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  • Gold selling out of business? Farmers Finished?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by jermaine.dupree, Mar 3, 2015.

    1. GK2014

      GK2014 Member

      Mar 29, 2014
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      Gold selling is not even close to being done. Blizzard does not currently have near real time capabilities to adjust the value of the game time tokens; whereas the various gold seller websites make a few small adjustments - and bam; they offer better exchange rates than Blizzard.

      People will always migrate to the better exchange rates. Blizzard will NEVER win against gold farmers; not unless they employ hundreds of folks who do nothing but monitor for botting/gold selling and the like. Since Blizzard now has to cater to stock holders who don't worry about anything but profit margins, I don't see them ponying up the $$$$ to hire enough people to maintain a task force sufficient enough to monitor everything (after all - again - everything's about profit margins now).

      Instead - they'll rely on warden changes, which as you've seen - can be worked around very easily if you know how it works.
      Last edited: Mar 4, 2015
    2. pimpampum

      pimpampum Member

      Nov 29, 2012
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      Excuse me, but have you taken the effort to read the posts in this thread?

      It's extremely easy for blizzard to manipulate the gold-token ratio. As it has been told before, this operation is not transparent at all. They could create as much tokens as they want to reduce the price, or simply generate gold and artificially increase demand on tokens to increase the price.Real-time capabilities wtf? One person devoting 20 hours a week to it could do every single server in the game.

      Your post is wrong in pretty much every thing you talk about. Warden changed can be worked very easily? Orly? Do you even know the amount of work the Buddystaff has to put through every time they change a line in the code? And they haven't even tried to ofuscate anything so far.

      You also state that people will always migrate to the better exchange rates. That's plainly false. Only if people perceive the risk-reward relation is adequate, they will turn to buying gold. And with a medium ratio, (I'll use this as an example as we have no way to guess what the gold price for a token will be) , 50k=15 $, how many do you think a gold seller would have to better that offer to get any gold sold? Twice the gold could be a safe enough approach. That's 100k for 15$ selling to the public, which would mean 7-8 $ per 100k if you are selling gold to an intermediary. (Most of us do.)

      Assumming you play 24/7, making 1k the hour, and expecting one day for levelling , that makes your return of Investment on the 5th day of full time botting.

      Now you can go to the ban reports section. You'll notice how dungeon farming full time is being banned within the first week, with luck. Even traditionally safer methods like MoP party dungeons are being fucked up now. Heck, they are after Bg botting now. Who the fuck cares about regular Bgs? Nobody.No gold in there. Yet, they are investing people in doing so. They must have taken care of the real issue, dungeon farmers and stonecorer's and so, before sending people to check that, shouldn't they?

      Taking all this things into account,and in my opinion, at the current situation botting is not worth it at all. Even being unemployed,havng 24/7 to check it, with lots of computers available, cheapest electric power in the world, and living in a 3rd world country, it is not worth it. The token thing will only make the situation far worse.
    3. uupiits

      uupiits Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      It would be no surprise that ban rates will be at a point where you won`t make initial investment back.
      They will have monopoly on this thing, other games where they have implemented similar way of buying gold via "tokens" have raised ban rates to insane levels, so it`s safe to say it will be the same with wow.
    4. Naroha

      Naroha New Member

      Aug 13, 2014
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      keep ya heads up x)
    5. Nicely

      Nicely New Member

      Aug 10, 2014
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      Can you explain pls?

      There`s nothing common between ban rates and tokens, wtf you just wrote
    6. Naroha

      Naroha New Member

      Aug 13, 2014
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      he says that he saw this system before on other games and thats what they did there, started banning more people+lowering the gold price by such items -> leads to the thing which wont make it profitable
    7. uupiits

      uupiits Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      Yes thanks, atleast with other games tokens or similar system comes together with increased banrates
    8. harleystcool

      harleystcool Banned

      Oct 5, 2012
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      no your ASSUMING (assuming is the mark of a lazy thinker) the "end of gold farming", nothing to do with reality. And as for the "low iq", your coming off as the biggest retard here. All your doing is spitting poison out there. Everyone can play economics all they want, we don't have any certain way how this is going to play out. You start feeding your shitty beliefs to everyone, and those beliefs will cause weak minded fools to stop taking action.

