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  • [PAID] [Mage] Portal - An Advanced Honorbuddy Mage Routine [PvE/PvP]

    Discussion in 'Mage' started by Millz, Aug 26, 2013.

    1. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hi Everyone!

      As you may (or may not) know, I'm getting married tomorrow (Saturday 21st March). I'll be away until 28th March - there'll be no support from me until I get back - at which point it may take me a little while to catch back up with everything.

      For the next week, for the first time in 2 years, all of my products have been discounted! View them all here: Buddy Store


      N.B: I'll go back over the posts I've just skipped above on my return!
    2. mistermr26

      mistermr26 New Member

      Mar 6, 2011
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      Congrats Sir! have fun =) Cant wait to hear back from you. i am excited to pew pew with this CR again
    3. hangel87

      hangel87 Member

      Jan 27, 2014
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      Congrats! With this discount I buy this routine and level up a mage ;).
      I've already got your warlock one and it's awesome!
    4. Toko

      Toko New Member

      Jul 4, 2014
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      Congratulations and best wishes.

      A few important issues Ive found in Fire rotation:
      -I just got my 2T and I noticed that the rotation is saving both Inferno Blast for combustion Trick on bosses that start on ST like Darmac or Thogar and that is a huge dps loss, plus is better to cast combustion manually on these so you do it when the adds are around.
      As far as i know, Combustion trick should only be used in fights like Twins, Iron Maidens or if you have chosen PC as your talent.
      So, could you mind add an option to enable or disable it like "the advanced fire rotation"?

      -Fire Rotation:
      Use Draenic Intellect Potion as your pre-pot
      Precast Pyroblast to line up with the pull start
      Cast Fireball until you get a Heating Up proc --> Sometimes, When i get Heating Up proc, the routine cast Fireball again instead of using Inferno blast. This may be a GCD problem?
      Cast Inferno Blast to generate a Pyroblast proc
      Cast Fireball until you get another Heating Up proc --> Same as above
      Cast Pyroblast
      Use any remaining Pyroblast procs --> The routine is skipping this part
      Last edited: Mar 22, 2015
    5. ele33

      ele33 New Member

      Nov 29, 2013
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      hey there can you make an option so it wont use dps spells and just use things like icebarrier, ice block, dispel, poly etc it would hel a lot with pvp thanks!
    6. dilbog

      dilbog Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Not quiet understanding your logic here. Why would you only use the combustion trick on those fight's or only with PC? I use it all the time, It's not the fight that determines it's use but the situation, hell I use it on trash ^^
    7. Toko

      Toko New Member

      Jul 4, 2014
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      In Darmac and thogar, Combustion should be used manually so you do it when they are surronded by adds. But theres a problem on that, because if you disable any combustion options on the routine, it keeps saving Infernal Blast for the trick, delaying your pyro procs and ruining your ignite.
      The only viable fights to use it is Twins, TBF, Flamebender and Maidens, so the trick cannot be enabled all the time.
      Do people care about trash? :rolleyes:
    8. dilbog

      dilbog Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      I get you now your not going against the combustion trick but rather the timing on those fights of the routine. I handle this by having everything on a cool down hot key so everything is available when trash pack are up and for general control and never have any issues and it gets even easier on mythic with the packs lasting longer. If I know a trash pack is coming and i'm not seeing decent ignites or other conditions are not being met I will pause the routine and take care of it manually.
      At the end of the day to have perfect timing on every boss fight would require per boss settings/timings on the routine Millz has never done this. But yea as I said there has never been a issue for me at least getting it to work when needed but it would be great to have a separate button for combustion conditions would make life easier for a lot of folks I rekon.
    9. snowblik

      snowblik New Member

      Aug 5, 2013
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      Please help with the settings of the mage (Arcane for PVE raids, I can't configure. Thank you!
    10. Trooper2015

      Trooper2015 Member Legendary

      Mar 27, 2015
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      Congratulations, dear Millz! Wishing you a happy and healthy family, a huge house along the way and generations of beautiful children xD

      Quick question, do the hotkeys(or any other functionality) use LUA ? I'm no code master niether understand anything about programing but was reading through the Enyo's topic and the recent Ban reports, I came across this LUA usage quite alot which seems to be one of the Warden's methods for detecting Bots. and Enyo also says it's removed all the LUA from it's botbase. Cheers o/
      Last edited: Mar 28, 2015
    11. grenta

      grenta New Member

      Dec 2, 2014
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      GZ, Millz!
      I'm about to buy your Mage Routine!
      Never ever used a bot to raid with but gonna try it out!

      Question: Do all of u prefere Enyo or LazyRaider, or maby some other botbase ?

      Pros / Cons ?

