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  • [PAID] BGFarmer - An Advanced Battleground Bot Base

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Store Botbases' started by Millz, Aug 16, 2014.

    1. myrgy

      myrgy Member

      Dec 19, 2013
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      What settings did you use? To me it looks very bot-like in Ashran.
    2. tiobila

      tiobila New Member

      Jan 6, 2013
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      It is basically doing events. And just events. I signed up for the battleground on the LFG thing, found an event group, and that's it. Not collecting any objects, staying with the party and playing events.
    3. tiobila

      tiobila New Member

      Jan 6, 2013
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      Things that I've noticed though, and deserve some kind of attention if possible, is an option to turn off attacking regular mobs. Sometimes my character starts hitting random mobs while the group is waiting for a specific event to start, and that's not necessary. Another thing, on the Racing event, make the toon mount up to play with the teammates. It is running on foot, staying behind the pack.
    4. myrgy

      myrgy Member

      Dec 19, 2013
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      I tried that and while the group was waiting for an event to pop the bot was constantly running around. I had to turn it off.
    5. deano

      deano New Member

      May 25, 2014
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      Sorry really didnt explain properly/maybe i expect too much of a bot, but it dismounts fine at the back, but as a tank runs forward into the enemy the bot seems to edge forward to get in range of that 1 or 2 people to heal them, however if they die or the bot gets close to the front of all the chickens, as it does inching forward all the time i inevitably gets to close to the enemy and they either grab it or storm it then just stun lock it to death.

      Is there no way to stop it just inching forward through the fight, and maybe if it does do this to move back?. Its a brilliant bot for healing dont get me wrong. I am always top in pvp. However the defense logic is silly, it never seems to want to run away, especially if it has 3+ enemy on it, it just tries to out heal them.
      When i get the time to play i play like all humans, you see your too close to the front you move back, you see they out number you by alot and your just about to get over run. You pop all your fasts and run the other way!. Standing there to the utter death of everyone is not Human. Although there are some crazy "Hero" types out there.
      Again ty for the bot. I know in the future this will be ironed out and i should be thankful when i play as a human i can still smash a bot 1vs1. I am only pointing this out as people do seem to be more aware of how these bots are not as intelligent (or cowardly) lol as humans >:)
    6. Labze

      Labze Member

      Jul 19, 2013
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      I've been using this bot for a good while now to gear up several toons, and while its great, there are some things that needs improvement especially now that this botbase is pretty widespread.

      First of all, the behaviour when staying at a defense point like in battle for gilneas or docks at isle of conquest, anything like that. It is extremely obvious to spot the bot behaviour when several people are randomly opening the minimap and running in weird patterns. Not so much obvious when you alone, but now that many uses this, its pretty obvious. I know that because i am using it, its easy for me to spot, but several people have called out the behaviour and i think it should either be removed, lessened or be made as a toggle - or perhaps add several random behaviours such as strafing around, just jumping and so forth so not every bot behaves the same when defending

      Secondly it would be awesome if some defense detection could be added, what i mean by this often the bot derps around defending a base with 2-3 others even though it needs to be out helping attacking because your team is behind in bases. Lets say we play arathi basin and we only have 2 bases and needs a third, if we are 3 defending often someone will say "you two go out help", running around randomly and not moving away often triggers peoples attention. So something like detect if people are defending a base then move away, but only if your down in bases against the other team would be awesome.
    7. TxF

      TxF Member

      Jan 2, 2015
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      Honestly, I'm really surprised Millz hasn't split out the Ashran logic into a separate bot and started charging for it separately.

      For true battlegrounds (the typical ones listed as "battlegrounds" in the "Group Finder," "Specific Battlegrounds") this bot is pretty amazing-- you get what you pay for many times over. Ashran is a PvP Zone; it has quests, objectives, Bosses, etc. While the value add for BGFarmer is huge, I'm not sure it's fair to expect the dev of an, "An Advanced Battleground Bot Base" to include functionality/fixes that could easily be a separate bot base for free. Talk about feature creep.

      To keep a cleaner set of forum threads, features and fixes I would support (and pay for a reasonably priced) "AshranFarmer" branch of BGFarmer. My $0.02.

      Keep up the great work Millz.
    8. frosta

      frosta New Member

      Oct 29, 2014
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      Hey Millz.

