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  • Simcraft Implemented, a Raidbot Derivate with Integrated Combat

    Discussion in 'Botbases' started by Kane49_2, Feb 15, 2015.

    1. darkshadow210

      darkshadow210 New Member

      Aug 21, 2014
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      downloading profiles and cut and pasting the stuff inside the bot made simcraft folder.

      when i try to start bot or reload while it is searching for profiles it throws an error. "unhandled exception"

      any tips?

      edit: found the problem i copy pasted and renamed a .simc so i could add my own and it seems it broke it somehow

      edit again: its something im writing in the profile for my hunter that is breaking it. just copy and pasted simcraft
      Last edited: Feb 26, 2015
    2. EMIHM

      EMIHM New Member

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Having the same problem, try to select a profile, go to click accept and it shows an Unhandled exception error.
    3. rimdab

      rimdab New Member

      Oct 2, 2011
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      1. Download Simcraft bot and put it in honorbuddy/bots folder
      2. Create folder named Simcraft Profiles in honorbuddy folder (so it looks honorbuddy/Simcraft Profiles)
      3. Download Profiles and extract them in Simcraft Profiles folder.
      4. Run hb and select Simcraft Impl as botbase and click start. A popup will come, select your profile and keybinds and click save.

      That should be all..

      For sv hunters, I've made my custom profile and if you want to test it here is it NEED TO FIX IT - extract it and put it in Simcraft profiles folder and backup original one first.
      Last edited: Feb 28, 2015
    4. EMIHM

      EMIHM New Member

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Yes rimdab, that is everything I've already done, Balance druid seems to work fine with the default profile and by importing one from Simc. On my rogue tho, neither the original nor imported profiles work, all give the error.
    5. darkshadow210

      darkshadow210 New Member

      Aug 21, 2014
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      its the import own character sim that is screwing it up.

      If i have all the stock ones it works but when i copy paste my own toons simcraft it throws the error when i try to load any of them

      emih try getting rid of the imported one in your profile folder
    6. rimdab

      rimdab New Member

      Oct 2, 2011
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      My combat rogue works fine with default profile.
    7. EMIHM

      EMIHM New Member

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Okay, yeah default works fine now, still can't import one from SimC, importing gives you the error, not sure why.
    8. rimdab

      rimdab New Member

      Oct 2, 2011
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      A log could help you :)
    9. EMIHM

      EMIHM New Member

      Sep 12, 2014
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      That would be useful if it would show anything.

      Edit: Okay I have found why SimC Combat imported settings crash, same with Assa. There's a pre-combat line for applying poisons, in the default profile it is cancelled out by having ''#'' infront of the line, when you import it from SimC, it does not have that.
      I assume this happens because the bot doesn't support pre-combat actions yet, so either double check every pre-combat line and add ''#'' where needed or delete it altogether. I assume this happens to the Hunter profile and such as well.
      Last edited: Feb 26, 2015
    10. darkshadow210

      darkshadow210 New Member

      Aug 21, 2014
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      im pretty sure i deleted all those lines of code but if yours is working maybe i missed some.

      thanks ill give it a shot
      yea still getting error after deleting stuff and adding #

      heres the mini log :
      Starting the bot!
      Currently Using BotBase : Simcraft Impl
      Current zone is Lunarfall (Lunarfall - Zone - World of Warcraft)
      <9:17 PM>:Loading configuration
      <9:17 PM>:Failed to load configuration, creating default configuration.
      Changing current profile to Empty Profile
      <21:17>:Compiling Action Lists
      <21:17>:Invalid Spell: summon_pet, skippings
      <21:17>:Invalid Spell: auto_shot, skippings
      Last edited: Feb 26, 2015
    11. EMIHM

      EMIHM New Member

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Yeah double check it with the original profile, bit hard to find one missing / added letter tho. Also for Combat rogues, if you want to have full control over Blade Flurry then you can delete the BF line in the code and won't have to worry about the bot auto popping BF, especially since it doesn't disable it.
    12. joejoe317

      joejoe317 New Member

      Jan 2, 2011
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      no i turn off aoe on single target.
    13. darkshadow210

      darkshadow210 New Member

      Aug 21, 2014
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      lol i derped it. fixed the profile with ur suggestion but didn't delete the old troublesome one without the changes
    14. EMIHM

      EMIHM New Member

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Haha glad it worked for you as well!
    15. Kane49_2

      Kane49_2 New Member

      Jun 13, 2012
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      If you get an exception when compiling its probably because of an API i have not yet implemented, there should be an error text in either the Honorbuddy Text Window or under the Details Button in the Error box.
      If you tell me what it is ill try and fix it :)
    16. EMIHM

      EMIHM New Member

      Sep 12, 2014
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      I have found that with the cooldowns disabled, it still uses all the CD's, tested on rogue currently. It used KS, AR, Vanish and Preparation.
    17. Jerf

      Jerf New Member

      Nov 24, 2012
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      Hi Kane,

      Started looking into this tonight as it looks like what I've been hoping to see for a long time (especially in the vein of being able to customize the rotation).

