I checked and the insanity spell and buff are available (or should be) Yes you need to cast insanity explicitly, its the same in simcraft profiles I will be home to check things out in about 3 hours, maybe you can pm me the Profile you are using so that i can test it on my SP
I have problem with doting. My hunter is hitting very well with this routine, but he is not doing the doting function with arcane shot. Already tested in various boss of BF and the doting is not working. I'm with these two functions: actions+=/arcane_shot,if=dot.serpent_sting.remains<=2|target.time_to_die<4.5|cooldown.explosive_shot.remains>2|cooldown.black_arrow.remains>2&focus>=45&cast_regen<=focus.deficit actions + = / arcane_shot, cycle_targets = 1, max_cycle_targets = 3, if =! ticking
The first line should work, assuming my headcompiler is working ^^ max_cycle_targets shouldnt be used but it just gets ignored
I removed the function: actions + = / arcane_shot, cycle_targets = 1, max_cycle_targets = 3, if =! ticking but still does not work.
Code: # Executed every time the actor is available. actions=auto_shot actions+=/tranquilizing_shot,if=debuff.savage_howl.react actions+=/tranquilizing_shot,if=debuff.reactive_earth_shield.react actions+=/use_item,name=beating_heart_of_the_mountain,if=cooldowns_enabled actions+=/arcane_torrent,if=focus.deficit>=30 actions+=/blood_fury,if=cooldowns_enabled actions+=/berserking,if=cooldowns_enabled actions+=/barrage,if=active_enemies>1&aoe_enabled actions+=/glaive_toss,if=active_enemies>1&aoe_enabled actions+=/call_action_list,name=aoe,if=active_enemies>2&aoe_enabled actions+=/stampede,if=cooldowns_enabled actions+=/a_murder_of_crows,if=cooldowns_enabled actions+=/explosive_shot,if=focus<100|focus<35&cooldown.black_arrow.remains>1.5 actions+=/black_arrow,if=cooldown.explosive_shot.remains>2&focus>45|target.time_to_die>5 actions+=/dire_beast actions+=/arcane_shot,if=dot.serpent_sting.remains<=2|target.time_to_die<4.5|cooldown.explosive_shot.remains>2|cooldown.black_arrow.remains>2&focus>=45&cast_regen<=focus.deficit actions+=/explosive_trap,if=!target.debuff.flying.react # Cast a second shot for steady focus if that won't cap us. actions+=/cobra_shot,if=buff.pre_steady_focus.up&buff.steady_focus.remains<5&(14+cast_regen)<=focus.deficit actions+=/focusing_shot actions+=/cobra_shot actions.aoe+=/barrage actions.aoe+=/explosive_trap,if=dot.explosive_trap.remains<=5|!target.debuff.flying.react actions.aoe+=/multishot,if=buff.thrill_of_the_hunt.react&focus>50&cast_regen<=focus.deficit|dot.serpent_sting.remains<=5|target.time_to_die<4.5 actions.aoe+=/multishot,if=focus>=70|talent.focusing_shot.enabled actions.aoe+=/explosive_shot,if=buff.lock_and_load.react&(!talent.barrage.enabled|cooldown.barrage.remains>0) actions.aoe+=/black_arrow,if=!ticking actions.aoe+=/explosive_shot,if=active_enemies<5 actions.aoe+=/a_murder_of_crows actions.aoe+=/dire_beast actions.aoe+=/glaive_toss actions.aoe+=/powershot actions.aoe+=/cobra_shot,if=buff.pre_steady_focus.up&buff.steady_focus.remains<5&focus+14+cast_regen<80 actions.aoe+=/focusing_shot actions.aoe+=/cobra_shot I am using this form, and the only problem I'm having is with doting arcane shot.
This does Arcane shot if: 1. Serpent Sting is about to run out or is not in the target or 2. The Target will die in less than 4.5 seconds or 3. Explosive Shots cooldown is greater than 2 seconds or 4. Black Arrows cooldown is greater than 2 seconds and Focus is greater than 45 and the cast time will not focus cap you 1 seems fine, 2 is okay but not very useful. 3. Is true ~60% of the time 4. is fine until &cast_regen<=focus.deficit, this line will stop casting arcane shot at high focus which is pretty much the opposite of what you want ^^
So, the best is:? Code: actions+=/arcane_shot,if=dot.serpent_sting.remains<=2|cooldown.explosive_shot.remains>2|cooldown.black_arrow.remains>2&focus>=45 have any suggestions for better performance? thanks
Hey kane I noticed on your commits that simcraft got a rewrite. Do we need to download the profile pack again to? Or will you put in there profile update and then we know to get the new profiles?
The rewrite was all internal stuff, the profiles shouldnt need any changes (and if they do i broke it ^^)
PriorityCR, you can use this : actions+=/arcane_shot,if=dot.serpent_sting.remains<3|cooldown.explosive_shot.remains>1.5|cooldown.black_arrow.remains>1.5&focus>42
Add this line, before the last one that I've posted. - actions+=/arcane_shot,cycle_targets=1,if=dot.serpent_sting.remains<3
Very good. worked very well, but he is renewing the doting very often, when you get 14 seconds he renews doting. Code: actions+=/arcane_shot,cycle_targets=1,if=dot.serpent_sting.remains<3|cooldown.explosive_shot.remains>1.5|cooldown.black_arrow. remains>1.5&focus>42
Is it dotting only main target or both targets? Btw remove this line completly and keep only shorter one - actions+=/arcane_shot,cycle_targets=1,if=dot.serpent_sting.remains<3|cooldown.explosive_shot.remains>1.5|cooldown.black_arrow. remains>1.5&focus>42 actions+=/arcane_shot,cycle_targets=1,if=dot.serpent_sting.r emains<3
Code: actions+=/arcane_shot,cycle_targets=1,if=dot.serpent_sting.remains<3 applying the two target work, but at times it variety Focusing various shot, even with the focus bar 100%