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  • [PAID] #DeathKnight

    Discussion in 'Death Knight' started by tolraucion, Jan 27, 2015.

    1. crappybotter

      crappybotter New Member

      Oct 20, 2014
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      Appears to continue to use Bone Shield, but runetap is done manually.
    2. b3rz3rk

      b3rz3rk Member

      Dec 3, 2011
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      Thank you for the quick reply. I am raiding normal BRF today, I'm trying to run it with defensive cooldowns on atm. Will try again without on sundays raid and see how it goes. However I'd like to give you huge thanks for this, great DPS and great routine overall :)
    3. urmumzzz

      urmumzzz Member

      Apr 28, 2014
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      So I tested this for a while, and I got a few suggestions/requests, I'm not sure what you're working on right now, or if you even agree with them, but I feel like I should at least give you some insight on my findings. Incoming wall of text, sorry about that.

      -Automatically use DPS trinkets
      For those trinkets that pretty much count as cooldowns, maybe you could add a checkbox to use them with your cooldowns. If it's too hard to figure out which trinket the player is using (in case it isn't a dps one or something), maybe just add a checkbox for trinkets the player wants to use on cooldown (Trinket 1, Trinket 2?)

      -Specify what cooldowns are used automatically
      It bothers me a little that some of my cooldowns are used automatically without my input, Defile is the major offender of this, I rather use it myself most of the time. Maybe add a button next to the DPS cooldowns setting, that opens a window to select which spells are used on cooldown, that would be a good idea imo. Not sure if you want to do this, since you want to keep this a simple to configure routine.

      -Sliders for defensive cooldowns
      I normally prefer using my defensive cooldowns by myself, and just leave Death Pact for the routine to handle. However, on this routine, I can only enable the survival cooldowns option, and there's no way to configure which ones are used or how. The same thing I suggested for DPS cooldowns would apply here, a button by the option that opens a new window with advanced configurations would be nice to have.

      - Stop for x miliseconds on keypress
      A routine has this option that is very appreciated on my end, and probably by other people that want to use this for raiding. Sometimes, you want to be able to step in and do your own choice, override the next global cooldown usage without having to spam the living hell out of the keyboard and maybe have it not go through. This option would be pretty cool imo, but maybe not entirely necessary.

      -Single hotkeys for toggles/spell usages
      As of right now, I can't configure the routine to use a single key for a toggle or Defile. I'm not sure this is intentional, but if not, maybe this could be arranged :)

      -Option for random interrupt timer
      For the extra safety/human feel. Having a way to set a random interrupt timer based on the spell cast helps make the routine more "human-like", so that people don't think you're using any external help. Maybe 2 boxes where you define the minimum and maximum cast % the routine should interrupt on? Example, minimum box has 40, maximum box has 60, routine will always interrupt the target when the cast time is between 40% and 60% completed, as opposed to immediately when it starts (note: I haven't tried to use the auto-interrupt yet, but in case it already works like this, disregard this part)

      And the most time-consuming suggestions:
      -Auto AoE detection
      Not having to toggle aoe usage is always a nice feature. If you're concerned about when people want to burn a single thing down instead of AoEing, maybe the hotkey could be changed from "Doing AoE rotation" to "Burn target even on AoE situation". It's just a big quality of life improvement, imo :)

      You're probably already decided on doing this or not at all, but I guess it never hurts suggesting it :)

      That's about it from what I tested and felt like could use some tweaks, hopefully you'll agree with some of the stuff I wrote :) Thanks for reading

      I'm still on the trial period, but very inclined to buy it right now, as it has made great progress in a short amount of time and you put a lot of dedication into it. Thank you once more, and best of luck.
    4. crappybotter

      crappybotter New Member

      Oct 20, 2014
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      Should the CR be using FS at 30+ seconds so often? Seems to be a big waste of runes? Maybe I'm wrong.

      Edit: Talking about necroblight rotation.
    5. tolraucion

      tolraucion Community Developer

      Jan 9, 2011
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      Woah, lots of feedback, thanks! Let me take them one at a time ^_^

      Auto trinket usage is coming, I just wasn't able to get it into the latest version. So keep a look out!

