Hello! I didnt undrestand - if i have 8 alt on one server - does this bot can complete all garnisons (ore\herbs\prof and other) on all alts one-by-one with auto relog? On video i can see that you using HBRelog - but with time "30 minut" - it is fixed time? i cant select "relog after all done"?
good morning! Time is NOT fixed, you can enter any HIGH enough value to let the alt complete all tasks, after he's done the butler will inform hbrelog and hbrelog will log in the next char in the task chain! works perfectly for me...
nice. and one more question - does bot can do all "prequest" (for open 1lvl garden and mine)? or does exist any profiles for this, or i must manual do this on all characters?
Bot still has issues navigating the War Mill, seems to get stuck in walls and trying to reach the work order guy from the outside sometimes.
Hi, We haven't been communicating a lot the last week but we are still alive and working on the product. It feels like we were cursed on this mission feature, Justin had to take a few days for work when we started, then it was my turn and finally Justin got seriously ill for more than a week. You know the kind of sickness that sticks you to the bed and take every ounce of energy out of your body and brain... Anyway, we are stubborn. We won't quit cause life is throwing rocks at us! Right now we are fixing a few things on the reward engine for the upcoming mission feature and we dropped all the other enhancement until this feature is out. I will take the time in the next days to reply to all your messages and support you with the same quality that you trusted us with when joining the community. Long live HB, long live the Butler!
Guys Kick has the opening quests coming along, if you have his SVN... \Kicks Profile Pack + Goodies\Questing Profile Pack\Reputation\WoD\Garrison Quests\[H - Quest] Garrison 100 [Kick].xml Kind of like an all in one that completes things that need to be done in your garrison at 100. I have not run it yet, but he is definitely working on it as it has had updates recently..
After reading about this issue with archaeology fragments I took one of my toons to learn it. When I look in the archaeology screen it doesn't show any fragments. So I'm puzzled.
I have an issue that has come up several times. While milling Wow gives the error "Requires 5 Fireweed". When I look in my bags there is one stack of less than 5 but there are other stacks of more than 5 that could be milled.
Ohh shoot, you just close the offer, i was using the trial for few days, can I still get an offer price?
Just to be 100 % clear about this archeology problem. In order to not get stuck, I should learn archeology (only need to have lvl1)? . This way ,I will be able to use fragments when I reach the limit. Correct? But then, correct me if I'm wrong. If you do not learn archeology, fragments don't even appear in mines right? , I'm pretty sure they don't . So why train archeology in first place? Was I clear?
you will run in the same problem if you use a macro to mill things.... this is a bag stack problem... only possibility to clear it is to restack items in bags.... no you will also loot fragments without archeology learned.... so you have to go to stormshield - buy this roll for 100 gold to learn archeology (so you can level till 700 archeology) - or go to spires or somewhere else and learn archeology for 20silver and use the fragments... i would prefer the 100g possibility.... regards...
It isn't a problem for the TSM addon. So there seems to be some way of dealing with the stack issue that GB isn't using.
Who sells these rolls? thought i needed to be archeology 575 to be able to unlock draenor archeology?