running this on my 75 war and perfect. dies a few times but only when he pulls way to many. thx! great profile/
Been running this profle since lvl 68. At first my rogue died ALOT but I did some quests and updated my gear abit and after that it was great. Now im lvl 71 and the xp/h has been at a steady 150k with minimum deaths. Running shadowstrike4 CC.
thats why you should adjust the protected items list at your needs... not everything can be covered. btw: nice profile, thx
The 75-77 in Zul'Drak isn't working so well, when it tries to vendor and repair it goes to an npc named Aiden Steeleye, which is not a vendor and cannot repair. Then it proceeds to sit there until I manually run it to a vendor and sell the stuff myself, then restart HB. A log has been attached.
Updated: Removed ammo vendors from the list, should fix issues with toons getting stuck trying to repair. This might cause repair issues in some zones... Please post if your toon can not find a repair npc.
Just did 71-72 in a few hours, and intend to be 80 by the end of the week - Protection Paladin -315,000 exp/hour - Rested - Thanks for this profile!
@Killalots How do you get your XP/Hour so high? I was rested and I only got 150K/Hour Rested on a Warlock.
I turned off Looting and got it to peak at 380,000 exp/hour - Rested - Protection Paladin I have several BoA items and what not. EDIT: It's now been 3 days and am at 78 - Doing about 6 hours a day or so and an instance (That I control) - Zul'Drak was smooth, and am now in Sholazar Basin. My target will most definately be achieved.
Dude..........Why do you have it run through Buncha Elite Alliance areas ? seriously wtf.......... :\
why would you at all make it even go near wintergaurd keep ? Im Sure your toon wasnt Elite enough to Live. lol
ahh man this is really getting to aggravate the fuck out of me............HB used to be good. Now nothing fucking works. Always dies here or dies there wont run to bod here........either that or fail profiles. =/ Where did the good HB go