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  • [OFFICIAL] Rebornbuddy Questing Pack

    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Profiles' started by kagamihiiragi17, Dec 19, 2014.

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    1. bobbyx

      bobbyx Member

      Sep 12, 2014
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      I already lvl the char to lv 42 by Fate, is that possible to just do the main scenario quests?
    2. bobbyx

      bobbyx Member

      Sep 12, 2014
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    3. The Red Terror

      The Red Terror Member

      Apr 2, 2012
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      The Thuamaturge went from the end of your 1-15 to :

      Lorf of the Inferno w

      EDIT: I would recommend in the future of having the bot stop to allow the player to pick a Grand Company in the future. This would also mean adding more quests for the separate Grand Companies, but it would also be good to know that not all the botters here are affiliated with the Immortal Flames. Unless the bot picks at random in which case I retract my statement.

      EDIT2: For Coin and Country (Main Story) Completed

      Problems: After completing the quest. When Descending down the stairs in (Upper La Noscea, La Noscea, 12X, 22Y) between Thalaos and Poor Maid's Mill on the map. The bot starts to twitch back and forth (In the medium level of the stair case right when it's about to turn between the first stair case and the second).

      Here is a log: View attachment 13672 2015-03-13 11.36.txt

      Bottom portion is where it starts to twerk back and forth constantly for a while.

      EDIT3: After I forced it to jump the bot continued and then decided to do twerk (the same thing) at the tree/hill on the left side at the bottom of the staircase (ground floor).
      Starting and stopping the bot did nothing and neither did reloading everything (fresh bot client and loading the profile) it didn't pick off at the same part it simply decided to kill a set amount of kobolds again and then get stuck again. So I decided to teleport back to Horizon to go hand in the quest and the bot decided once it got to Horizon it would head on down to Southern Thanalan and go to Little Ala Mihgo (sorry if name is wrong) and get the aetheryte. It then found another problem and kept trying to set it as it's free destination instead of favorite or whatever it was trying to do.

      EDIT4: After I manually gave the bot the Aetheryte to the bot it then decided to go kill a few Am'alja and then returned to town and ported to Horizon and has since continued on it's way with no problems.

      Question: When the quests become a bit difficult will the bot continue to quest (not sure if there are enough quests to continuesly do them until 50) or will it start to grind mobs in the profile until a level is reached and move on from there?

      EDIT5: If the bot is in Upper La Noscea and dies it will respawn at the one in Aleport (Western La Noscea) and sits there. It just repeatedly checks gear instead of walking back to Upper La Noscea.

      EDIT6: Quest: Nouveau Riche (Speak with Laurentius again....) part

      Looked away and it looks like the bot thought it had communicated with Laurentius at this part of the quest and went to the places each time and talked to no one. Ended up sitting in the bar at Buscarron's Bar.
      I don't have the proper log so I can't give it. I'm running a Conjurer soon so I'll be sure to pick up where it messed up.

      I should note that when I hit stop and start again at the bar the bot simply went back to those places and got the quest finished properly.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Mar 14, 2015
    4. kagamihiiragi17

      kagamihiiragi17 Community Developer

      Jun 24, 2014
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      Sounds like a targeting issue with moving to LOS. Not a profile issue.


      Nothing I can do. Stopping and restarting your bot should do it. If the handle death logic of the bot cannot return to the map it came from then it will sit there. Not a profile issue. I included logic to return to Upper La Noscea for most places I thought people might die.

      It should go back and finish. Need a log though to fix, though I bet it was an issue with lag which caused the issue.
    5. kagamihiiragi17

      kagamihiiragi17 Community Developer

      Jun 24, 2014
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      I don't know where you got that profile but that's a very old version. Update your SVN.
    6. kagamihiiragi17

      kagamihiiragi17 Community Developer

      Jun 24, 2014
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      No. To use the 15-50 profile you must have used the 1-15 profile.
    7. The Red Terror

      The Red Terror Member

      Apr 2, 2012
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      1st) Good to know

      2nd)It targets nothing when it does this on either times. There is one time where it glitches out on the stairs again when it tries to hand in the quest at the bottom and tries to select the npc when it twerks.

