works great thanks! ran it for 8 hours overnight, and woke up with 25 coins in my bags AutoAngler 2.135: In 0 days, 8 hours and 12 minutes we have caught AutoAngler 2.135: Enormous Crescent Saberfish x815 AutoAngler 2.135: Enormous Fire Ammonite x210 AutoAngler 2.135: Fire Ammonite Bait x1 AutoAngler 2.135: Burnt Clump x187 AutoAngler 2.135: Crescent Saberfish x840 AutoAngler 2.135: Fire Ammonite x222 AutoAngler 2.135: Fire Ammonite Lunker x29 AutoAngler 2.135: Tentacled Hat x1
is it possible that you can get lunkers in your garrison's lava? or the upper part of your garrison's lava, because the one you have on your profile uses that open field lava where everyone passes by. this is the other lava area where to get lunkers, and it's safer. (left side of the pic)
yeah i'm horde also, i got ganked by a rogue and warrior a few hours ago, and saw a druid and a warrior fishing in the same area.
noone said it was your fault, im just saying that it's not phased..??? and giving you suggestion for more safer areas.... lol
Correct me if I'm wrong; bought this profile on Buddystore this morning and it states that it is a phased profile, however it is not. Are there phased zones in Shadowmoon Valley that I am unaware of? EDIT 1: judging from where I am fishing it could be zoned. Its just near garrison, how far does the zoning extend from garrison? EDIT 2: definitely not phased, just had two players on top of me.
Noticing the same - lots of activity around... definitely not zoned (at least not on alliance). Would this not work within the Garrison, does it have to be outside in a different zone?
As far as I know lunkers cannot be fished inside the Garrison. Would be amazing if that wee the case however. The next update has a few more versions added for each faction.
If i buy this product would it be possible to get the xml for this? I use arelog and arelog does not work with the store so i have to manually always start the bots that need profiles from the store?
Yeah, you are telling the wrong person. Contact the Buddy staff if you have complaints about the store. If you have further questions, Add me on Skype at ProLeveling.