      I doubt that you will ever be able to specify specific cooldowns to use or not use. It adds a lot of confusion and makes support very difficult. Why do you want to use defile manually? Have you tried it with the new detection I added last patch? I've been hearing good things about it.

      Same thing as above, this likely won't happen. I wouldn't even recommend enabling auto survival cooldowns at all, but some people hate doing them by hand. If you want to be the best raider possible, do all survival cooldowns by hand. They work best when preventing damage, not when reacting to damage already taken.

      I am open to this one, but my guess is that you're trying to solve something else using this. What are you tying to pause the routine to do?

      This is something I'm looking into for future updates. I know it's possible but I'm not sure the timeframe on it or the pitfalls. For instance, if you set defile to "D" then you may not be able to use the letter "d" when chatting. Again, I'm not sure about that but I'm looking into it.

      I can add an auto random to interrupts, but it won't be an option. There isn't a benefit to it being an option.

      This is already the case. If you want it to automatically switch between AoE and single target, then leave AoE enabled. #DeathKnight knows when it needs to switch ^_-

      This will be coming with the basic movement patch in the future. However, it will be tied to movement directly so you likely won't want to use it in raids.

      I'm glad it's working out for you and I hope you stick around.

      Yeah, it's supposed to keep NP near max until it can last past UB's cooldown. Then it should switch to SS spam. I believe that's how it works currently.
    6. urmumzzz

      urmumzzz Member

      Apr 28, 2014
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      Good to know, I'll never have to keep an eye on my trinket cooldown again :p

      I tried it on bosses that don't move around that much (Butcher and Kargath), so I couldn't really tell, but I'll take your word for it. I normally like to use Defile manually because I always have a good idea of when movement is going to happen, and I'm not too sure how the routine will perform in those situations, the ones I tried before always cast it right on top of where the boss is standing when it's off cooldown, even if it's moving at that time, which kind of bothers me, since that's lost DPS, but like I said, I'll take your word for it and will test it out more in different fights :)

      This is true, like I mentioned, I normally just let the routine use Death Pact for me, everything else I cast manually, but I think you're right on this one, I do like to be independent and have more control over defensive cooldowns, so I can't really argue with your decision there.

      This would be mainly because of Defile, like I mentioned previously, I do like to cast it myself and not let it up for the routine to decide when and where. But like said above, I'll test the movement detection and see if there's a real need for this or not.

      My suggestion to go around that would be having it only activate single hotkeys when you're in combat with something, since I don't think anyone chats during combat anyway :p I'm not sure how or if this is possible since I'm not familiar with the Honorbuddy API.

      Have to agree with you, there's no real benefit in having it as an option. My main concern is having it look like as human as possible, so I guess anywhere between 20-80% is alright, instant interrupts are just a no-no (it actually wasn't me, but my guild actually thought someone was using a bot in one of our mythic runs, since someone was interrupting stuff lightning fast)

      Good point, didn't think of it :p Guess I'll just leave the AoE rotation on at all times, thanks for the tip!

      That's a shame, auto-facing is actually useful sometimes, but I can live without it.

      Will do, and hopefully giving as much feedback as possible :) Tonight is raid night, so I'll test out some more stuff and see if anything else pops up that I could suggest improvements on. Thanks for responding, cheers
    7. tolraucion

      tolraucion Community Developer

      Jan 9, 2011
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      #DeathKnight waits till the end of casts to interrupt, that way you don't use it when someone else was going to. It also helps your raid since bosses don't normally attack while casting, so waiting till the end actually reduces outgoing damage.
    8. urmumzzz

      urmumzzz Member

      Apr 28, 2014
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      That's also good to know :)

      Would just like to add, I've been using it with Enyo, and right now, it's not stopping when the rotation is toggled off (on Enyo), so it keeps attacking. It's showing this error when attacking after being toggled off in Enyo: [00:22:50.003 N] #DeathKnight: Buddy.Coroutines.CoroutineUnhandledException: Exc - Pastebin.com

      Also, when stopping Honorbuddy after the first start, Honorbuddy will start acting weird and hang, and won't work anymore until WoW and Honorbuddy are restarted. HB was just updated a while ago, so I'm not sure if it could be related to that.

