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  • [PAID] BGFarmer - An Advanced Battleground Bot Base

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Store Botbases' started by Millz, Aug 16, 2014.

    1. kimble01

      kimble01 New Member

      May 15, 2014
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      Ah, chat options! I wondered how that worked. OK, Ima do it. Is now doing events and winning on his own! But really need a group. Horde is suckin on my server right now...
    2. quel

      quel Member

      Oct 19, 2010
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      Anyone that can recommend some mount settings for a healer in Ashran? :) Just feels like it dismounts to much to help people then following the group :S(Yes i have disabled it in BGFarmer)
    3. Dominci

      Dominci Member

      Oct 3, 2013
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      Seems kinda odd in Ashran, I've tested as Resto Druid, Rogue, and Feral Druid, all classes with stealth capabilities.

      Usually I find a group in groupfinder, set up the bot before entering Ashran, then let it enter and do its' own thing. However 99% of the time it just runs head first into the opposing faction instead of sticking with main bulk of the group.

      In normal battlegrounds it's unbeatable, but Ashran seems to be somewhat too elaborate, I've had more success just using the Tramper Follow plugin. My CR's can still heal, or dps, click yes on ready checks etc but the plugin isn't smart enough to do anything that strays from the main group.

      I think that Ashran would probably do better if it were simplified somewhat.
    4. kimble01

      kimble01 New Member

      May 15, 2014
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      With the latest fixes, he's pretty good now! But ya gotta make sure it's setup correctly. Turn "Force attack player off" and let bgfarmer control movement. Then make sure those same movements settings are off in your combat routine. Make sure your turn in amount is about 30, otherwise he runs off from group and doesn't get credit for events.
    5. quel

      quel Member

      Oct 19, 2010
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      Accpeting ready checks are not working for me for some reason, not role checks either
    6. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Ah I see. I get the trials reset every so often but it needs to be done by raphus, and he's a hard man to get ahold of. He's changing it so individual devs can reset the trials soon though.

      Make sure force attack players / mini bosses is disabled on the BG Specific tab. Reduce the dismount distance from poi hotspot from 15 (default) to ~5ish. I'd probably disable dismount to help team members too so that it only dismounts once it's in range of the group.

      Can you post a log file please? It's probably just some settings you need to change. As above (and below) - try disabling some of the settings I've mentioned and see if that improves things for you.

      Yeah turn off force attack player. I've disabled attacking mini bosses too. I might make those only work when out of group ?

      Once you've got the honor gear and rep capped, set the turn in fragments up to 200+ - it's good to turn them in to aid with the battle but don't want to keep running back often.

      Can you post a log file please when a ready check is triggered but the bot doesn't accept it? - be good to see if it's detecting the check in the log file.
    7. Spazy

      Spazy New Member

      Apr 7, 2012
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      Well I'm doing the 1 day test and i can say... Sorry i had no idea how in-depth this is! looks like i'm going to have to save up to buy this awesome thing :D
    8. CyberXavier

      CyberXavier Member

      Oct 3, 2014
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      why is the bot isn't moveing around in the Battleground?
    9. quel

      quel Member

      Oct 19, 2010
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      Thanks for the mount suggestions Millz :) However, if i uncheck the Dismount to help enemies it wont dismount to loot or anything unless it gets into combat
    10. myrgy

      myrgy Member

      Dec 19, 2013
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      Any suggestions for Horde Mage BG newb? The bot regularly charges into a group of enemies by itself. Losing about 90% of battles.

      Just tried out Ashran. I'm in a group waiting for an event at BR and the bot just runs around non-stop.
      Last edited: Mar 12, 2015
    11. starlite68

      starlite68 Member

      Oct 30, 2013
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      i'll just reiterate some very necessary suggestions - other than the pure bugs such as when the bot runs out of ashran altogether and has to sit in a 20 min queue to get back in

      this is after doing the entire nemesis questline, ie countless hours all of which i observed (since you sure as hell cant afk this botbase)

      the ONLY remotely reasonable way to use ashran now is thru the premade group finder - there is a tab in there dedicated to ashran (along with arenas, rbgs, etc). you queue up in a premade group for events or nemesis. not doing this (ie just walking into a random ashran and asking for invite) is insane and not worth any attention.

      this bot has to STOP attacking npcs. the 100 npcs inside the enemy base, the patrolling mounted ELITE npcs on the road. there is exactly zero benefit to doing so and it gets the char killed. this goes double the the damn GLADIATOR npcs guarding the bases.

      dont run deep into the enemy base when the rest of the raid is on the bridge. thats an instant death and long GY run and total waste.

      dont run ahead of the raid deep into the enemy raid on the road or in event areas, for same reason as above.

      other than the "leaving ashran" bug which is somewhat rare the main reason you cant leave this bot alone AT ALL is its incredible desire to get itself killed. it helped me a lot but at all times i needed to keep an eye on it, and when my nemesis raid got close to the enemy base or event area or flag capture i need to manually disable it with the "[BGFarmer] Routine Only Mode Enabled!" keybind and let it just sit there and chill. otherwise it would get itself killed in 20 sec and do a longass gy run from the other side of the map - and get itself killed on the road back since it dismounts to fight those unkillable elite knight NPCs.

