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  • [PAID] BGFarmer - An Advanced Battleground Bot Base

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Store Botbases' started by Millz, Aug 16, 2014.

    1. milkyway12

      milkyway12 New Member

      May 10, 2011
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      Bot needs to be fixed, it's messing up left and right. Half the time it wont even move out of spawn.

      This only started yesterday when the hot fix was released. You plan on fixing it?


      May wanna warn people against buying it atm. It's not doing that great. It was a great bot when working, but with the new patches that are out, it went to crap. He's gotta get it fixed.
      Last edited: Mar 1, 2015
    2. Butty26

      Butty26 New Member

      Aug 26, 2014
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      Event: Ogres Fires

      Bot will run around and inside the bonfire close to the event.
      The bot will stuck run in the fire acting like a bot 2 years ago.

      The main raid wil be upstairs leaving the bots seperated, it's better to be inside the zerg.

      Since no new event is triggered my bot runs around and stucks inside the bonfire for 15 mins.
      Last edited: Mar 1, 2015
    3. Baylee

      Baylee New Member

      Jun 21, 2014
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      every time i use BGfarmer i crash after the BG, i mainly use it with routie mode , unless i get wife/kid agg i pop it over to full mode lol

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    4. billsmith

      billsmith New Member

      Feb 17, 2011
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      Thank you for the botbase. I have two suggestions for improvement (if you like):

      1) Please allow the ability to turn off Path of Frost for DK (this is not my CC doing it as it is turned off in the cc and the spell is casted as "[BGFarmer] Casting Path of Frost (on me)". Since this get applied each time you exit combat it becomes an obvious bot tactic, especially when going in and out of combat. It dosen't seem necessary for any BG.

      2) Please add code to commit to one course of action or another. I am watching my bot play Eye of the Storm for example and he will decide to go to one tower, then change his mind midway, then change again half-way, etc. It becomes another very obvious bot behaviour to watch him walk back and forth over and over again. If the bot would commit to one or the other it would be greatly appreciated.

      Just my suggestions. Thank you.
    5. Zoke20

      Zoke20 New Member

      Jan 4, 2013
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      so a few questions and suggestions for the bot. 1 when I use a Gladiator Suite combat routine on my feral druid the bot base breaks and stops moving the druid, even though I've turned on movement in the settings... Is this just because GladSuite are not meant to be afk able?

      2: Is there anyway to get the bots Follow Leader functionality to work a bit more... in general? So the bot would follow party lead in other zones around map, or even in arenas? I've been trying to get an arena bot that would functionally just follow the party leader and attack his target while running the combat routine, if anyone has any suggestions i'd be much obliged, searching hasn't really turned up much.

      3: A few more settings under the "Follow Leader" option would be awesome!!! Like a follow distance, out of combat, in combat, if the bot should break away from combat to get within range of a leader. Some things like that would be AWESOME. At the moment the bott follows at a reaaaaally far distance and is very slow to respond, and the "Take Leaders Target" functionality is slow at best.

      Thanks for the great work!!! Oh and I fixed the previous issue of the bott only ever sitting at stables by turning off the defend function for Domination, which seems to be broken because even with the number of players turned way down the bot would still afk defend at bases with 3 - 4+ allies at the base, when it should only be defending a base that had 0 players at it.
    6. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Not sure what the issue is here? Why would you not want to res?

      Restarting WoW / HB tends to fix this.

      Yeah it can do that.

      Enable loot insignias, but it'll also loot all mobs in the latest build.
    7. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It'll accept the invite if you've got Ashran selected in the GUI (drop down list for BG selection).

      Saying invite please is handled on the 'Chat' tab.

      Millz' standard response for more information.

      Thank you for taking the time to report an issue! This response is due to either (or all) of the below missing, required information.

      - Description of a specific problem
      Provide a concise description, with as much detail as possible of what went wrong. Dramatic emotional references about the issue help convey your level of satisfaction, but this is a support thread, used to resolve issues and improve performance. Keep posts focused on detailing the circumstance you encountered and information on how it may be improved. Posts containing profanity or derogatory terms will be reported.

      - Complete log file attached
      Attaching a log file to the post is your way of indicating the issue is important to you. If it is missing, I assume the issue is not a big deal and I focus my efforts on reports from users that did provide a log file. I am not asking for you to determine whether you think a log file is necessary - I am letting you know that it is required for any issue you would like me to research. Log files must be full, and unedited. Ref: How To Attach a Log

      - Time the problem started
      A finite moment and specific moment in time something occurred. I need for you to indicate the instant you noticed the problem occur. That requires a time such as "14:53:02" or "Start of fight against boss X" or "Boss X around 50% HP". It is fine to lists multiple occurrences, but each should be a single instant/moment in time. This information is critical, especially in cases where you are posting about something that did not happen (did not cast Fire Blast for example.) If you find yourself wanting to say "Always" or "Everytime" then please re-read this paragraph until you no longer want to.

      Thanks again for your post! - Millz

      Yeah got this fixed in my copy but stupidly forgot to turn my home PC on this morning so can't test anything until later. It'll be resolved soon hopefully.

