Something I threw together to wait for the portals to appear to get the voidtalon mount. Uses Questbot. More information about the mount can be found here on wowhead. Voidtalon of the Dark Star - Item - World of Warcraft Frostfire Ridege 1.4 Fixed waypoints (Thanks Noct157!) Added egg clicker, and movement between waypoints randomly to help inactivity issues. May need to weak the chance rates. 1.5 Fixed compiler error on portal click. 1.6 Added Extra Spawn point and increased collection distance (how far it will see the portal and go to it). 1.7 Further increased collection distance after log noting beyond edge. 1.8 Slew evil invading parenthesis *(compiler error)* Camp only, No Navigation 1.3 Updated with random movement (which is a bit iffy since it doesn't know where the hell you are, and could feasibly move you too far away, may just ditch this.) egg clicker, and other fixes. 1.4 Removed Random movement code for now, pondering better anti afk. 1.5 Fixed an errant parenthesis, I guess the newer version of honorbuddy is a bit stricter, it worked fine before the recent updates. Vengent
Can you have it where it can be at any of the portal spawns and click the portal? The ones at Frostfire are so heavily camped.
Add a non movement camp only one. So you manually move to the spawn spot and start it up and it will scan for portal jumping to keep activity up.
Update: not sure if it's something I have to change on the bot or profile, but I go AFK and eventually log out while running this.
The jump chance is a random, so its not too...regular and botlike. Ie every loop it has a 5% chance to jump. I'll bump the chance up a bit and reupload in a few.
When i start it in garrison it doesn't move anywhere. The one with movement says "Bot stopping! Reason: Nothing more to do." and stops. Other one justs get stands where i start it.
If the Portal is there will it accept the Szenario invite? I am using it for 3 Hours now no Portal but just wanted to know so I can leave it over night.
Wasn't sure it gave a popup, i'll add a button clicker. And look into why its not navigating out to frostfire ridge.
Some more info with screenshots from what happens. Voidtalon of the Dark Star - Item - World of Warcraft
When do you update the files? So I don't want to go away from my PC cuz I don't want to miss if it spawns xD
Profile leads to point (TomTom 34.31 22.85) , proven many times. I'm not sure that there is generally spawn portal, in this point there is no basis. The second time the profile is not clicks on the portal, the character set to another point, and ran to the great luck portal spawn after 20 minutes, but the bot is not clicked on it while standing at close range.
Got busy at work this morning, haven't had a chance yet. Awesome, thanks. Hmm. not sure how to check if i'm queued for scenario and when it pops. May be harder than I thought. Guess I can just attempt to keep clicking the button til the zoneid is correct after its clicked. So it found a spawned portal, ran to it, but didn't click on it? any chance of a log?
New versions uploaded. Added a scenario button clicker. But I'm not sure how to detect if i'm in queue or not, so it is a big haphazard and inelegant. Also fixed it so it should navigate out of the garrison now, didn't realize that was a separate mapid instead of just zoneid. Not sure about the failing to click a portal when its there, added some extra checks for that, but really need to find it myself. Freaking hard to test scripts for rare stuff like this. It's using typical interactwith code used thousands of other places. Edit: If you grabbed within the last 5-10 minutes of this update, please grab again, had a weird corruption on upload.
Ok I am having some issues. When I use [N][QB] Voidtalon No Move Camp Only v1.2.xml It eventually just logs me out and closes HB. When I use [N][QB] Voidtalon Farm Frostfire Ridge 1.3.xml It took me over to Daggermaw Ravine and just sat in there, say it has reached destination.
Did you uncheck the logout for inactivity setting in settings and tools? I'll see if I can set this in the profile next update. On the frostfire one, did it say anything or did the bot stop? It's supposed to just stand there jumping occasionally until it sees a portal spawn.
I didn't uncheck that, I will do that next time. Thank you. The frostfire one took the flight path to Throm'var and than ran down and sat by a lava pool and said destination reached, I thought the only two spawn points were above Stonefury Cliffs.