I am in professionbuddy, and loading the alliance fur farm profile, press start and nothing happens... Am I doing something wrong?
this farming blood is fantastic! Question: when mob is grab to other player my pg go to attack beast, is possible add this check? and when other player have trapped beast bot stopping.... Is only for me this issue or other have this ??
starting the bot ...after a while bot going to stop on it self!!!and the error is: bot stop,reason is: nothing more to do!!! what is the problem? any one knows?
Not entirely sure what you're saying, something's lost in translation... sorry Do you want the profile to stop when someone else traps or keep going if someone else traps? Which profile? If it's the garrison daily you need to be in the garrison when you start it, if barns are you sure you're running them under questbot? You want to wait more between pulls? Turn the waittime up to 15000 which is what I generally use (though 10000 is good for 90% of people).
Hello, when i try to start the profile: " [Garrison] Barn - Savage Blood + Feasts (Tramplers) (A)" im getting this errormessage after pressing start. Bot stopping! Reason: Couldn't parse the behavior name "" in "DisableBehavior" tag. Line: 36. Valid values are: Death, Combat, Loot, Vendor, Roam, Pull, Rest, FlightPath, All. These values can be used together seperated by a comma (,) Suggestions?
Kell90 Its right on the first page if you missed it, the alliance has a correction you need to edit and change yourself atm..
my problem is it switches too quick it doesn't seem to get beast low enough to get it catched;( for the rest it works good just everytime i got to do the last bit of dps myself;( so cant afk
Trying out the Alliance nagrand fur profile and working great cept it keeps ending up near the horde base and engages in pvp on the guards
Try adding a blackspot + avoid mobs for the base. I personally tried it and had no success with it as it still wanted to go near. All I can say is start it away from the base. If you know any profile writing you could add a range condition combined with a MoveTo to get it there if it's 100 yards away when the profile is started or whatever.
Is there a chance that this profile will ever become fully afk? I know there are problems with melee and combat routines, but on my rogue I have to guide it through almost every fight. Not just the named ones that it is said to have problems with. The problem is usually you are too close, or too far away from the mob. You keep having to pull back or forward, or just pause and kill the mobs yourself. But no matter what, it is great profile, I love not having to manually ride too and from these quests, so thanks for your hard work!
I haven't found any way to change Singular's combat range, only suggestion I honestly have is try a different class, though it did it fine on my enhancement shaman.
I just thought I would try and help with the problem on my Alliance rogue. I did the profile today, let it pick up my 3 quests and see what happened. I have attached the log. 1. It found and picked up the 3 quests fine, I started in my garrison. 2. For some reason it flew to Shadowmoon Valley first, then to Nagrand, where previously if I first picked up the quests myself, it would auto fly directly to Nagrand. 3. It got to Nagrand and went to Karak first, which two of my three quests were for. When it got there, it mounted and engaged him, but got too close to use any abilities. It was also showing crazy lag like side to side movement whilst trying to engage him. The same happened with the second mount and second quest to kill him. 4. After pausing to do the kill twice myself to complete the quests I resumed and the bot made his way too Maimclaw. On the way there, he got stuck in my Nagrand zonal building (i picked the siege engine). It was walking against a wall behind two of them. I moved him out and resumed again closer to Maimclaw. 5. He made his way to Maimclaw and defeated him fine, avoiding his ability, but again often being too close and unable to fight properly. I just wondered if the log tells you anything more to improve your profile. Also, is there a way to use a specific water mount on the way to Maimclaw like the strider or turtle? Thanks.