      It's your plugin doing it - LogMeOut

      [17:36:10.310 N] [LogMeOut!]: Starting logout process...
      [17:36:10.310 N] [LogMeOut!]: Reason : The player was moved for about 6532.364 yards. Previous position: <834.7264, 784.9787, -57.08194>; Actual position: <5264.948, -4015.004, 14.18159>
      [17:36:10.316 N] [LogMeOut!]: Log out in 20 secondes...
      [17:36:10.317 N] [LogMeOut!]: Prepare to clear the CompiledAssemblies folder when HonorBuddy is closing
      [17:36:10.317 N] [LogMeOut!]: Prepare to clear the Cache folder when HonorBuddy is closing
      [17:36:10.317 N] [LogMeOut!]: Goodbye
      [17:36:10.318 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: WoW exiting

      1) I'll just remove this, not necessary.

      2) It can't commit to something in case the state of the base changes, for instance if you're heading to Mage Tower from FRR, and 8 enemies move to Mage Tower - you wouldn't want to just charge into that - you want to go do something else.
    8. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Millz' standard response for more information.

      Thank you for taking the time to report an issue! This response is due to either (or all) of the below missing, required information.

      - Description of a specific problem
      Provide a concise description, with as much detail as possible of what went wrong. Dramatic emotional references about the issue help convey your level of satisfaction, but this is a support thread, used to resolve issues and improve performance. Keep posts focused on detailing the circumstance you encountered and information on how it may be improved. Posts containing profanity or derogatory terms will be reported.

      - Complete log file attached
      Attaching a log file to the post is your way of indicating the issue is important to you. If it is missing, I assume the issue is not a big deal and I focus my efforts on reports from users that did provide a log file. I am not asking for you to determine whether you think a log file is necessary - I am letting you know that it is required for any issue you would like me to research. Log files must be full, and unedited. Ref: How To Attach a Log

      - Time the problem started
      A finite moment and specific moment in time something occurred. I need for you to indicate the instant you noticed the problem occur. That requires a time such as "14:53:02" or "Start of fight against boss X" or "Boss X around 50% HP". It is fine to lists multiple occurrences, but each should be a single instant/moment in time. This information is critical, especially in cases where you are posting about something that did not happen (did not cast Fire Blast for example.) If you find yourself wanting to say "Always" or "Everytime" then please re-read this paragraph until you no longer want to.

      Thanks again for your post! - Millz
    9. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      1) Possibly. GS isn't designed for AFK usage, but it /should/ still work - providing movement is enabled within BGFarmer. What do you mean by it breaks? You could ask Toizi/Cokx to see if they can help.

      2) Not allowed to produce products that work in arenas unfortunately: Honorbuddy:HelpDesk:Honorbuddy and Arenas - The Buddy Wiki

      3) Will make a note to re-visit the follow leader stuff and add some improvements.

      Defending base -> I'll need to look into this one further. Had a quick look at the code and can't see anything obvious wrong with it.
    10. Lemo

      Lemo New Member

      Jan 21, 2015
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      hello, offer: a specification for the coast of ancient prescribe priority goal-destroying combat destroyer. sorry for my english)
    11. Panasonic

      Panasonic New Member

      May 3, 2011
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      ran this all day and this is my only complaint. almost everytime it gets close to killing someone it switches to someone new, it doesn't finish the job.
    12. jsimmons10

      jsimmons10 Community Developer

      Feb 15, 2012
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      is there a setting to follow the largest group of ppl? specifically for IOC
    13. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hey - Sorry, I'm not sure what the question is? I think you're asking if it will attack Demolishers in Strand of the Ancients - in which case yes, it will do that.

      Must be switching for a reason - they running away or something? If you can grab a log file and the exact time it happened I can see what's going on.

      Will add this.
    14. eigoteacher

      eigoteacher Member

      Apr 3, 2012
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      It'd be nice if it would stop attacking NPCs and players in the road and just run to to the next event.

      Can I fix it?

      View attachment 4808 2015-03-03 20.54.txt

      It's annoying. It runs up into a large group of horde alone, then dies. Since it's a rogue, it will just chase them all over. Meanwhile, events are being completed and I can't get credit. I'd be fine with it just following the group and afking in the back, but now it just dies.
      Last edited: Mar 3, 2015
    15. Maggotic

      Maggotic New Member

      Mar 12, 2012
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      Everytime I start with this botbase my toon runs around in begining of the bg and then disconnects... I have been getting like 20+ DCs today :( But with normal bgbot it seemse too work fine. Have same problem with Ashran, it just runs around and randomly dcs :S

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      Last edited: Mar 3, 2015
    16. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Have a look at the dismount settings to prevent the bot from dismounting and engaging in combat as often. It should encourage it to stay on the mount and continue on with it's task.

      Post a log file please.

      How To Attach a Log


      New build pushed and awaiting approval:

      - [Ashran] Should now be less inclined to hump bonfires.
      - [Ashran] Logout conditions will now apply inside Ashran.
      - [Ashran] Improved dismounting for combat in Ashran.
      - [Ashran] Fixed a major bug when determining where the biggest pack of friendly units are.
      - [IoC] Added setting to stick with biggest friendly pack.
      - Fixed an error when stopping -> starting the bot.
      - Slowed down some lua calls which could cause the bot to lock up.
    17. Maggotic

      Maggotic New Member

      Mar 12, 2012
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      There we go, sorry I fortgot it :(...

      Is it best for me too use singular or what routien are recommended for your BGFarmer Millz?
    18. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks - that log doesn't really show you getting disconnected though from what I can tell - any idea where in the log it did it?

      Any routine should work - I use different routines depending on the class/spec.
    19. Maggotic

      Maggotic New Member

      Mar 12, 2012
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      Ive been Dcing like 4 times a hour :S
    20. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      There's no evidence of that in that specific log file. The next time it happens can you stop the bot and post that log file please?

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