      just to make it clear: getting killed is the worst thing that can happen in ashran since you miss out on event wins (conquest) and on nemesis kills. and I'm not complaining about dying in general since that's NORMAL in pvp. it happens. however much of the time this bot, despite a huge fight between two 40man raids... is literally the only one out of 40 that ends up dead. because its the only one that decided to run 100 yards into their base alone, or to charge alone down the Brute's Rise steps deep into the enemy raid, out of range of heals. you get the idea.
      Last edited: Mar 13, 2015
    12. xperiadudu

      xperiadudu New Member

      Mar 10, 2014
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      my hunter doesn't mount up in alterac valley (worgen), just uses worgen speed form, but is slower than everyone else.
    13. quel

      quel Member

      Oct 19, 2010
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      Can't seem to figure out if it's BGFarmer or Oracle that locks on to a friendly target if it wants to help out friendly players and just keeps standing there with him while the raid is moving on to the next event. This happens as well if i get dazed by mobs, it stops moving and just starts healing itself for like 10-15 secs and trys to move on again.
    14. Butty26

      Butty26 New Member

      Aug 26, 2014
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      Bot running into the alli zerg on the Ashran main road for the 10th time, let's see if it breaks it's all time record. :eek:
    15. boombam

      boombam Member

      Feb 9, 2015
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      with the upgrades to conquest from random BG's and nearly instant queues, it is vastly faster and more consistent to cap conquest just doing chain bg's. for small bg's it's 150 for first win and 75 after that, big bg's is like 225/175 and given how they've shortened the average bg length significantly, it is quite easy to cap 10+ toons doing nothing but bg's so I have little interest in using Ashran for this considering the 1000+ posts about complications with it. If you just win 2 bg's per day it's already enough to cap since at least a few of those will be the big bg's that give 225/175 mixed with the smaller ones. Even on a really bad day 90 minutes is well more than enough for 2 wins unless you go on like a 1-5 streak.

      I'm more interested in some feedback about how good this base is at improving win chances in random bg's and whether it looks less bottish than bgbuddy but very few of the posts in the last 100+ that I scanned through is about bg's. Any quick feedback or summary for just this purpose outside of Ashran?

      It seems like the vast, vast majority of the interest in this base is regarding Ashran and a lot of work has gone into it. Any chance it could be split into a "light" product for partial price if we have no interest in the Ashran portion? Just recode the base into a full and partial one as separate products in the store.
      Last edited: Mar 13, 2015
    16. Butty26

      Butty26 New Member

      Aug 26, 2014
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      Ah nice to know that CP from BG got increased, after the bot ran 13 times into alli zerg and afterwards got killed by roaming guards all the time I stopped.
      On some days Ashran is running very well, on others it's better to just not use it.
      Last edited: Mar 13, 2015
    17. deano

      deano New Member

      May 25, 2014
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      Just a quick note to say that its a great bot thankyou. . . However lol, have come across a few problems and was wondering if you could help with them. As a healer, why does my bot insist on running to the front of the pack and healing from there. Can you set healing classes to stay at the back of the pack and heal from there pls, i am sick of watching this idiot healer run up near the front, then get yanked by a dk into a pack and obliterated time after time. This to me does not seem consistant with a human healer, who would with any sense stay away from the front, and with a failing grp run away :). This bot stays till the last persons are dead, then facing 4-5 enemies trys to out-heal their dps. Humans would have run along time ago.

      This happens mainly in AV and Ashran. Why also in Ashran does the bot, path down toward the tree dude before they go out the main gate?. This is completely different to all the other players, and looks so botish. I think the only reason my healer is not been called a bot atm, is because it heals so well, even if it acts like a dps running to the front!.
    18. boombam

      boombam Member

      Feb 9, 2015
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      i have not used this bot at all but in general HB dismount/engage distances are set based on enemy distance, so if you set it to something high even like 30 yards, if your team isn't rushing ahead into the fight, 30 yards setting putting you 30 yards from the enemy target might very well put you in the front of a bunch of chicken team members :)

      you can try something really big like 60 yards so that you are OOR of the enemy when you dismount to get rdy to engage and hope you're in range of the players who need healing.
    19. boombam

      boombam Member

      Feb 9, 2015
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      i tested 3 accounts, about 20 toons over the last week since CP increase. On average a 3 hour run is netting about 600 points depending on the gear/spec. Geared healers using a PVP oriented spec like Tuanha has a very good win percentage, multiple of them capped in 2x 3h AFK runs just using BGBuddy which I think frankly is quite horrible but at least gets the job done. The community is much more aware of botting in general now and literally about every 1/3 of the matches I watch someone mentions something about all the bots riding together to no goal which is what bgbuddy does. This is not a complaint as it is the default free base and works for the purpose of capping, the behavior and IQ are just very bad. I just accept that it is an inherent risk of AFK botting, but the risk seems even higher now with ppl calling you out all the time. Even with just bgbuddy though I can almost guarantee it's faster and consistent if you are just looking for CQ cap.

      This is why I am interested in how this performs in all the regular bg's and not ashran, but like 90% of the posts here are all about Ashran. Just FYI, 3 boxing a geared healer and double brainless melee zerg together is fun to watch just wreck everything in it's path even if you look like a bot and and go the wrong way with bgbuddy, but the win chance is quite good. One of my common combo's is MW + War + DK almost full primal now and they just run together and obliterate anything they run into. Looks like obvious bots always running together and to the wrong places but still fun to watch and effective :) Casters work fine too, especially with Millz's awesome CR's but they inherently are way worse full AFK cuz movement is required. When I swap in a caster I always pair another healer and high pressure melee with it.
      Last edited: Mar 13, 2015
    20. tiobila

      tiobila New Member

      Jan 6, 2013
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      Hey, Millz and Honorbuddy people! Just wanted to say thank you for this nice botbase. It is doing a nice job, so far. I've been using it in Ashran for the last 4 hours~ and managed to get around 2.3k Conquest Points on my toon.
      Last edited: Mar 13, 2015

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