulateInterrupt RP: 18 (B:0 D:1 F:1 U:0)
      [09:35:29.026 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:29.029 D] 29:029 Trying to cast Strangulate (47476) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason StrangulateInterrupt RP: 18 (B:0 D:1 F:1 U:0)
      [09:35:29.040 N] 29:040 HP: 33% RP: 18 (B:0 D:1 F:1 U:0) Lvl 100 Alliance Mage 20.43y 65% hp Asphyxiate (108194)
      [09:35:29.052 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:29.052 D] MovementMoveStop Enemy Behind
      [09:35:29.074 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:29.128 D] MovementMoveStop Enemy Behind
      [09:35:29.151 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:29.208 D] MovementMoveStop Enemy Behind
      [09:35:29.228 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:29.415 N] [BGFarmer] [HP: 33.2] Our Stats: [Killing Blows: 8] [Deaths: 1] [K/D Ratio: 8.0] [Damage: 7.4m] [Healing: 2.3m]
      [09:35:29.426 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:29.426 D] StrafeRight to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:29.439 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:29.454 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:29.547 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:29.563 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:29.584 D] StrafeRight to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:29.596 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:29.608 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:29.634 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:29.702 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:29.717 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:29.759 D] StrafeRight to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:29.759 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:29.771 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:29.783 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:29.785 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:29.803 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:29.805 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:29.814 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:29.825 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:29.826 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:29.847 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:29.849 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:29.863 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:29.878 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:29.880 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:29.906 D] StrafeRight to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:29.906 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:29.907 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:29.923 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:29.935 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:29.937 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:29.961 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:29.964 D] Waiting for DeathStrike
      [09:35:29.973 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:29.984 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:29.986 D] 29:986 Trying to cast Blood Presence (48263) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight reason BloodPresence RP: 21 (B:0 D:1 F:1 U:0)
      [09:35:30.009 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:30.028 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:30.043 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:30.087 N] 30:087 HP: 20% RP: 21 (B:0 D:1 F:1 U:0) Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 0y 20% hp Blood Presence (48263)
      [09:35:30.125 D] StrafeRight to 4, range <= Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      [09:35:30.125 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:30.141 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:30.176 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:30.247 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: StrafeRight
      [09:35:30.289 D] MovementMoveStop range <= 3
      [09:35:30.803 D] MovementMoveToMelee Lvl 100 Alliance Paladin
      I deleted Interupt spaming in logs because of 30000 Char limit
      Last edited: Feb 9, 2015
    10. Huzuu

      Huzuu New Member

      Dec 13, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Is it normal to loose Instanlty 20 fps when i start the bot ? In first place i was able to bot in raid. Now its no more posible cuz i drop under 10fps on burst/adds phase. When i press my pause key, my fps intantly raise over 40. Hardlock Disable - Softlock Enable. Like i said its awful. Press start = -20fps. even in Bg/arena/Dongeon/Raid/World. it would be better to say that i cant bot anymore. its still posible but its like running a 1990 computer.
      Last edited: Feb 9, 2015
    11. geo

      geo New Member

      Dec 14, 2013
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      i saw it spamming blood boil on iron maidens while i had set AoE on 5 enemies. Had to set it to 1. Paid version.
    12. Huzuu

      Huzuu New Member

      Dec 13, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      encounter the same problem. set it to 4+ but still see alot of BB on exemple : Iron maiden - Hans'gar.
      Last edited: Feb 9, 2015
    13. Supranium

      Supranium New Member

      Nov 12, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      AOE on paid version is now totally broken. Its spams BB even on single target and theres no way to turn it off now....
      Fix asap please!

      Besides, no one should ever use BB on 2 targets. Anything less than 3 targets is dps loss
      Last edited: Feb 9, 2015
    14. Ultro

      Ultro New Member

      Sep 2, 2013
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      Help me setting frost death knight pvp. Please.
    15. Wannbe

      Wannbe New Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      unless i turn it to AUTO it spam bloodboil even on 1 target , also i get as Huzuu said huge fps loss when i enable the rotation i go from 90/100fps to 30 when i unpause the routine even out of combat
    16. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      Sometime, CR still cast Blood Boil if you are about to use Empower Rune Weapon, that make sure no Rune wasted before you refill it fully with that 5 min cooldown spell.

      There maybe something else make it use Blood Boil but I need a log :D
    17. Supranium

      Supranium New Member

      Nov 12, 2010
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      I always cast my Emp Rune Weapon manually. I have it unchecked. So this is not the case for me.
      Please restore the option to disable AOE until you have fixed the issue with FPS drops and auto AOE.
    18. tuanha

      tuanha Well-Known Member

      Nov 29, 2011
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      If you set AoE to 1 Target, that mean AoE disable...

      I've update new version that more easy to understand on this issue :D
    19. Wannbe

      Wannbe New Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      and if you set it to 4 target it spam bloodboil even on single target got it?
    20. paulmuadip

      paulmuadip New Member

      Mar 7, 2013
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      why u dont use 2 configs as workaround.... one with 1 Target - one with more then one - load wished one with hotkey you wish and everything is fine....


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