      In fact, I've already donated as a thank you :)


      3 bugs, 3 questions, 7 suggestions (some easy, some hard, not all expected at least not too quickly)and 1 set of DPS reports comparing to Singular and Tuanha:



      * When pressing "Stop" (semi-intermittent ... didn't always happen if I performed rotations for a bit during my tests below) on the bot it then asks me to re-select a combat routine (Singular or Tuanha) as if I had started Honorbuddy. If I select one it loops. If I cancel then the bot just works. The same dialog pops up when closing Honorbuddy completely. But this is relatively minor as I can use Execution to stop the bot. Just a bit messy. Would be handy to be able to stop this bot and swap to another bot without needing to close Honorbuddy and restart it.

      * Confirming the previous comment from EMIHM that the Cooldown hotkey isn't working. With CDs disabled it still fires Avenging Wrath. For now I'll cut it out of my profile.

      * Similarly, when I disable AOE, Divine Storm still gets used when the free ones proc. I'm guessing your version of "no AOE" is to disable the AOE rotation and use the single target rotation even when multiple targets are nearby. However for a lot of fights where AOE is bad we really need AOE abilities flagged and turned off. So you might not consider it a bug in which case transfer this to a feature request :) I'll need to use Tuanha in those fights for now.



      * "Burst" is disabled. "Cooldowns" would seem to be where I would go for burst damage. What is the difference and why would Burst not be configurable?

      * While I have Avenging Wrath (wings) up, I see my Potion hotbar button constantly flicker as if the bot is trying to use it, but the Pot is never consumed (which is fine with me, I like to use those manually). Once Wings is over, it stops flickering. Just wondering what is going on at that point?

      NOTE: Turns out this was probably an issue with my custom profile using Simulationcraft export of my character as the default profile did consume pots on cooldown. Something I will remove from my profiles manually unless a configuration option is added (see suggestions below) to disable consumable usage even when it is in the default profile.

      * (I'm sure someone other than Kane can answer this) ... I'm still fairly newb with Simulationcraft. What do I need to do to customize my optimal rotation/priority (ret paladin) in Simulationcraft, or does it simply do this during the import phase? I'm not sure if I need to manually run changes to the rotation to see what works best via trial and error or if it can do the job automatically. The default routine is very good, just wondering if there is a way to optimize based on individual character stats.


      Suggestions (focused mostly on configuration/hotkeys):

      * The bot turns on Mouse movement by default (most likely Honorbuddy does this by default, but bot bases like Enyo allow you to turn this behavior off). A configuration option to disable Mouse movement would be appreciated.

      * The bot is working (well) for me. However the key configuration is a bit messy. On my screen via "Bot Config" I can only see the first 3 or 4 letters of each key. Expanding the size of that field display would be very helpful.

      * I find the bot firing off Rebuke on cooldown (and this is on a training dummy, so it definitely isn't reacting to casts). Obviously part of the Simulationcraft rotation and I'll take it out manually. Would be nice to have an option like AOE/Cooldowns that disabled interrupts/etc so that we don't need to edit the Simulationcraft exports.

      Note: This was a behavior in the default Retribution profile as well as my own export. Probably a good thing to remove it from the default profile whenever you get the time.

      * Some intelligence around when to interrupt would be welcome as well, that is the one situation I am seeing right now where I may switch to Tuanha on some fights. But that may get too far into bloating the bot compared to what you want it to do. Just disabling interrupts (prior suggestion) allows us to keep them from going on cooldown for no good reason, but making them actually useful would be even better. Perhaps there is a way to code the Simulationcraft export profile to cast interrupts on specific mob casts (for instance, Blackrock Barrage on Oregorger, etc). Or maybe there is a plugin we could rely on and simply disable interrupts from this bot?