      4th) Stopping and Starting did nothing other than tell me there is no path viable and checked gear.

      5th) Most likely right about the lag issue.

      Main Quest: Back from the Wood (Completed)

      Problem: Walks into the wall with the "Entrance to the Solar" instead of clicking it or interacting.
      Bottom of the log again: View attachment 171607

      Sorry if the logs are the same name. Just keep it in mind when you take a look.

      EDIT8: Hitting stop and start again fixed it. I think you're right about the lag. It's been off and on tonight.

      Quest: Hair Club for Hyur (Completed)

      Problem: Bot doesn't seem to be able to use tonic on the mob Helmhart. Sits there and just tries to interact with it constantly.
      Bottom of the log: View attachment 171608

      Stopping and Starting the bot does nothing.

      Main Quest: Meeting with the Resistance (unable to pick-up)

      Problem: Bot was almost 26 and was unable to pick-up quest after handing in the pre-requisite "Foot in the Door" Main Quest.
      Ignore if this is intended, otherwise it was just shy of 26 of continuing on.

      One of the happiest days of my life :mad:)

      Does your profile support dismissing the chocobo for main story quests? If so that means things like Ultima can be used for chocobo support for amazing efficiency!!

      Quest: What's Your Poison

      Problem: Not sure when this quest gets completed. My bot grinded 28-29 in North Shroud and wants to grind another level without picking up the 28 Story Quest or completing the other. Everytime I reset the bot it simply wants to go back. If this is correct ignore this.

      Main Quest: Back from the Wood (Completed)

      Problem: Walks into the wall with the "Entrance to the Solar" instead of clicking it or interacting.

      *IMPORTANT* I posted this in EDIT7, but I wanted to say it came across the same problem at the same point in the quest. Looks like it tries to interact with the solar too soon.

      Bottom of log. View attachment 16192 2015-03-14 10.43.txt

      I ran it again from outside the Waking Sands in Vesper Bay and it seems that the lag it gets from jumping into a zone or trying to initiate the first movement is too soon, You can probably easily fix this with just having a slight wait or having the bot move a bit closer to interact with the door before proceeding.

      Quest: A Burning Request
      Location: South Shroud

      Problem: As it's cruising through this quest it likes to stop and do nothing (did this twice once after the 2nd and 3rd lumber). but when I give it a small nudge (a, s, d, etc.) it continues on it's way.

      Main Quest: The Penitent Man
      Location: South Shroud

      Problem: It's most likely a COMBAT issue and not your profile. I'll bring it up though. It seems when you summon the swarm and before it gets hostile the bot will attack/cast a few times and then attempt to repeatedly (until death or success) use the item to make the bees weaker. It interrupts when it's hit as I'm sure you're aware. So it leads to whether you can dodge or the chocobo will pull aggro off you in time so you're able to use it.

      I'm curious as to whether this is why you skipped the quest ("What's Your Poison"). I say skipped because I haven't seen it completed on two different characters. If it gets done in the 30+ that's fine.

      Quest: Blast from the Past
      Location: Southern Thanalan

      Problem: Bot keeps dying after it successfully doused the first one and killed it. The Tempered Brand it's trying to kill now is too much. The bot is running into about 2-3 of these elite mobs before it even gets eyes on the Brand and even begins to use the water to make it weak. You may want to consider having the bot come from the right side of the ruins (when facing in south to Little Ala Mihgo) since it wouldn't get nearly as much aggro. By doing this you can kill the 2-3 normal mobs that lurk there and be able to aggro only 1 elite mob to get the quest done. I'll run it another 2 times and watch, but this will most likely have to be done by hand for now.

      What level will the Thaumaturge become a black mage and the Conjurer becomes a white mage?

      Main Quest: An Offer You Can Refuse
      Quest: Put a Cork in It (Completed), Raptor 'round' Your Little Finger (Completed), Mona Lisa Smile (Completed), Give a Man to Drink (Completed)
      Location: Eastern La Noscea, Wineport

      Problem: Every time the bot comes to hand in a quest to this guy, Byrglaent. It decides to go behind his shop in wineport and twerk repeatedly trying to interact with him through the wall. I saw it one of the earlier quests and figured it might be something else, but it just keeps happening regardless of the quest. I should also note that the bot doesn't even have Byrglaent selected.

