Hey I wanted to try out Lisbeth to start leveling some crafting 1-50. What would be the best way to utilize the bot to do this? Preferably something that I can AFK. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Actually there is no best way than level crafting jobs with "leves". - But if you wanna tackle this adventure with Lisbeth I'd recommend to buy all materials from recipe level 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20, .. atleast twice and just order Lisbeth to craft every single item from your crafting Log. Once you've crafted every single recipe of each level, proceed with the cheapest but highest recipe using Lisbeth or Quicksynth.
If you have a level 50 character already and have enough gil then level crafting just by leves. This is the best way to do it. Leveling Crafting via Levequests: A List of (my) Guides : ffxiv Then you can use Lisbeth to craft and get your money back Crafting is a pain if you don't have all the abilities (or near all). The link above also is a good list of things to craft and sell once you have several crafting classes to 50.
Oh okay I can try this next time I am off work, I work some pretty long shifts and hours so I like to utilize the bot to AFK during this time. Thanks for the info!
Yeah you can do it either way, but I defiantly recommend picking up 16 leves at a time and working your way through these as you will level up much faster. Lisbeth is nice in that you don't have to get the materials the crafting log lists or look up which items make up each items (i.e. 2x Moko Grass = 1 Hempen Yarn). If you just build out a long order list and run it then in the RB window it will list any material missing. My only warning to this is that it will switch to leathersmith, goldsmith, etc. if you have the raw items but need a different class to make it, so if you don't have that class or don't have it leveled up enough then the whole thing will break down. You'll get the hang of it pretty quickly and I think I might request that items which are made by a weaver are one color, a leathersmith another, etc to help out in the future.
Sounds good, thanks for the advice. I ran into an issue yesterday where the bot ran to repair my gear half way through an order but it got to the repair window and just stopped. Is it possible to repair with Agil while it is completing orders?
Neverdyne is the developer of both plugins/botbases and there is an option in there to use/run Agil with Lisbeth (I believe it is on by default). If the error happened under these circumstances then a log file along with what happened should be submitted to him on the Lisbeth thread so it can be fixed.