Yes, a mage is a bad choice for botting. I get that. BUT, why is my mage running around melee mobs. It will even interrupt casts to run and melee the target.. I find it VERY frustrating that HB has pristine combat abilities, yet GB (WHICH COSTS MORE) has crap for combat. /vent over.
There should be an option to change the combat range in one of the setting panes. That should solve your issue.
Default combat range is 10 yards, it's listed under the "other" tab. Also, GB is ment to be a bare bones bot for gathering. GB only uses three buttons for combat and for most purposes it works just fine. I just wish they would add another button for a healing spell when your low on life, but adding a heal to the dps rotation works pretty well.
are you ok now? i have a mage running fine if you still have problems you can find me on Live Support at (msn)
The mage doesnt run up and melee anymore. but she is having trouble with targeting. She wont target the mob thats attacking her, she'll target some complete random mob (who is most likely out of range) and end up standing there doing nothing and getting her cloth ass beat. Is this normal?