      Bottom of log: View attachment 11588 2015-03-15 11.34.txt

      Update to EDIT08: It also seems to glitch out when you manually start the bot in the store. It wants to run into a wall non stop instead of using the door. Goes completely sideways once it hands both quests in.

      Update to EDIT08: It seems that if it must interact with the NPC Lohmani after being inside the store the bot will try and go sideways and not use the door. My guess would be that what you have:

      [19:14:38.890 D] Interacting with Etgar 0x11C027A0
      [19:14:40.702 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to TurnInTag: RewardSlot: 0, ItemIds: null, IsDone: False, NpcId: 1006305, InteractDistance: 5, XYZ: <10.60498, 71.47817, -16.61713>, NPC: Shamani Lohmani 0x11BF8520, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 66376, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: An Offer You Can Refuse, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .

      Is that after interacting with Etgar you have him to simply interact with Lohmani next and not have a generated path out the door first and then an interact. This is great because you can easily fix all the little bumps for this chain and just thinking about makes me giddy :D. Here's the log from the completed version of "An Offer You Can't Refuse"

      Bottom of Log: View attachment 12420 2015-03-15 12.05.txt

      EDIT09: Will your profile at some point unlock Retainers or is that something we must do?


      Main Quest: Lord of Crags (Completed)

      Problem: When this quest was completed and I popped out of the instance I proceeded to start the bot. It decided to port to North Shroud, Fallgourd Float. Once there it started stating:

      [21:32:09.802 D] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
      at Clio.Utilities.ScriptManager.GetCondition(String expression)
      at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.UseSpellTag.ConditionCheck() in c:\Users\RedTerror\Documents\RebornBuddy\Profiles\Questing\Quest Behaviors\UseSpell.cs:line 136
      at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.UseSpellTag.<Behavior>b__0(Object ret) in c:\Users\RedTerror\Documents\RebornBuddy\Profiles\Questing\Quest Behaviors\UseSpell.cs:line 76
      at etc etc etc

      Here is a log of it. I plan to go complete the quest Unicorn Power (not sure if conjurer quest). I will let you know what happens when my Thaumaturge gets there. I should also tell you if it matters that when the main quest "Lord of Crags" was picked up for the Conjurer it decided to go start a conjurer quest and get a ways into it before it decides to idle and eventually stop.

      View attachment 5600 2015-03-15 14.29.txt

      Update to EDIT10: When I went south and healed the Unicorn I turned the bot back on and it went from there and ported to New Gridania. Looks like it's back on track.


      When the Thaumaturge finished Lord of Crags it simply walked back to Camp Bronze Lake and started continueing to quest. So no problems here. I'm just wondering now when the Thaumaturge begins to start his Black mage quests.

      Job Quest: So You Want to Be an Arcanist
      Location: La Noscea, Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks

      Problem: When walking up to Murie the bot just sits there in front of her and keeps replacing hook after hook and getting nowhere. Starting and Stopping the bot did nothing. Had to Do it manually.

      Bottom of Log with lots of the spam in between: View attachment 5600 2015-03-15 14.29.txt

      Update to EDIT11:

      Job Quest: Way of the Arcanist
      Location: La Noscea, Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks

      Problem: Bot interacts with Murie to bring up the quest, but just sits there and doesn't accept it.

      [22:22:36.893 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to UseTransport: IsDone: False, NpcId: 1000895, DialogOption: -1, InteractDistance: 3.5, XYZ: <-335.7443, 12.89977, 1.388489>, NPC: Murie 0x11C28900, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
      [22:22:36.893 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 6b4d6d43-c3c8-4ce2-930b-a2b2d0cec646
      [22:22:36.896 D] Interacting with Murie 0x11C28900

      After that it just repeats Interacting with Murie. Here's a log as well:
      View attachment 5600 2015-03-15 14.29.txt

      EDIT12: Thaumaturge has made a lot of progress in regards of no errors. Not sure when it starts black mage, but I can't wait.

