undead quest order does most quests will be updated frequently as i go along please post reports and enjoy updated now quests to lvl 6 skipping 1 quest + class quest
im goofing around with it now Im trying to create my own, is there a way to make it do the "talky" quests like The Wakening? The Wakening - Quest - World of Warcraft You have to talk to each of them and tell them something, much like "TalktoandListentoStory" im guessing?
Exactly like TalktoandListentoStory! It was broken in this release but I think nat has a working one.
Just happen to be i'm working on the same and it is about finished. (needs a bit more testing for other classes though, and is semi afkable). I _think_ TalkToAndListenToStory is deprecated. This is what i use and it works perfectly. PHP: <PickUp QuestName="The Wakening" QuestId="24960" GiverName="Valdred Moray" GiverId="49231" /><If Condition="HasQuest(24960)"><CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="24960" GossipOptions="1,1" MobId="49230" X="1729.826" Y="1668.427" Z="127.948" /><CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="24960" GossipOptions="1,1" MobId="38895" X="1729.826" Y="1668.427" Z="127.948" /><CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="24960" GossipOptions="1,1,1" MobId="49231" X="1729.826" Y="1668.427" Z="127.948" /><TurnIn QuestName="The Wakening" QuestId="24960" TurnInName="Caretaker Caice" TurnInId="2307" /></If> Hope it helps. Edit: Sorry for pumping up an old threat, didn't see. It was still in the first page.