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  • [PAID] BGFarmer - An Advanced Battleground Bot Base

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Store Botbases' started by Millz, Aug 16, 2014.

    1. Ognisty

      Ognisty New Member

      Jan 18, 2015
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      One more thing Millz, In Ashran location 52.59 there is a tree stump and every time BGF is going there to loot it, but it has a hard time pass the stump.
    2. quel

      quel Member

      Oct 19, 2010
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      Disable it, and in your CR as well you it got the option for it. Personally I'm not using it.
    3. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      IoC is on my list to improve. SotA is coming along pretty good, still some bits of logic I want to improve, then I'll look at IoC.

      That's your combat routine, not BGFarmer.

      The 'searching for a fight' will move you to the enemy base - and engage in combat on the way. You wouldn't really want to disable that as that's how you'll get a tag on the end boss for your conquest points (if you win).

      Millz' standard response for more information.

      Thank you for taking the time to report an issue! This response is due to either (or all) of the below missing, required information.

      - Description of a specific problem
      Provide a concise description, with as much detail as possible of what went wrong. Dramatic emotional references about the issue help convey your level of satisfaction, but this is a support thread, used to resolve issues and improve performance. Keep posts focused on detailing the circumstance you encountered and information on how it may be improved. Posts containing profanity or derogatory terms will be reported.

      - Complete log file attached
      Attaching a log file to the post is your way of indicating the issue is important to you. If it is missing, I assume the issue is not a big deal and I focus my efforts on reports from users that did provide a log file. I am not asking for you to determine whether you think a log file is necessary - I am letting you know that it is required for any issue you would like me to research. Log files must be full, and unedited. Ref: How To Attach a Log

      - Time the problem started
      A finite moment and specific moment in time something occurred. I need for you to indicate the instant you noticed the problem occur. That requires a time such as "14:53:02" or "Start of fight against boss X" or "Boss X around 50% HP". It is fine to lists multiple occurrences, but each should be a single instant/moment in time. This information is critical, especially in cases where you are posting about something that did not happen (did not cast Fire Blast for example.) If you find yourself wanting to say "Always" or "Everytime" then please re-read this paragraph until you no longer want to.

      Thanks again for your post! - Millz

      What happens, just constantly runs into the stump? Have you got a log file please?
    4. buduser

      buduser New Member

      Jan 2, 2015
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      Question and Suggestion..

      Question - I don't know if this is coming from BGFarmer or from the CR -- but in Ashran yesterday I noticed my character consuming expensive potions from my bags (health pots, buff potions). Just checking this isn't a setting I missed in BGFarmer. I do have it set to get and use food buffs, but not seeing options for pots. I use Tuanha for CR.

      Suggestion - is there anyway for this to navigate the character to Ashran from the Garrison (or from wherever it is) rather than requiring I already be in Stormshield?

      Thank you
    5. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      BGFarmer won't use potions - that must be the CR.

      Not much need to force it to fly around the map to get to Ashran imo. Set the bot to queue for ashran, click start, then jump on the flight path to stormshield/warspear and once it gets there it'll take over.

    6. TheShadow12

      TheShadow12 New Member

      Nov 30, 2014
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      I am unsure if this is an issue but I've seen the following two issues so far:

      1) During the Gilneas BG, the bot just likes to camp the Light House... It says in the log it goes where there is a lot of team presence. If you have other bots in the battleground with you, they all congregate at the LH. Can you please add options to avoid certain bases so that we can create some random behavior?

      2) See #1. It does the same thing in Arathi Basin, they all congregate on the stables.
    7. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      That can be disabled under the 'BG Specific' tab in the GUI :)
    8. lckwjl

      lckwjl New Member

      Jun 4, 2012
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      I cant figure out which log I had to show this, but when I was in Ashran it was trying to go to events/pickup stuff on the ground even though I was dead. Would love to see ashran work as it is a HUGE way to get geared super fast.

      I am gearing my mage with bgfarmer for now and I was wondering if you were using portal movement or bgfarmer movement. Right now I have all the movement stuff minus targeting on bgfarmer.
      Last edited: Feb 10, 2015
    9. e46ad

      e46ad Member

      Apr 18, 2014
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      Hey does this Loot corpses in AV ?
    10. xruefulxstarx

      xruefulxstarx Member

      Oct 17, 2012
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      At the start of each BG it will take the mage food and then when the bg starts it just spam eats it, I do not think it was doing it from the start is started happening while I was out I think so I just deleted the food at the start of the BG's in the last few of the log

      Attached Files:

    11. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      For the dead bug -> Post a log file please.

      How To Attach a Log

      I use BGFarmer's movement and move in combat enabled.

      It does :)

      Thanks for the log, will get this fixed.
    12. saven

      saven Member

      Sep 24, 2010
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      I noticed that it will camp out in the tower in arathi basin it will camp out. Not good. But great bot.

      Attached Files:

    13. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hey - Do you mean Alterac Valley?

      It will defend towers until they're captured (that's how you win the game) - but you can disable it using the 'BG Specific' tab in the GUI.
    14. moonchild

      moonchild New Member

      Oct 18, 2014
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      What happened to the Botbase? The Bot won't fight as much as before......he's still riding next to enemys without attacking, runs away from an attacking Base.....and so on. Before everything was fine. He still riding to a base which is under fire and when we're close enough to strike, he rides away to another base. I turned Domination off, but same Problem.
    15. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Millz' standard response for more information.