      Location: Coerthas Central Highlands, Camp Dragonhead

      Problem: Aetheryte. It seems that the bot keeps trying to set it as it's free destination. Not sure if it's trying to set it's intending to set home or favorite.

      White Mage Quest: Seer Folly (Completed)
      Location: Central Shroud, Everschade

      Problem: Once the Conjurer got through it's quest with the wonder twins (Raya-O and A-Ruhn-Senna) it couldn't find a viable path back to hand in the quest. Looks like it was trying to find a path back to Camp Tranquil and is missing a teleport or something else.
      Bottom of the log: View attachment 5600 2015-03-15 14.29.txt

      The bot was stopped and started and also reloaded to make sure it wasn't a lag or delay issue.

      Problem2: Once the bot is manually ported to Camp Tranquil in South Shroud it decides to stop at the small semi island besides the one where Raya-O and A-Ruhn are standing on. Needless to say they can't interact with each other and the bot simply sits there at 18X, 26Y. I'm not sure if the bot jumped across in the first place to get the quest or if it was picked up somewhere else. I guess the bot will have to jump as it tries to traverse that since there is no way it can walk to it (I tried walking off the side cliff and it didn't work) or it will have to be done manually which is crappy.

      Here is a nice clean log I was able to get from after teleporting to Camp Tranquil to it trying to interact with Raya-O-Senna.

      View attachment 15492 2015-03-16 01.44.txt

      Thought I would give a list of quests that the bot has picked up, but will not complete (this also means it doesn't attempt to complete them as well):
      In Too Deep
      Doing the Dirty Work
      What's Your Poison

      EDIT16: The following is not a problem. It's just something I've noticed on one of the main quests.

      Main Quest: In the Eyes of Gods and Men

      The 2 semi bosses that appear in this scenario have aoe's that will kill you when used together (and they will be). The current Zekken (avoidance plug-in and a good one at that) does not have these aoe's supported. Meaning unless you add these manually (or the community adds this and posts it) you will have to do this manually. It has nothing to do with the profile. I'm just letting everyone know that this quest will need to be manually done.

      Main Quest: Ye of Little Faith (Talk to Alboise)

      First Problem: The bot went into the wrong level of the house. It was supposed to enter on from the bottom floor instead of the top floor (this shit was immensely confusing doing it myself the first time).
      Bottom of the log: View attachment 7056 2015-03-16 13.12.txt
      I stopped the bot and restarted it both times inside and outside to be sure it wasn't any other kind of interference and still got the same result.

      Main Quest: Ye of Little Faith (Speak with Astidien)

      Second Problem: The bot tries to communicate through the house instead of walking out and starting a new path to go upstairs to talk with the NPC Astidien.
      Here's a log of the bot interacting with the first NPC Alboise and then proceeding to grind up on the wall trying to talk with the house or the denizen upstairs Astidien.
      Bottom of the log: View attachment 7056 2015-03-16 13.12.txt

      I stopped the bot inside and got the same issue. When I went into the middle of the yard and did it. It went up to the proper level and traversed the staircase perfectly and interacted with Astidien. So it just needs to leave the house and then go interact with the NPC.

      Quest: Cleaning out the Dead (Picking up the quest)

      Problem: If you start the bot in the center of Whitebrim Front or even in front of the house for this quest. The bot will run up top and sit right on top of the Oncenedl's house (NPC). It's not a lag issue, but a navigation one. If possible have the bot navigate inside of her house and start it then. Otherwise it just keeps going on the top of the house and sits there.
      Bottom of log: View attachment 7056 2015-03-16 13.12.txt

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
    8. DBG

      DBG New Member

      Jul 16, 2014
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      I just recently picked up SMN since my THM is at 15; I knew since my ACH was already at 50 this wasn't likely going to work (as previously stated the bot needs to start completely fresh with these profiles) and sure enough when I launched the jobs quest it kept trying to go to the Flames Officer without luck (I get the logic behind it, I just hope one day we can tap into the questing ability at various levels or when picking up a new job in which you already have one class leveled out... although ACH is the odd class in the bunch). The reason for this is not just laziness but because all of the hard work of creating the logic to complete the quests is sitting there, there just needs to be improvements made to handle "quest management". I think I'll go back to the $15/month payment system just so I can have room to test (I hope to publish some of my own profiles as well as plug-ins before the month is out).

