Hey guys which char should i start as my next char? i think about Paladin Warlock... he should get fast leveled up without heirloom items.. and the char will be a farmer later
I would personally go for a paladin as i really enjoy them at high end gaming, but warlock is just the same, once you get in the swing of things it is really good fun! Go for paladin though, self healing is a big +!
Affliction lock has assloads of self healing too. I'd go for warlock, since the skillcap is way higher, and I'm kinda prejudiced against lolwtfbubble paladins.
So thanks.. the posts are 2x pala 2x warlock i think i will go for paladin and second warlock i cant do much wrong if everybody spells pala and wl thx mates. just startet him before hit lvl 9 allrdy on a new server hope it will go in 2-3 weeks on 85 another question could you give me a talent tree which is good for leveling? prot or retri ?
i readed somewhere if i dont have good equip prot. and good equipped i should choose Retri ? so i am new to this server and not that good equipped does it matter?
Paladins look really cool.. but during Cataclysm beta I decided to check out some classes and I was extremely confused. I never understood what to use and I was just hitting random spells hoping I would kill something.
I have both and prefer the warlock over the pally. I'm not crazy about the pally's spells and rotations now, its pretty boring. They're both great for not dying while botting though.
Because you asked about starting a paladin or warlock. Its relative.. and I was saying its confusing. Warlocks are fun . but i'm a pet collector and whatnot so the pet is a drag, for a farmer the pet is helpful
hmm i thought about herbing/mining no need for pet.. just question for getting fast high lvl to get farmer
haha yes ;D but i thought pala would be better for me.. my dk sucks and i dont like him .. average equip but dies quite too much in grinding profiles against same lvl mobs just because of 1 add