Load that fishing profile, with PB. It took me to Nightmarsh, never dismount it and it has been running around in circles, and nwo it is going back and forth in Plains of Serenity, I am in SMW, is this the right zone?
Okay, to be clear PB = Professionbuddy QB =Questing Bot GB2 = Gatherbuddy N = Neutral factions meaning both Horde and Alliance can use it. Can you be more specific on the fishing profile you are trying to use? Which one? There a few in there. Also to use the Nat Pagle one you need to have AutoAngler2 botbase installed in HB. It's free. make sure pool fishing is diabled in the settings before using it. If you need more help shoot me a message on Skype at ProLeveling.
How many of Gatherit's profiles exist in this? I'm trying to decide between the two packs and I can't pick D:.
Yup took a temp detour away from them because I had them about half done but i ended up loosing all my data in a hdd crash.
Think you will like what i made the detour for though Changed gears to push out a crazy seires of packs for Achievments / Mounts / Titles / Rep
Bone collector V3, what's the GPH of this profile with just vendor items + bones itself, before selling Leather/Fur.
Does Pull More settings matter with this profile, TuanHA doesn't have "Pull More" like Singular does it?
coursr a matter of opinion honestly you're going to like some you're not going to like others me personally I don't like toJuana