You need to back off. It may be useless TO YOU, But his posts/threads HELP the community as a whole. So thats 3227 HELPFUL posts in about a year, and you have the GUTS to flame him because he knows more than you? Back off, and GTFO of this thread, YOU are spamming, Your posts have NOTHING to do with this thread so GTFO. On topic: These are some questions I'd of liked to of known too.
If it weren't for Kickazz006 we wouldn't have these Premium profiles on the forum which work wonders, You should just be grateful that you have access to his premium profiles, Gold guide, Private buyers [goods + gold] guide, GB guide and the amazing HB2 Guide. Regards, Nick
Let's see, browsing his posts:[redfaction]-horde-grinding-1-60-a.html Want me to go on?
can someone just ban znuffie he is a complete stain on humanity. Kick keep up the good work matey lots and lots of ppl like the work you put into this forum
If your a facebook user I reccommend RockMelt for browser; it's even google chrome based. If not just get chrome
tbh if u know hwat u doing you never get viruses anti virus is just a sytem resorce hog and theres nothing a quick reinstall of windows cant fix
All of those posts are helpful Shall I list some of your spam posts? Yea thats right SPAM, not helpful in any way Want me to go on? All those posts are Troll & spam posts.
lots of testosterone in this thread. perhaps you guys should step away from the computer for awhile. Morga
about scamers. This is what I do: Have 2 pp accounts. 1 your real acc, liked with a cc, another just for receiving payments with an email confirmed. If the guy looks dodgy the make him send the pay to the 2nd account. Then u send the $$ from 2nd ac to 1st. Costs a bit more, but at least u won't lose all cash. Hope it helps
Can confirm that pp wont pull money from second account (at least if its not in the same name) saved me 600€ on an Eve online account sell. PP tried to reverse the charges but the money was nolonger there.
My account went into "red" when they did the charge back so I couldnt use that account any longer. Also, didnt have the pp account tied to any CC or bank account dunno if that would have made a diff.
Chrome is GOD. Chrome > Opera > Firefox 4 > other. All others can suck it. Any crap saying that Chrome is bad against malware or whatever is Microcrap propaganda paid for by Microcrap. They used like version 3 when the latest is like 6 or something. Chrome is the most frequently updated browser to date and its brand new.