      * It would be very welcome to have an option for consumables (potions/flasks) similar to a configuration option for Interrupts so that even if they are in the Simulationcraft export we can tell the bot to ignore them. Just to make use of the default Simulationcraft export without edits more viable.

      * One of the handiest things I find with Tuanha is the hotkeys for changing profiles. I know we can do the basics of this with the AOE and Cooldown keys but I keep various profiles that do things like disabling interrupts, doing interrupts on focus targets, seal swapping (or not), etc. Any chance of a profile manager set up like Tuanha where we can assign profiles to hotkeys? Especially if you incorporate the interrupt option above.

      * Similar to having hotkeys for profiles, it would be great to be able to assign a default profile that is loaded automatically to avoid the selection screen if we choose. We'd then need a "load" button on the Bot Config menu that would be the same number of steps, but only needed when we want to get away from our default profile (and if hotkey profile loading were added, it would make having a default profile even more useful since we have an easy way to switch them at that point).


      Ret Paladin DPS Comparison vs. Tuanha and Singular

      Ret Paladin DPS testing Round 2

      <>6 min rotation (3 full cycles of Avenging Wrath), Single Target (+Divine Storm procs) on Garrison <Damage> Training Dummy

      Buffs: 200 Str Flask, Blessing of Kings

      Item Level 679
      Mastery: 1160
      Crit: 669
      Haste: 711
      Multistrike: 512
      Versatility: 1009


      * Simcraft SW+ES+FV - 23.2K DPS (Custom import from Simulationcraft and default profile performed virtually identically)

      * Tuanha SW+ES+FV - 22.6K

      * Singular SW+ES+FV - 21.7K DPS

      Bot Base for Tuanha & Singular: Enyo, Hard lock, 30 ticks/sec
    18. Tappedout

      Tappedout New Member

      Oct 18, 2012
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      I am curious, if I sim my character how do I in return import those results? I am confused, I am not familiar with coding etc etc.

      nevermind from what I browsed we just run a sim and take that wall of text and import it using like notepad + .......is that correct?
      Last edited: Feb 27, 2015
    19. rimdab

      rimdab New Member

      Oct 2, 2011
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      Try again, I've fixed that, I think :D
    20. Kane49_2

      Kane49_2 New Member

      Jun 13, 2012
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      Yo, thanks for the donation :)

      1. The Botbase disables the previously loaded Combat Routine and replaces it with Null One, once you press stopdepending on the previously loaded Routine i may be able to remove that behavior.
      Unfortunately some Routines still handle Events and stuff even if i dont pulse them which could lead to undefined behavior.

      2. The Cooldown and AOE disable hotkeys set variables that you can use in the Simulationcraft Routine, you can check for aoe_disabled or cooldowns_disabled in conditions to see wether ist been toggled (personally i also added a weakauras in my Client to Show an Icon wether ist toggled). The Default profiles and Simcraft imported ones don't do that, you Need to modify the profile yourself

      3. When you Import your character simcraft decides on the optimal (at according to simcraft) Rotation for you with Support for all talents wether you have them or not.

      4. Mouse Movement is a honorbuddy Thing, i will probably disable it by Default.

      5. Ill expand the Combobox, its from a time where you could only use A-Z

      6. I consider the configuration Options to be inside the Profile itself, you can easily modify the Profile to not Interrupt by Commenting out the line with a #.
      I understand that some People just want to download the Default Profile and go, i will provide modified Action lists to my liking for classes i actually Play (Rogue and Warrior) and if someone makes a decent one for another class i will happily include those as well but I am not willing to bloat up the configuration window with things that can be done through profiling.

      7. Interrupt logic should also be a Profile Thing, iam however willing to provide new apis as needed so if you want to know which spell the current enemy is casting inside the Profile conditions i will gladly add that.

      8. See 7 and 6 ^^

      9. Profile hotkeys seem okay, however if you look through a Profile you can see there is an API for call_action_list that allows you to encapsulate an entire tree of behaviors.
      It would probably be better to allow hotkeys for arbitrary variables so you can use that variable inside the Profile and use it to check wether it should execute a tree.

      10. Default profiles are a great idea, the button to reload the lists on demand already exists

      Somehow i missed 2 questions:

      The Potion Thing is weird, the potion get used but the Interface does not realize this and doesnt start the cooldown, the Server knows that i was used though and doesnt let you use a second one.
      Burst is a pvp Thing where you have very specific times as to when to use cooldowns, for pve you mostly want to use them asap and just disable them when you dont.
      Last edited: Feb 27, 2015
      Jerf likes this.

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