      -I have problems with grouping. The bot is not accepting role check when not the groupleader. It worked before. And yes we are stamdomg next to each other. Want to group with another bot.
      -Another problem is that the bot eats from banquet table even it has the buff already, it never stops until the bg starts.
      -My bot isnt using the mage table.

      Last edited: Mar 14, 2015
    9. deano

      deano New Member

      May 25, 2014
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      You can go into the options and turn off the random straffing and toggle minimap features. Infact i turn off pretty much anything so my bot just stands like a normal stupid human after capping/while near the flag.

      Anyone who doesnt turn these features off imo is asking for trouble.
    10. lordkysers

      lordkysers New Member

      Jul 22, 2012
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      When running 2 accounts the second account (not the one qing up) is not selecting a role (Damage, Heals, tank) any ideas?
    11. rascal9

      rascal9 Member

      Aug 8, 2012
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      how does this do in ashran? I see plugins around here guaranteeing 1k per hour is this on par with these high standards?
    12. boombam

      boombam Member

      Feb 9, 2015
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      i'm having same problem, there's an option to sign up as group but the second acct either signs up solo or it won't select a roll to join as group. it says u have to be next to each other so i literally stacked the 2 guys 1 yard from either other and it still won't work. weird bug. one of the main reasons i bought this was for this specific purpose to healbot my main for fun while i'm actually playing for real so manually queueing works fine, but i'd like to be able to leave for a few hours and let it still work.

      here is the part of the log, it keeps spamming this until i manually accept the role and then it works. It keeps spamming the above 6 lines (We want to be signed up for 1. Signing Up! It keeps spamming this forever until you click accept role on the 2nd acct.

      [23:05:43.526 N] [BGFarmer] Currently Queued for 0 Battlegrounds. We want to be signed up for 1. Signing Up!
      [23:05:43.526 N] [BGFarmer] Signing up for next battleground [Group]
      [23:05:45.673 N] [BGFarmer] Currently Queued for 0 Battlegrounds. We want to be signed up for 1. Signing Up!
      [23:05:45.674 N] [BGFarmer] Signing up for next battleground [Group]
      [23:05:47.779 N] [BGFarmer] Currently Queued for 0 Battlegrounds. We want to be signed up for 1. Signing Up!
      [23:05:47.779 N] [BGFarmer] Signing up for next battleground [Group]

      another weird issue is it won't let me keep the big map up. the second i press M the map shows up and immediately closes. Same CR with bgbuddy doesn't do this.

      BGFarmer] Close Map! Next open in 16 seconds
      [BGFarmer] Closing map while moving.
      [BGFarmer] Open Map! Next close in 2 seconds
      [BGFarmer] Close Map! Next open in 51 seconds

      and the last major thing i see missing (only owned this for a few hours) is target selection. There should be one to prioritize orb holder, not just healer or low health.
      Last edited: Mar 15, 2015
    13. boombam

      boombam Member

      Feb 9, 2015
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      no matter how good the base or plugin is, ashran cannot be guaranteed not even played by hand. I can't always get 1k per hour even playing myself with a premium CR, too many variables. I doubt Millz will guarantee flaky things like that. The points fluctuate hugely on Ashran, random BG's, and arena is consistent.
    14. quel

      quel Member

      Oct 19, 2010
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      Hey Millz. Could an option be added for Ashran to dismount to loot? I found that it works better for healers at least that it should not dismount to help others while moving with the group because i always end up dying.
    15. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Post a log file please.

      How To Attach a Log

      Post a log file please.

      How To Attach a Log

      I'll change this locking to friendly target stuff. BGFarmer forces targeting friendly players that are injured to try and encourage CRs to heal better. Was put in before group focused stuff - so can remove it again now.

      You're right that I should have done them separate from the start, but didn't expect Ashran to become as popular as it did. I'm not hugely concerned though, it just gives better value for money for you guys.

      I spent a lot of time on the BGs before WoD came out, so they're already pretty good. Ashran code has only taken focus since WoD came out - the normal BGs are still good though.

      Cool, glad you're having success :)
    16. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Can't disable attacking regular mobs as you'd end up just afking with NPCs beating on you. It shouldn't engage with NPCs unless they attack you first.