      Signed grenta.
    12. Haart

      Haart New Member

      Oct 17, 2012
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      Hi guys!

      Have a question - did anybody use this CR in challenges? Which spec? What do u think about it?

      Actually, right now, I'm trying Millz CR in instances (frost spec) and I'm not happy with dps at all - sometimes in burst phase dps rise up to 30k, but common dps is ~15k.

      Maybe, I'm doing something wrong - could you give me correct setting.

      Thank you!
    13. StenSven

      StenSven New Member

      Mar 28, 2015
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      Would any1 be kind and share thair Arcane Settings in the Class Config?! <3
    14. nikolai

      nikolai Member

      Jul 10, 2012
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      Is there a way to switch between arcane and fire specs without having to close the bot and relogin into it?

      When I change specs in game and then turn on the rotation to use the other spec it doesnt do the rotation. The CR just stands there doing nothing.
    15. hk11

      hk11 New Member

      Jun 4, 2012
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      I am trying this out, and it seems like since my elemental got waterbolt he will no longer assist. If I press the attack button he makes a sound but does not attack. Have you seen this before?

      EDIT: If I go into the configuration and check/uncheck force attack, the pet will attack for one or two pulls and then reverts to passive.

      EDIT 2: I saw another post in this thread talking about something similar. I tried having only freeze or waterbolt, and also unchecking both but he still locks up after a while. He continually makes the sound that you get when you send him to attack, but never attacks.

      EDIT 3: I sort of figured it out. If freeze and waterbolt are unchecked in the config, and waterbolt is set to autocast in the game the elemental will attack. If I set freeze to on, but with autocast of waterbolt set to off in game he will freeze but no longer autoattack. In other words, I cant find a configuration that will have him freeze and autoattack like he did prior to getting waterbolt.
      Last edited: Mar 29, 2015
    16. crixy84

      crixy84 New Member

      Mar 30, 2015
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      hello a question , what are the best settings for combustion pls help me :D
    17. dilbog

      dilbog Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Your log files will tell you your average ignite's use that as your after 1 minute setting and just watch it in raids during burst to see what you are getting is the best advice I can give.
      Unless you control it manually in which case just pop it when you have a decent ignite. combustion is not that big a damage percentage compared to other spells I know other mages who pop it with small ignites and there combustion is 30% less than mine on average but there over all damage done is not far behind me. better to focus on correct positioning for less movement thus higher up time that's where you will gain far more damage, high combustions are only the icing on the cake.
    18. nowyouseeme

      nowyouseeme New Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      Sorry if this is explained before but I read about 30 pages and I don't see it anywhere.

      1. In Arcane spec it randomly does Evocation . I do not know how arcane mage rotation works but reading the tooltip off Evocation its just gets mana back right? Why would the CR want to cast Evocation at around 80% mana or so? I also do not see a way to cast evocation manually in the CR? Or does Evo do something more than just give mana back for a mage that I am missing?

      2. So on any given fight switching specs is a necessity. Everytime I switch from Arcane to Fire I have to completey log out of HB and relog back in for the CR to function between specs. Is there a way to not have to do this? Or is this just a limitation of the CR?
    19. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'll add a setting in for use combustion when power is above average and X units in range. Hopefully that will get around the need for disabling combustion completely. IB is only stored if the conditions apply to allow the 'trick' (more than 1 unit in range, combustion off cooldown..)

      The settings change massively depending on talent build and fight - there's no 1 settings fits all set-up unfortunately.


      The routine does use LUA, but nothing bad. It doesn't leave any footprint in the wow client. The only bit of lua that has any risk within Portal is the 'enable wow chat output' setting on the Advanced tab - which is disabled by default, tagged with 'use at own risk', and doesn't print anything to the client that's 100% determinable - i.e. it just prints 'AoE Disabled'. I'd still leave that disabled though.

      I prefer Enyo. Both work fine though.

      There's way too many variables involved here, posting a log file would be a good place to start so I can see what's going on :)
    20. Millz

      Millz Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You need to reload HB when changing specs - just a clean way to ensure the rotation initializes itself correctly.

      Which bot base are you using? If it's questing then that does disable pets at times.

      Waterbolt needs to be set to auto cast in game. The routine doesn't handle that at all. It only handles Freeze and Water Jet.

      I've just got mine set to the 'average' setting at the moment. Avoids really low combustions but uses it often enough to not be sitting on the CD for a long time.

      Arcane mages do more damage depending on how much mana they have. Mastery: Mana Adept - Spell - World of Warcraft

      It cycles between burn and conserve phases - burning away mana heavily and then using evocation to regenerate it back up again, then switches to conserving mana staying above 93% until Evo is ready again.

      You need to reload the CR when changing specs - no way around this, sorry.

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