Which ones? Well I think u mean some of the cooldowns? If yes... I'm working on boss related usage but that's a bit tricky abs should still be used on your own (at least in brf)
hello BB bug in rotation for some one boss in foundry i active all alt q and alt f i select 2 adds. Iron maiden . if you focus sorka BB dont work your rotation dont spamm BB, if you focus Marak and Garan its ok. The blast furnace if you focus add your BB dont work i spam a long to fight. Kormog BB dont work to. he dont work the hands phase. Hans’gar and Franzok i spam BB he dont work in mutli. Beastlord Darmac dont work i spam BB. View attachment 3384 2015-02-18 20.36.txt
I think maybe the setting for Death Strike usage just isn't working right. Right now, it's like it's set to 100% even though I have it set to 76%. All it does is create a lot of overhealing, because it uses Death Strike at the wrong time. Maybe you could see if the new logic ignores the % we have death strike usage set to? I tried deleting my settings but nothing changed. Before, it was working amazingly for me survivability wise and I was ranking extremely high on warcraftlogs' new survivability measurements based on how much external healing you needed compared to the raw damage you were taking. Thanks I don't know if you want a log, but here it is anyways so you can see it just spams death strike when I'm full hp. (attacking a training dummy) View attachment 2872 2015-02-18 18.45.txt
Well, before it didn't just spam all of our runes on death strike. before it would wait until we were below the hp % threshold that we set to death strike. It was nice against burst damage because the routine can instantly death strike the second we get below it. Like in my log, it's just spamming it when i'm at 100%. spending all of my blood tap charges on full hp deathstrikes so I can't use it when I really need it. So something changed with the death rune usage with death strike where it doesn't check our hp before death striking.
I'll look at it but you won't use bb on to targets from guides and so. Bb does less damage on 2 targets than ss on 1 target That's the main reason why we don't use bb. For beastlord, blood furnace, kormoc and darmac I've to look at the log first. Sounds currently as if there is another issue I've encountered the last days... Do you changed your talents for different bosses? If so...U pressed the aoe /rotation key again? Edit: done with examining the log. The weird thing... I was talking to Weischbier about exact this issue yesterday and will push a fix for it today. So what happened on your log: U switched talents,routine detected it properly and recreated the rotations for your talent choice but also disabled all keys that were enabled at this point (so aoe was disabled) that's why it never used bb on kromog hands. Hansgarnly two targets, bb skipped (will be fixed, we have a hard-coded value of 3 or more,will replace it) The other fights: will look at these later, since I have to translate the names of the Units from French to English first But my main issue is atm that I can't see a reason for not using bb on furnace fight atm. For some reasons the routine still want to priorize ss over bb on 3 or more targets while I'm sure I had added a condition to ss only be used while 3 or less units are around...cause bb is stronger on 3 or more targets then ss
Does the rotation change with two set for unholy? Ie does it no longer sit on RP with runes recharging. I assume it does this to pool it for a faster Dark Transformation but this is no longer necessary when the target has below 45% Hp and two set is equipped? If so it could be losing DPS by not fully utilising tier 5 talents! Awesome work though guys, great rotation again. Had extreme success with Weischbier's frost rotation in the early to mid stages of Pandaria.
short update: i'm currently not allowed to push updates to public version, since we are missing some copyright and license informations i've to wait for weischbier since i don't know all the sources, that are currently needed to be inserted into the files. more update: new version should be up tomorrow (hopefully we've catched everything for the legal stuff) general: - fixed an issue after changing talents or specc, where state of keys (automatic,aoe,interrupt,cd) was resetted unholy: - fixed an issue with BB where it never took settings for AOE into account
Good night, Yesterday my guild and I took several trys in Iron Maidens heroic boss, i tried to use Necrophilia, but I saw that the rotation used this totally incorrect. The disease spread is not being done, even with the 3 bosses staked most of the time, Defile is not being used accordingly. Several times I'm getting the 100 runic power. Log below is a wipe. but has to see as well as the rotation is behaving. View attachment IronMaidens.txt Thanks.
Hey Storm, I'm running into a few issues with Unholy. First, Plague Leech doesn't ALWAYS activate on pulls to get NP stacks up quickly. Half the time I have to activate it myself. Second, Plague Leech will activate well before the 15 stacks of NP falls off (i.e. when NP can still be refreshed for a few more times via FS) Third, Festering Strikes will refresh NP really early...most of the time only half way through NP's duration...even for the first FS reset. I have logs! View attachment 372 2015-02-23 17.47.txt View attachment 9616 2015-02-23 17.19.txt View attachment 3552 2015-02-22 16.52.txt View attachment 3844 2015-02-21 17.09.txt View attachment 7280 2015-02-20 23.01.txt View attachment 1916 2015-02-20 10.31.txt From the left should be most recent. Disregard the part about Festering Strikes now that I understand it better. But Plague Leech definitely needs a look at as it definitely activates while Necrotic Plague still has a way to go before dropping. Maybe it's activating because other mobs had their NP drop? Not sure...Log: View attachment 1904 2015-02-25 16.51.txt
also, I noticed the routine is using blood tap as soon as we reach 5+ charges. This makes blood tap a worthless talent over runic corruption because blood tap is supposed to be used as a blood dk for the control it offers. Runic corruption provides more runes overall and the routine is blindly using blood tap charges. blood tap should be used if -you are going to go over the cap for your charges. -you need to activate a rune or two for a death strike or a blood boil that second. Also, I have death strike turned off, so it should only be using them if I am going to cap charges.
Your defile issue -> [19:34:08.702 N] [Necrophilia]: Cursore never turned into our spell, skipping spell i'll look at it, but there's not much i can do for you, defile and dnd works just fine on my end, had several tries yesterday on maidens, and defile was used all the time disease spreading: should be fixed since 24.02.2015 04:26:31 PM
will investigate it in the evening, i had some other issues with blood the last days and working on some encounter logic for defensive cooldowns
Any chance of your routine stopping all use off death coil while Breath of Sindragosa is active? at the minute, that talent is unusable in blood as when you pop BoS the routine wastes all Runic Power with death coils! would be lovely as i can still manually maintain BoS for around 90 seconds. only reason i cant using your routine is down to death coils! EDIT - seems like its working as intended, stops death coils during breath, so next question is, can you add ability to spam chains of ice during breath? im able to keep BoS up for 1 minute atm
Whats the average DPS being pulled by raiding unholy dks using this paid class profile atm? anyone have any answer to this? I Want to find a very good profile for maximum dps if not I guess back to manually doing it.
im a 681 UH DK, and i pull 60k burst on H blackhand and keep a steady 30k+ DPS if that helps you at all on your question.