      Once the toon is in combat, providing there's other players around it hands over to the combat routine. Once there's no players around or you're not in combat the bot base takes over. It's hard to determine which way the battle is facing, and where the front line is etc to know when you're close to the front and should move backwards.

      You can disable that kind of stuff in the settings. Mini map, random strafing etc.

      Once you're in combat, it'll just stay there and continue fighting until you're out of combat again - then re-evaluate what's the next best course of action.

      Yeah, definitely should have done this from the start, but wasn't expecting Ashran to take such a large amount of focus in WoD. Just means better value for money for those who buy it - since when the next expac comes out the bot is still worthwhile and usable.

      Think I know what's wrong with role check, will fix that.

      What's the food buff you're getting from banquet table called? It's currently looking for 'Well Fed'.

      It'll only use mage table if you don't already have some conjured food in your bags (i.e. Conjured Mana Fritter - Item - World of Warcraft)
    17. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'd never guarantee something like that. You'd struggle to get that playing by hand. It's false advertisement - not my style.

      Role check -> Will fix this.

      Map -> You can disable this in the settings.

      Targets -> It has priority on certain conditions which can't be disabled (i.e. vehicles in SotA, WSG/TP flag carriers, Orb holders in ToK). If it deems those targets as being bad/invalid for whatever reason, then it goes for other targets. Conditions on what unit to select needs to be reasonably strict so that it doesn't try and run through 20 units to get to the 1 it wants to attack (i.e. kamikaze-ing straight into the enemy pack).

      Will add that to my to-do list.
    18. Butty26

      Butty26 New Member

      Aug 26, 2014
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      Working nice and smooth today, finding the biggest pack is much quicker and it won't freak out once at spot. Good work =)

      Only problem Ashran:

      Race Event: Bot stucks at the flags marking the begin and end of a round since they only spawn during the event and the bot just don't know they exist at all.
      Stucks very bot like in there if you are unlucky.
    19. Butty26

      Butty26 New Member

      Aug 26, 2014
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      Graveyard in the middle of the map displayed on the map as: Horde.
      Me : Horde
      Graveyard flags: Alliance

      Bot will click: Release to graveyard every second and stuck in this loop, acting very bot like.

      Might need to increase the interval of releasing to graveyard or let the bot run back to the home base in this scenarion.


      Bot will for whatever go back from the Horde graveyard inside the base to Ashran entrance and getting stuck in a loop of:
      Moving to biggest pack of the grp.

      Heading inside and outside the Ashran queue zone.
      Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
    20. boombam

      boombam Member

      Feb 9, 2015
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      awesome, thanks for fast response as always. didn't realize it had built in priority for orbs/flags/demo's but this definitely makes it better. ran about 9 toons 3-6 hours each now and it definitely is way better than bgbuddy just for bg's even if there was no Ashran component. Will try out the role check thing now to test out some 3 boxing.

      not sure if you ever considered this but bg's are way more complex than arena's and the current auto movement for arena for those of us who like to multi-box is frankly horrible no matter what base or CR you use, but I'm pretty sure this has more to do the the HB core/mesh. Like in sewers if the player just jumps off the edge, every botbase/CR will run all the way around to the pillar down the stairs, and essentially never catch anyone who uses the Z-axis of the maps at all (who doesn't use the Z-axis??). after botting as much as i have it's quite easy for me to spot a bot and i can literally fight 2 of them forever just going up and down the edge of any map and they will never, ever catch you. this really only impacts really lazy solo players who literally don't even want to touch the keyboard, but mostly those of us with more than 1 acct who self cap every week (there's thousands of us I would assume).

      i'm sure it would be very popular if you created a botbase just for this purpose. Create exceptions for the maps to allow falling off when it's appropriate to follow someone. There is no significant fall damage in any arena, so it's pretty much always appropriate for a melee class to fall off to stay closer to the target or a healer/caster who would lose LOS if they did not jump off. there's only a few arena's that even has a Z-axis that impacts movement and they come up with less than 1 new arena map per year so a botbase like this would last a long, long time for a lot less effort than the complex bg coding took. I would buy/donate for sure if anyone developped a simple movement botbase for arena for multi-boxers so the full afk bots can perform better while i play the main guy.

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