Google Translate Hi HB User I started out of boredom a profile editor to write. The building is actually finished but the rest do not. If intrested I would install it to finish and more functional. German Hallo HB User Ich habe aus langeweile Ein profil editor angefangen zu Schreiben. Der aufbau ist eigentlich fertig aber der rest nicht. Wenn intresse Besteht w?rde ich es fertig stellen und mehr funktion einbauen. The first version of Easy Profile V 0.1 At times he makes only normal profiles V0.2 Add more Vendors ForceMail added And A Nice Background Next Version profiles and invite more Please post bugs so I can fix it Download:
Looks really nice, you should implement questing behaviours on the next release. Just so you know its spelt Profile not Profil. Regards, Nick.
Can you make protected items optional? Can you add more vendors? can you add subsections for 1-60 profiles?
More Vendors Added What do you mean Can you make protected items optional? can you add subsections for 1-60 profiles? ??
Really nice, will use this for good! Thanks {filler} Suggestions: 1# For some quests, monsters are neutral and you would only need to kill it once, I have experienced that HB needs a feature that let's you automatic avoid the monster after killing it once, as required for the quest. More to come, as I discover