      Just believe theres 10 million players in wow, theres a dozen different ways to make money out there, and whatever there is that if you just pound the pavement a few weeks you'll find a way...you big dildos
    9. bigbeefy

      bigbeefy New Member

      Sep 15, 2014
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      There are a few things that are likely to happen if Blizzard fully implements this token game time system:
      - Blackmarket gold prices will drop because some of this demand will be met by Blizzard token sales. Undoubtedly some gold farmers will leave the market and some will stay to sell gold at the new lower prices.
      - WoW will gain new F2P players. Im not sure how this helps Blizzard unless they plan to gain revenues from F2P players through a WoW store. Perhaps even a revamped store that sells a huge variety of in game items for real world money.
      - There will be a new breed of botters who bot only so they can play WoW for free. So essentially Blizzard will make the so called "botting problem" worse. I find this part very amusing LOL!

      It appears to me that Blizzard is trying to compete with other F2P models and gain market share in areas that WoW is doing poorly (areas like Asia where F2P model reigns king). It is a typical corporate strategy to offer a good deal in order to gain market share, only then later to try to squeeze pennies from people later after they are hooked. And also at the same time trying to grab a bigger portion of of profit from gold sales by offering these tokens. Make no mistake they are taking a big bite out of your a$$, but I doubt they could completely destroy or take over the black market gold economy.

      I would also think ban rates would remain the same as it is unrelated to F2P model they are wanting to implement.
    10. bigbeefy

      bigbeefy New Member

      Sep 15, 2014
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      There are a few things that are likely to happen if Blizzard fully implements this token game time system:
      - Blackmarket gold prices will drop because some of this demand will be met by Blizzard token sales. Undoubtedly some gold farmers will leave the market and some will stay to sell gold at the new lower prices.
      - WoW will gain new F2P players. Im not sure how this helps Blizzard unless they plan to gain revenues from F2P players through a WoW store. Perhaps even a revamped store that sells a huge variety of in game items for real world money.
      - There will be a new breed of botters who bot only so they can play WoW for free. So essentially Blizzard will make the so called "botting problem" worse. I find this part very amusing LOL!

      It appears to me that Blizzard is trying to compete with other F2P models and gain market share in areas that WoW is doing poorly (areas like Asia where F2P model reigns king). It is a typical corporate strategy to offer a good deal in order to gain market share, only then later to try to squeeze pennies from people later after they are hooked. And also at the same time trying to grab a bigger portion of of profit from gold sales by offering these tokens. Make no mistake they are taking a big bite out of your a$$, but I doubt they could completely destroy or take over the black market gold economy.

      I would also think ban rates would remain the same as it is unrelated to F2P model they are wanting to implement.
    11. cg1203im2

      cg1203im2 Community Developer

      Aug 7, 2012
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      i don't understand the F2P part. How do the tokens make WOW F2P?
      Yes, of course. Some people don't need to pay real money anymore. but still others, those who buy the tokens have to pay for them. So i don't see it as a real F2P. cos the Gametime still needs to be bought from somebody.
      Blizzard isn't selling gametime for gold. blizzard still sells this gametime for money. so they will get money from players who bot for gametime only. not directly but from the person who bought the token for real currency.
    12. Nightrain111

      Nightrain111 Member

      Oct 26, 2013
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      I think there is always going to be selling gold for hardcore boters the token thing wont kill gold farmers you will always have people going and looking for second party gold selling sites the token and if not we will just have tons of game time lol just think there goes your 14 dollars a month just to play id gladly pay 20 k for game time take me 2 days out of the 30 to make that

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