Well, thats just proves, CR just should work no matter, like singular or tuanha. you dont have to read 1 hour and figure things out, and maybe you should add help tips to your gui coz i had issues figuring it out. And again your main page contains info but no helping tips which drove me frustrated to the point where i almost pulled my hair out, and im probably not the only one.
So i've been trying to set up holy and i've been coming across a lot of issues.... It works fine for the most part, but the biggest issue is i see that it prioritizes EVERYTHING over hymn for some reason. Im also running into a lot of mana problems in 5 man dungeons. I tried the default settings, but i still have mana problems, so i lowered a lot of the numbers, but now it always spams flash heal when we get low instead of doing something like Hymn/cascade. I dont know if its just an issue for 5 man Dungeons or whatever, but i feel it needs to be slightly improved for them, that or if i could get help on why my setup is shitty, that'd be great. I really feel like you should add Hymn to the cooldown list and make it a priority if everyone gets below X Health. That, or add a toggle ONLY Aoe healing hotkey or something so it Gets off your whole AOE rotation heavy team damage. View attachment Holy config.txt
@Criza I need a complete log to investigate: For dungeon i suggest use serenity not sanctuary. You have an SoS hp percentage too high compared to the remaining of configuration so probably someone in your group go down this SoS hp percentage many times and CR go in SoS healing mode. If it can help the CR priority is: SoS healing->tank->AoE->Single Healing. (AOE will be cast before tank healing if tank is not in danger hp) Anyway i will investigate for hynn and i'm working in orded to add some more Hotkey... so stay tuned.... I will suggest: use default dungeon config and: disable "FlashVSNormalHealPlayerNumberEnabled" parameter. lower sos hp to 20% increase self sos hp to 35% lower serendipity to 85 lower renew to 95% hope it helps but remember if your team mate are noobs and take free and high damage is normal you will consume mana! I will investigate
atillo am I blind or is there not a setting for saving grace.......pretty strong healing cd after 6.1........I use it a lot.
Personally I think that saving grace is not soo good as clarity, also with buff in 6.1 (instant cast). For sure can be used as an SoS spell and in PVP. I will add it for next release.
I found out the issue.... I feel like the CR is spamming Holy Ward : S very often... it frequently uses heal instead of Prayer of Healing when a lot of people are below the prayer of healing %.... it just spams Flash Heal or Heal. It NEVER wants to AoE heal except for Sanctuary, circle of healing, it very rarely uses hymn and Prayer of Healing... Our HPS would be significantly higher if we actually used PoH on 5+ people and hymn efficiently. I recommend putting a "Prioritize AoE healing" hotkey. I also dont see a serdnipity % View attachment No PoH EVer.txt
@Criza i found this in your setting: <DisableAOE_HealingRotation>True</DisableAOE_HealingRotation> you disabled aoe healing.... CoH and sanctuary are out of this check ( i fixed in upcoming release) for this reason you see only this two spell cast. Enable AOE healing!!!
People have to understand that you don't have to "clic" on Launch Button and All is good, TOP HPS Inc! It takes me lot of my time to "understand" "read" "test on dummy/lfr" to have good setting. Each people have to configurate his setting for his personnal Use, for what he want to do (Dungeon/Lfr/Pvp/NM/HM/MM/QUesting?) So Please before coming here and just cry because it's Cheat..... Try it really more then 2minutes.... and after you can come here and i am sure that "users" can help you if you don't understand something. Btw Ty Attilio for this wonderfull CR. I never lose my #1 in Hps since i used this one. And i bring my teammate higher in BrF now ! Good Luck!
Question about Prayer of Mending: How can it be set up to cast with priority or when off CD? Because with the 4 piece Tier bonus and talent Divine Insight for holy priest, it needs to be cast far more frequently. Right now it seems to cast it when there is nothing else worth casting. How can I set up so it becomes a priority cast? What do the current settings even mean? If I set Cast Prayer of Mending at hp: 100, does that mean it will only cast it if ppl are at full health? I tried playing with it, it still never makes it priority. Thanks, Azile
Are you using Disc or Holy? I have no doubt the Disc CR is great, the Holy still needs tuning. I ran dungeons/raids all day yesterday, messed with settings for hours, and i can't get it to Do AoE healing when its needed. It spams heal/flash heal. Its really dumb. I have another log here with Prayer Of Healing NOT being cast at all, it prioritizes Heal and Flash Heal, even when its not SOS% and tanks arent at SoS or Flash heal range. It literally Spams Power Ward Solace when everyone in the raid is at like 70% lol.... View attachment Still no PoH.txt Heal is almost ALWAYS being prioritized even when 10+ Members of that group were below PoH%
hmmm tonight im seeing it constantly trying to SOS heal dead ppl. Will give it a full test through tonight and check
PLEASE STOP REPORT ON HOLY!!! I found some problems for holy after new path 6.1 and i'm fixing them adding new features.... pls be patient!!!
Thank you. Don't want you to think i was doing it to complain, i was just really confused as to why it wasn't working properly and wanted to give info on the problems. Was just looking for help to get it working correctly.
Idea. Check target for damage reduction buff before deciding to dps penance. If target has shield or maybe even imune, then don't dps with penance. On the other hand if target is taking increased damage then dps penance gets higher prio.
REV 2.3.5 LIVE Holy Priorized some AOE spells Add DivineHymn Hotkey Add Option to cast GuardianSpirit only on tank (default enabled) Add Option to cast Lightwell only on boss (default enabled) Add Option to cast PoM on cooldown (default enabled) Add AUTO Chakra (default enabled): CR will choose when switch between serenity and sanctuary Modified PW:Sanctuary Hotkey: now CR will automatic change Chakra to cast it Better cast of PW:Sanctuary TODO: SavigGrace option to add Deleted obsolete option. Discipline Add selective Shielding group (when enabled you nedd just target a member of the party to shield spam: read istruction on decription!!) Modified SpiritShell in order to work same manner of selective PW:Shield. other minor fix. Holy now work a lot better! With the new selective shielding (for both SpiritShell & PW:S) you will have full control on what to shield!!
I use enyo and your CR. When i enable framelock the CR works. But my FPS goes down to 20 FPS... When i turn of framelock my wow is running very good. But my Priest dont heal So my question: I have to turn on Framelock that my priest heals other in raid? Or is there a way without framelock? Sry for my bad english
@pumba82 Set HardFramelock at lower fps (15fps minimum) id still fps issue disable fastest rotation in utility settings.
Sorry, forgot to write this. I try this already. Fast Rotation off and tps 10 and 15. When i turn off framelock my wow is running perfect. But not healing. Turning on my fps goes down. I need framelock on at enyo? No other chance like the softmod from enyo? I dont understand framelock. Only makes Problems for me.
You NEED turn hardframelock ON. But really cant understand how you have fps issue with 10fps and fastestRotation option disabled..... With suggested config i have no fps drop at all!