      Oh one more thing, what do you recommend I run for TPS on Enyo? I've been using 25, but it feels like sometimes it takes a bit to use a skill after GCD is done, so I'm not sure if it's actually doing it on purpose or a tick issue.

      I'll come up with more if I find out anything :)
      Last edited: Feb 13, 2015
    9. tolraucion

      tolraucion Community Developer

      Jan 9, 2011
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      Thanks for the report, #DeathKnight doesn't use the methods Enyo does for toggling combat on and off, so it won't work. You could use HB's pause feature (dropdown next to Stop -> Pause)

      As for the crash, it happens to me sometimes too, I am not sure what the root cause is. If you task manager kill HB then you don't need to restart WoW. I'm keeping an eye out though, but it's not super high priority.

      TPS is going to be based on your specific comp. With that being said #DeathKnight does hold runes for other events, so it's not always going to cast as soon as the GCD finishes.
    10. Wannbe

      Wannbe New Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      i would really like to use empower rune weapon manually while letting the routine use the others cooldown ,it often use it during heroism causing the rune/runic power to overcap
    11. btwrestle04

      btwrestle04 New Member

      Aug 23, 2014
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      Having a difficult time being able to cast Gorefiend's grasp while routine is running. Maybe add it as a hotkey rather than pause the routine?
    12. odano1988

      odano1988 Member

      Oct 22, 2012
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      is this pve routine only?>
    13. geo

      geo New Member

      Dec 14, 2013
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      if there are 2 or 3 targets around my target , will it spread diseases with blood boil ?
      Last edited: Feb 14, 2015
    14. tolraucion

      tolraucion Community Developer

      Jan 9, 2011
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      Yeah, this can be done. I was unaware this was on the GCD as I don't use it myself. I'll try and get that into the next version
    15. geo

      geo New Member

      Dec 14, 2013
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      still orc racial not being used for me.
      pause key needs to be implemented.
      cant just stop and close hb after using this cr, wow crashes or sth...
    16. tolraucion

      tolraucion Community Developer

      Jan 9, 2011
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      Do you have DPS Cooldowns enabled?
      Why do you want a pause key?
      I am aware of this issue but I don't know of the root cause yet. I'm working on it though.
    17. geo

      geo New Member

      Dec 14, 2013
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      yes cds were enabled. it uses every other one except racial. i will try to get a log later today if you cant figure it out till then :)

      pause key , cause i like to pause routine and not dps in case some1 pulls by mistake. its quality of life, i dont need it, but i do want it.

      ok and thanks for quick replies.
    18. tolraucion

      tolraucion Community Developer

      Jan 9, 2011
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      That's odd, I'll do some research, maybe I have an ID that's wrong.
      EDIT: I think I found the issue, can you set DPS Cooldowns to "Always" and try it on a dummy? If that works for you then it will be fixed in the next version.
      In the next version Enyo's pause key works again, would this fix your problem or do you need one specific to #DeathKnight?
      Thanks for the feedback ^_^
      Last edited: Feb 16, 2015
    19. urmumzzz

      urmumzzz Member

      Apr 28, 2014
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      It would for me :3

      Also, one more thing I noticed, the hotkeys for Defile don't seem to be working very well, at least not on my end. I tried with Shift+7 and CTRL+7, and pressing the combination, or even holding the combination didn't cast Defile most of the times, which is odd. I'm not sure if you noticed this yet.

      Like other people said, Gorefiend's Grasp can only be cast on GCD too, so a hotkey for that would also be nice. Or like I suggested in the other post, maybe a "Pause for x miliseconds on manual cast" option would be great too, TuanHA had that and I always liked the feature, I'd love it if #DeathKnight had it too, since it does the rotation much better than TuanHA :)

    20. geo

      geo New Member

      Dec 14, 2013
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      no orc racial still not working, set to always on dummy.
      no enyos would be fine please, cause most are used to it.

      View attachment 6280 2015-02-16 21.25.txt

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