Having tons of issues with TeamViewer. I disabled it and all problems fixed! Anyone have an alternative to TeamViewer that is totally friendly with HB and HBRelog and usable on Android? Thanks for your suggestions!!! So far I am considering LogMeIn and GoToMyPC... NVM they are both very expensive for what little I need to do (monitor HB) *** Or if you know a way to fix it so TeamViewer doesn't mess with HB (Tried turning off QuickConnect Button) *** Using Google Chrome Remote Desktop... Working very fast! Testing HB right now! ***Same issues with Google Chrome Testing Microsoft Remote Desktop ...
doesn't windows come with a built in one? Also why would team viewer mess up the reloggers? There isn't a way to work around that. I'll try test it out myself and see what i get
Windows comes with one, but it is very complicated and I believe it requires a static IP. In any case, I still believe my issues were caused by TV, but time will tell!!!
Because these application hook directx causing malfunction of honorbuddy and alike. BosslandGmbH:HelpDeskrograms that Interfere with BosslandGmbH Products - The Buddy Wiki
issues with tv? so your relogger works now with a viewing program? I'm just installing hbrelogger at the moment and i just noticed you problem. Real shame cause I was depending on teamviewer to help me.
how about just using another relogger? I used to use one on diablo 3, and i could use team viewer easily. Would that work? Is there one?
Teamviewer worked for me for a month or so... I am not sure what changed in the past week or so... It was good program... And to answer your question, I have tried 3 programs now, and I think it is my machine. Any remote viewing software wrecks my HBRelog.