yes, outdamaged too i dps better myself(2.2 cr ) ... and the BM hunter sometime stop doing damage i don't know why
Hey there... still having BAD LUCK with the execute mechanic... lost 3 games today because target was far below 20% but not execute was coming... How does execute work? Guess it is on HIGH priority? Anything i can adjust on my settings? It's a clean install every day to avoid any problems...
It seems like there are several issues at the moment with the routine. But i bet they'll fix it really soon.
I like how the bot Charges to an enemi and is doing nothing for 5-6 secs until he starts and so many things are like 3 hours on cd XD wp @Warrior on arms ... all i can say don't buy this DMGrotation atm bot is doing 12K dps my dps is 15K in arena... wp not even targetdotting is able
So, not worth the buy at the moment? I was really excited to try it till i just saw the last 3 pages of comments.. Sounds like its got alot of issues?
when will you guys gona update CR ? it has a lot of bug. no masrefflects , no interrupts , dumb rotation.
Hardlock bot stop doing dmg sometimes ... walking behind a enemi and doing nothing and softlock... let's not talk about it XDDD but hey guys nP i like to pay for shit... better do other Rotation befor fixing released rotations
Hey guys, any Idea´s why my Warrior reflected the traps VERY unreliable? it works for some weeks TOP!
I`m wondering why we are not getting any response...also when warrior charges his first hit should be MS..but it`s not. you build so much crit during charge, so MS has to be #1 priority. you have it charging and hitting CS first.