      tl;dr - These profiles aren't magical guise but kaga-sama has made them pretty darn close ;)
    9. Tr87

      Tr87 New Member

      Nov 2, 2012
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      Works great. A couple of minor hiccups on the way to 22(currently), but nothing that takes more then like 10 seconds to fix manually.
    10. Heritage

      Heritage Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      Getting this all the time at lvl 16 trying to bot. I don't wanna switch over to a grinding profile but im having so much issues with your questing pack, it's not even 70% afk'able right now.

      Attached Files:

      lotrodude likes this.
    11. kagamihiiragi17

      kagamihiiragi17 Community Developer

      Jun 24, 2014
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      If you have issues, post about them instead of just complaining and I'll take a look. I personally 95% hands-off from 1-50 for testing and it works fine.

      As for your current error, you didn't check out the SVN properly. Update your folder, there should be a file in Profiles/Questing/Class Quests/ called ClassQuests_15.xml. I see it sitting on the SVN, so download it.
    12. Heritage

      Heritage Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      I dont mean to be rude but it's just that it says this is an 95%+ hands off profile but so far i've had to do stuff manually quite alot (Getting stuck a few times, running into walls) etc.
      I appriciate your hard work tho!

      What i had to do before it started working again was to do the first dungeon (It must be pirates thingie) on my own and after that it's now working.

      As for SVN i just create a folder and checkout then update, it's weird if that don't work. Updated again now tho.

    13. kagamihiiragi17

      kagamihiiragi17 Community Developer

      Jun 24, 2014
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      Getting stuck is a navigation issue, not a profile issue. Post them in the navigation issues thread. Running into walls is odd, I would imagine you're running an addon which is causing conflicts, like Zekken or some other movement plugin. While that is a nice plugin, it is not supported with this profile pack just like how all other plugins are not supported.

      I don't mean to be rude, but I said that my experience has been 95% hands off, but maybe you didn't read the following, even though I made the font huge so that everyone would read it. I've posted it again so that you are sure to see it:

      If you would be so kind as to post actual profile issues here so that I can try to fix them, that would be lovely. If you need help figuring out what is a profile issue and what isn't and how you might be able to fix them, please read over the first few posts, especially the second post.
    14. Heritage

      Heritage Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      Now it's just looping :(

      Attached Files:

    15. kagamihiiragi17

      kagamihiiragi17 Community Developer

      Jun 24, 2014
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      Can you tell me what quests you currently have accepted on your character?
    16. Heritage

      Heritage Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      Loc: Central Shroud
      Where the heart is (The lavender beds)

      Loc: Gridania
      Trial by Wind
      Leves of Bentbranch
      Fire in the Gloom

      Loc: Limsa Lominsa
      Beauty is only scalp deep

      (Im level 17, almost 18, ran your profiles from start, switched to 15-50 as soon as i dinged 15)
    17. kagamihiiragi17

      kagamihiiragi17 Community Developer

      Jun 24, 2014
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      For some reason Trial by Wind was not completed successfully when the Gridania_1-15 profile was running. Not sure why. But because of that the bot cannot pick up the level 15 class quest like it wants to. If you finish that by hand (or you might just be able to load the Gridania profile again and it might work depending on your character location) and then restart it should work.
    18. Heritage

      Heritage Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      Yeah, i just started the 15-50 as soon as i dinged, maybe that was a mistake? Should we let the 1-15 profile finish 100% even if that means running after 15 before loading 15-50?
    19. kagamihiiragi17

      kagamihiiragi17 Community Developer

      Jun 24, 2014
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      Yes, that was a mistake. Please let the 15-50 profile complete in its entirety, it will automatically load the 15-50 profile when it is time. The 1-15 profile completes quests which are prerequisites for other quests down the line and must be completed in its entirety.
    20. Heritage

      Heritage Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      And something else, since im really new to this game, i got the collectors edition where i got some minions to spawn, are they imporant or of any use running these profiles or are they just for show?
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