Ok i´m testin right now with sefless healer. But why inst Word of Glory activated in his CR Saving file? Is there any idea behind?
WoG is fine as well, and I use it occasionally. It's just rare (for me) to: Have one person low enough to benefit from a WoG, but the rest of the raid is topped-up, and I don't have 1-3 stacks of SH for a fast Flash Heal, and Holy Shock or IoL Holy Light aren't available The biggest issue with Selfless Healer is that it's not "free": you literally end up with too many things to do and bump your head, and your output is eventually throttled because you're basically burning a GCD every few seconds on Judgment. Under those circumstances, I have a hard time justifying WoG when there's a bunch of other things I could do that work nearly as well and don't gobble up my Holy Power. That said, I play with a weird group that lacks the usual "top-up" healers (Druid, Monk, etc.) so I see a lot less overheal from LoD than most people. I also have the 2pc T17 but not the 4pc (yet), so that also factors in. EDIT: I just saw your edit. I'm not certain why it's not activated in his settings, but I would imagine that it's just to simplify things. When I have LoD and WoG both activated, it's rare that the CR satisfies the conditions to cast WoG. If you like Light of Dawn as a spell (and I realize that a lot of people have hated it ever since ToT), Selfless Healer puts it back in your toolkit, so you might as well use it.
I couldn't agree more with what you have said. I wanted to try EF because that's where I always see big numbers on others but no matter what adjustments I made to the settings I could never match the numbers even with better gear. From world of logs I see pallies around 679 or so pulling 59k HPS with EF, I can't get anywhere close to those numbers with EF or SH.
Level 100 Dwarf Paladin | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory my set at the raid today
Ret CC is still using seal of righteousness on 2 targets, it needs to be changed so it only switches on 3. It is a dps loss to use SoR on 2 targets. This has been said time and time again.
I have it set at Auto, and he doesn't need a log for something that has been posted about 30 times in this thread.
Except this CR doesn't weave seals and doesn't smartly track dots across different mobs, so this argument is invalid.
Lol that's the main point of Combat Routines. It does the work for you. I still do use certain abilities manually. Like Hand of Protection until the recent update that is. But Hand of Sacrifice too. Theoretically you shouldn't have to manually do anything besides move and target.
No, just because your suggestion is not fast enough... lol I'm joking but it will be there on next few hour update
Version 6.0.5528 More customized setting on Hand of Sacrifice, Hand of Protection, Hand of Freedom, Lay on Hands Add option Holy Radiance only During Infusion of Light Proc Add separate setting for Holy Radiance and Holy Light with or without Infusion of Light
I have been testing the updated CR in LFR just now on a 678 Holy Paladin with 8/10heroic BRF. The Update is great concerning the hand spells! but I have 2 major problems with it: Holy Light (basically an old problem) The routine casts Holy Light as a filler (HealFiller HolyLight) Example: [16:56:25.816 D] 25:815 Trying to cast Holy Light (82326) on Lvl 100 Horde Priest reason HealFiller HolyLight UnitIllumitatedHealing Mana 137214 HolyPower 2 HolyPowerMax 5 I understand that it does that because of the shield from Illuminated Healing buff. But on longer fights like Heroic Blast Furnace, Mana management is a really important issue! So, can we please have an option to deactivate Holy Light as a filler? I would greatly appreciate it, as i have to deactivate holy light alltogether for those fights. Holy Radiance (new since last update) The routine casted Holy Radiance with nobody being under the set threshold! I activated Holy Radiance on Procc with 5 people below 45% [17:10:04.568 D] 04:567 Trying to cast Holy Radiance (82327) on Lvl 100 Horde Paladin reason HolyRadianceProcExpiring Mana 108439 HolyPower 2 HolyPowerMax 5 [17:10:05.458 N] 05:457 HP: 100 % Mana: 61 (3 HP) Lvl 100 Horde Paladin 0y 100% hp Holy Radiance (82327) Please look into this. I am attaching a log and if needed i can upload my settings!