Im trying to make a profile that grinds mobs in a specific area. When I press start, it stops withing a few seconds saying profile complete... Code: [02:57:49.574 N] Profile completed [02:57:49.574 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:Profile Completed Heres the profile... Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Profile> <KillRadius>100</KillRadius> <GrindAreas> <GrindArea name="Eastern_Thanalan"> <Hotspots> <HotSpot Radius="100" XYZ="308.8225, -14.41338, 149.5513"/> </Hotspots> <TargetMobs> <TargetMob name="Golden Fleece"/> </TargetMobs> <MinLevel>49</MinLevel> <MaxLevel>62</MaxLevel> </GrindArea> </GrindAreas> <Order> <If Condition="not IsOnMap(145)"> <TeleportTo Name="Camp Drybone" AetheryteId="18" /> </If> </Order> </Profile> Where did I screw up?
You also need to include a grind tag in the order subsection of your profile. Look at the code for another profile to see what I mean. Right now the only order you're giving the bot is to teleport. Once it does that it thinks the profile is complete because that's all you've told it to do.