Hi, this is the first plugin in my "toDo-List" still learning and try to find more info's. What this Plugin will do : it Picks up a configurable selection of normal items while Farming, Maping or grinding, wich will be chanced later on Townruns. Settings: Just add the Itemtype you want to chance inthe Textbox and click Add. To remove an item just doubleklick on the Name in the list. no need to explain "clear" i would say. to Sell all those resulting Magic and Rare crap your standard Item-Filter should jump in. thats it, Druzil
Will give it a go. Sounds excellent! So I take it with your wording we do not need to configure item filter to pick them up, the plugin does that for us?
Ok so after I remembered I needed to input the items into the settings, started working fine. Did as was meant to. However, when I stopped the bot and ported back to town, after a bit I reenabled the bot in town, at which point it went through it's checks before departing, of which it went to the vendor first and sold the white items it was suppose to chance. I'm going to see if it does this again and report back.
Ok so after I remembered I needed to input the items into the settings, started working fine. Did as was meant to. However, when I stopped the bot and ported back to town, after a bit I reenabled the bot in town, at which point it went through it's checks before departing, of which it went to the vendor first and sold the white items it was suppose to chance. I'm going to see if it does this again and report back. Ok so yeah, even though I have chances left in stash, it is still selling majority of items before going to stash to chance them. Would it be best to set ER up to carry the chances? Is that what you have?
ExampleRoutine, but it's not handled by the routine he means setting things up to "save" chance orbs in inventory.
Hard coded paths are evil =) Looking for 'ChanceItems' rather than 'ChanceItem' - took me a while to figure out why it was chucking loads of errors on startup, but adding a single 's' to directory fixed it all. Thanks for this one, I am sure it will come handy.
So I've done some more testing, I'm still running into the situation where he is not chancing after porting back, just vendoring the whites. I even had a stack of chance orbs in my inventory. Going to try and exclude the weapons from vendoring list and see if that helps get it to work.
So, first time I ran it, it picked up to test slaughter knife's and one test occultist's vestment as it was supposed to; however, it vendored all three items upon returning to the hideout.
Yeah running into the same issue. Hoping we can get the plug in working as bulk chancing is a great way to score the rare uniques. I've found chance orbs are in a decent abundance too.
Gavel => Mjölner == mine ... yeah it works ! hmm, right now i cant retrace your issue, havent had it myself yet. gonna put some more debugging and research ito it.
the only thing that can conflict with jyam's AdvancedItemFilter is the Pickup-itemfilter (for chancable items) that is implements in ChanceItems. Currently i dont even know if EB supposrts multiple Itemfilters, or how to detect and call previous existing ones.
Wait, nvm there's a conflict, obviously it would be nice to have the integration of this part : Code: if (item.Rarity == Rarity.Normal) if (ChanceItemsSettings.Instance.ItemsToChance.Contains(item.Name)) { Log.InfoFormat(string.Format("[ChanceItems]Chanceable item found : {0} ", item.Name)); return true; } in Jyam's plugin, or even merge the 2 projects ! and add a checkbox so people have the choice to enable chancing part