Hi i would create a profile for farming the hunting log. but atm i´m stuck at the tp to the next hunting location. thats for the first rank the first mobs to farm. but he farms the mobs for ever. next step would be
Post your full profile rather then snippets, it could very well be something outside of these snippets you gave us that is causing the issue.
Code: <Profile> <Name>Hunt: Gladiatior</Name> <KillRadius>50</KillRadius> <!--> Grind Areas <--> <GrindAreas> <GrindArea name="Gladiator_1_0"> <Hotspots> <HotSpot Radius="80" XYZ="172.7345, 48.45842, 236.334" name = "Gladiator_1_0" /> </Hotspots> <TargetMobs> <TargetMob Id="49" /> </TargetMobs> <MinLevel>1</MinLevel> <MaxLevel>50</MaxLevel> </GrindArea> <GrindArea name="Gladiator_1_1"> <Hotspots> <HotSpot Radius="80" XYZ="6.28313, 0.0650, 255.6241" name = "Gladiator_1_1" /> </Hotspots> <TargetMobs> <TargetMob Id="262" /> </TargetMobs> <MinLevel>1</MinLevel> <MaxLevel>50</MaxLevel> </GrindArea> </GrindAreas> <Order> <If Condition="not HuntRankCompleted(ClassJobType.Gladiator,1)"> <If Condition="not HuntEntryCompleted(ClassJobType.Gladiator,1)"> <If Condition="not IsOnMap(135)"> <TeleportTo Name="Moraby drydocks" AetheryteId="10" /> </If> <Grind grindRef="Gladiator_1_0" PostCombatDelay="5" while="not HuntEntryCompleted(ClassJobType.Gladiator,[COLOR="#FF0000"]0[/COLOR])" /> </If> <If Condition="not HuntEntryCompleted(ClassJobType.Gladiator,2)"> <If Condition="not IsOnMap(141)"> <TeleportTo Name="Black Brush Station" AetheryteId="53" /> </If> <Grind grindRef="Gladiator_1_1" PostCombatDelay="3" while="not HuntEntryCompleted(ClassJobType.Gladiator,[COLOR="#FF0000"]0[/COLOR])" /> </If> </If> </Order> </Profile> Thats the profile. i change the red number to 0. but now he port to the first aetheryte and then to the 2nd and stop.
You have the same conditions for both Grind tags. Set the second one to not HuntEntryCompleted(ClassJobType.Gladiator,1).
worked so far. if i continue the profile like this should i use ongoing numbers for the next grindRef things?
so the profile is ready but i have a problem that he is farming the first mobs you need from Hunting Log rank 1 Gladiator 10 if you have the secound mobs already done. maybe someone has an idea how to fix this so the bot stop when the Rank 1 Hunting log is done. Profile is here
so atm i go the problem that the Code: <Grind grindRef="Gladiator_3_0_0" PostCombatDelay="3" while="not HuntSubEntryCompleted(ClassJobType.Gladiator,0,0)" /> is not working when it´s already done in the hunting log. he don´t switch to the next location or the next Code: <Grind grindRef="Gladiator_3_0_1" PostCombatDelay="3" while="not HuntSubEntryCompleted(ClassJobType.Gladiator,0,1)" /> don´t know why it is so but maybe someone can explaine it. if you need something else let me know it
You need to explain what you want it to do. We don't know what you want it to do, so we don't know how to fix it. Are you sure you want to be using HuntSubEntryCompleted?
i want to that Rebornbuddy farms the mobs for the hunting log for the gladiator on rank 3. the first entry consists of 2 mob types to hunt so i thinks it´s HuntSubEntryCompleted indeed of HuntEntryCompleted or am i wrong?
so here is my profile and my log. i have done the complete rank 2 hunting log. on the screenshot you can see i have done rank 2 and he also have done Gladiator 22 and 23 so it´s in my profile. that worked without problems. Btw sorry if i´m asking stupid questions. i´m learning this atm for myself so sorry and thanks for the help
I'm not 100% sure the log entries have been implemented, or if they have been, I don't know what to pass for the item argument. from reborn console: Code: ClearLog(); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { Log("{0}: {1}", i, ConditionParser.HuntEntryCompleted(ClassJobType.Gladiator,i)); } result: Code: 0: False 1: False 2: False 3: False 4: False 5: False 6: False 7: True 8: False 9: False 10: False 11: False 12: False 13: False 14: False 15: False 16: False 17: False 18: False 19: True 20: False 21: False 22: False 23: False 24: False 25: False 26: False 27: False 28: False 29: False 30: False 31: False 32: False 33: False 34: False 35: False 36: False 37: False 38: False 39: False 40: False 41: False 42: False 43: False 44: False 45: False 46: False 47: False 48: False 49: False My gladiator log is up to rank 5. It also doesn't make sense that entry 19 would be completed if 0-9 aren't.
Hmm, well there is 50 hunt marks to go after in each Log, but like you said its very odd that 7 and 19 return true while the rest return false, unless its not what we think. As far as what your asking BigBudda, Looking through the log you provided I see no errors just hat you pressed the stop button, everything else seems to be doing whats intended. Though A suggestion would be to make sure that you are using the correct numbers for your HuntEntryCompleted, it might be a issue you can always run the code in the console and see if it returns true or false. Its a little hard to see whats going on in your profile mainly because I am not 100% sure how the numbers correlate to the hunt log ranks, and is also the reason I think it may be a issue. I'll do some testing myself and see if I can find anything out about it
I don't know why 19 is returning true. To my knowledge, it's implemented in the following way: HuntEntryCompleted takes values 0-9 for the current rank. To check what rank you are on, check HuntRankCompleted. For entries with multiple subentries, check HuntSubEntryCompleted (which I believe is 0-based but I don't recall). Therefore, a profile would be structured as follows: Code: If not HuntRankCompleted(Gladiator, 0) If not HuntEntryCompleted(Gladiator, 0) Grind Glad_0 EndIf If not HuntEntryCompleted(Gladiator, 1) If not HuntSubEntryCompleted(Gladiator, 1, 0) Grind Glad_1_0 EndIf If not HuntSubEntryCompleted(Gladiator, 1, 1) Grind Glad_1_1 EndIf EndIf etc through 9 EndIf etc through 4 I honestly haven't looked through the updated profile to see if I can see what's wrong, I haven't had a chance. But maybe this will give enough understanding for the author to figure it out.
thanks you 3 guy´s for writing back. i try it tommoror if i have time with your example kagamihiiragi17 wasn´t at home this weekend so can´t do anything on the profile.
Figured out how the condition parser methods work. You can only check the current rank of a hunt log. HuntRankCompleted starts at 1 for rank 1. HunkEntryCompleted is 0 based, and only 0-9 are applicable since you can only check the current rank for that class.