      Thank you for taking the time to report an issue! This response is due to either (or all) of the below missing, required information.

      - Description of a specific problem
      Provide a concise description, with as much detail as possible of what went wrong. Dramatic emotional references about the issue help convey your level of satisfaction, but this is a support thread, used to resolve issues and improve performance. Keep posts focused on detailing the circumstance you encountered and information on how it may be improved. Posts containing profanity or derogatory terms will be reported.

      - Complete log file attached
      Attaching a log file to the post is your way of indicating the issue is important to you. If it is missing, I assume the issue is not a big deal and I focus my efforts on reports from users that did provide a log file. I am not asking for you to determine whether you think a log file is necessary - I am letting you know that it is required for any issue you would like me to research. Log files must be full, and unedited. Ref: How To Attach a Log

      - Time the problem started
      A finite moment and specific moment in time something occurred. I need for you to indicate the instant you noticed the problem occur. That requires a time such as "14:53:02" or "Start of fight against boss X" or "Boss X around 50% HP". It is fine to lists multiple occurrences, but each should be a single instant/moment in time. This information is critical, especially in cases where you are posting about something that did not happen (did not cast Fire Blast for example.) If you find yourself wanting to say "Always" or "Everytime" then please re-read this paragraph until you no longer want to.

      Thanks again for your post! - Millz
    16. squigglydelay

      squigglydelay New Member

      Sep 7, 2014
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      Hi, is there anyway to download/import chat config? It's a bit dull to have to configure all myself >.<
    17. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I haven't provided config for chat as everyone using the bot will start saying the same stuff. When you fill it in yourself then chances are yours will be different :)
    18. squigglydelay

      squigglydelay New Member

      Sep 7, 2014
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      I see your point
    19. iwe

      iwe New Member

      Jul 25, 2014
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      Is it only for me the bot actully tries to run away from events in Ashran? For example if it's AoA in 2minutes the bot just runs around trying to find enemies instead of going to the event and staying there. I'd love if the bot was just going to the events and when they are done finding enemies to fight or whatever

      For example this is in 1 minute of BR when i'm standing at BR;
      [BGFarmer] Re-Checking POI. We've had it for 172.8747403 seconds.
      [BGFarmer] Unable to find a unit to attack. Let's go and look for a fight.
      [BGFarmer] Re-Checking POI. We've had it for 3.2563858 seconds.
      [BGFarmer] Unable to find a unit to attack. Let's go and look for a fight.

      (Runs away to find a fight)

      I've checked settings and can't really find something about it either. I got "Go to events" on etc.
      Last edited: Feb 11, 2015
    20. warlande

      warlande New Member

      Jun 12, 2013
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      i have 2 problems

      my character turns round to go repair a Ashran .... I am horde rating
      [20: 12: 18,061 D] Activity [BGFarmer] Mount Up!
      [20: 12: 18,139 D] Low FPS (Lag) Scale Down Performance 00: 00: 01.1000000
      [20: 12: 18,139 N] 18: 139 HP: 100% RP: 0 (B 0 D: 2 F: 2 U: 2) Lvl 100 Deathknight Horde 0y 100% hp Horn of Winter (57330)
      [20: 12: 18,157 N] Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Hong Airsquat
      [20: 12: 25,337 D] Generating new path Because We Are not on the old path anymore!
      [20: 12: 25,652 N] Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Hong Airsquat
      [20: 12: 34,767 D] Loading Draenor_39_23
      [20: 12: 34,888 D] Successfully generated path from {4899,049, -4197,683, 37.29174} to {4962,698, -4117,335, 44.3079} in 88 milliseconds
      [20: 12: 34,890 D] Activity: Loading Tiles
      [20: 12: 35,281 N] Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Hong Airsquat
      [20: 12: 36,352 D] Loading Draenor_40_23
      [20: 12: 36,420 D] Successfully generated path from {4877,512, -4209,218, 34.03644} to {4962,698, -4117,335, 44.3079} in 56 milliseconds
      [20: 12: 36,890 N] Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Hong Airsquat
      [20: 12: 43.525 N] [BGFarmer] Facing nearest 'enemy player at 76.9yds.
      [20: 12: 43,849 N] Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Hong Airsquat
      [20: 12: 46,978 N] [BGFarmer] Facing nearest 'enemy player at 49.3yds.
      [20: 12: 47,044 N] Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Hong Airsquat
      [20: 12: 50,171 N] [BGFarmer] Facing nearest 'enemy player at 55.7yds.
      [20: 12: 50,245 N] Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Hong Airsquat
      [20: 12: 53,230 N] [BGFarmer] Facing nearest 'enemy player at 54.6yds.
      [20: 12: 53,460 N] Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Hong Airsquat
      [20: 12: 56,600 N] [BGFarmer] Facing nearest 'enemy player at 55.6yds.
      [20: 12: 56,672 N] Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Hong Airsquat
      [20: 12: 59,806 N] Stopping the bot!
      [20: 12: 59,806 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
      [20: 12: 59,808 N] [BGFarmer] Stopping BGFarmer!
      [20: 12: 59,808 N] [BGFarmer] Sessions This Totals - [Won: 0] [Lost: 0]
      [20: 12: 59,810 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detaching Chat Handlers
      [20: 12: 59,810 D] Clearing POI - Reason Bot stopping "

      Then sometimes my character is stuck, honorbuddy is blocked, and I can not do anything CTRL ALT DEL apart

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