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  • More ban with questing profiles ?

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by krully37, Mar 24, 2015.

    1. krully37

      krully37 New Member

      Nov 9, 2014
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      Hey guys,
      I was just looking at the ban report section and I had the feeling that there were much more bans about people only questing on their main account, not for profit, just to have a few characters level 100.
      So, is this just a feeling and nothing changed, or is the ban hammer more focused onto questing right now ? Some guy said he was always monitoring his bot while questing, but still got banned.
      I also noticed players being banned just for using a Combat Routine and nothing else, so are they lying or is Blizzard able to notice that you use Combat Routine while raiding ? I know we can't know for sure but it seems very unlikely...
      I was using Honorbuddy only for questing to levelup my alts (no dungeon, only questing) and now I'm a bit scared. I know you shouldn't bot if you cannot afford to lose your account, actually I can but I'd like to avoid it ! :)

      So, nothing changed and it's just random, or do you feel like questing has never been more unsafe ?
    2. dellza

      dellza Community Developer

      Jul 29, 2010
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      99% of the time you are banned coz someone report u, that tripwire event just happened a lot of ppl using the CR dc in a raid, there guild may have reported them, as for questing i am seeing a lot more ppl when i am questing, this is coz of the looms i think, more ppl = more chance to get a report

      i bot on my main account and i dont want to lose it too but fact is if i cant bot i will not play, the bot distorys a lot of the game for me aka pvp but it also allows me to get a bit of gold and it allows me to lvl, i mean come on who wants to lvl this much by doing the same thing this is something that bliz should of fixed long ago and just have not

      i would say bot but do everything u can to stay away from others, yes even other botters, bot when there are not many ppl on

      DONT TELL ANYONE U BOT, kind sad i know but one day ur friend maybe ur enemy in which case he would report u

      i think most of the CR bans are from the tripwire event a lot of pve guilds dont allow botters

      questing bans are coz of the looms more and more ppl are lvling atm coz of the looms

      hoped this helped
    3. Mr_Pibb

      Mr_Pibb New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Normally i would confirm what dellza wrote 100%. The chance of getting banned for questing was basically at 0% as long as you avoidet tickets by other players.

      But now there`s something completely new going on (only on US so far, according to the reports) A lot of people got banned on their main accs where they basically only used CR and questing while watching it. Typically thats what you do on your main account.

      And the new thing is: They ban the account for 6 months. Wtf? Usually there was only a 72h suspension or a perma ban. According to the reports, applies failed, because they send out the standard mail wich basically says "we are 100% sure, you were botting, don`t apply again, we will ignore it" And normally that means perma ban with no chance of overturning it into a 72h.
    4. mrJones2k

      mrJones2k Member

      Mar 14, 2010
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      so 4 reports are alot of people? IF it would be of questin/cr/hb detected even its only US so far, you dont think there would be way more reports?
      come on!
    5. blasthoss

      blasthoss New Member

      Jan 2, 2015
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      this exact scenario happened to me, and as far as i can tell, many others here. no idea what's going on.
    6. krully37

      krully37 New Member

      Nov 9, 2014
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      Yes, 4 reports are a lot when they happen to be within a day or so and there were almost no reports about questing ONLY users getting banned before.
    7. Mr_Pibb

      Mr_Pibb New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      There are not only the 4 reports. There was a 5 or 6 page thread started today about it were several players reported that they got banned all at around the same time, mostly using questing and CR. https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/208891-am-banned.html#post1901654 But the thread dissapeared. Its that kind of magic that happens so often here in the buddy forum. The thread had important information in it, but it seems the buddy team decided to keep that information away from us.
    8. l337pally

      l337pally New Member

      Jun 24, 2011
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      I concur with Mr_Pibb, I had posted there myself and woke up this morning with it being deleted. I was hit with the 6 months myself doing raiding, pet battles and fishing for a year without really any problems. just last week i started leveling an alt from 90 and got banned. PS after reopening my ticket a few times i finally got this response
    9. dellza

      dellza Community Developer

      Jul 29, 2010
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      did u lvl from 90 to 100 in one full sitting ?

      did u get hit with the tripwire event ?
    10. l337pally

      l337pally New Member

      Jun 24, 2011
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      I got the alt to about 92ish, then to about 94 and hadnt logged back on to it. I was online and had just zoned into BRF to start my guild raid when i got DCd for tripwire. logged back on within seconds and raided for the night by hand.
    11. krully37

      krully37 New Member

      Nov 9, 2014
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      Wow, that's interesting. So we can speculate and think that the buddy team is aware of a big problem occuring right now (like Blizzard could now detect CR instantly ?) but is hiding it so there won't be a massive panic ? If that's true this thread will be deleted soon with HB team saying that there is absolutly no problem.
      I mean if there were no problem, the thread wouldnt have been deleted and the team could just have said that everything is ok without trying to hide it ?
    12. dellza

      dellza Community Developer

      Jul 29, 2010
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      i would love to hear more about these ppl that just got banned and if they got hit by the tripwire event, i think thats what got u 1337pally, i was on but not running HB at that time, i know tripwire is meant to stop you from getting banned but when this many use HB and log off at the same time i think bliz knows something is up and that about 90% if not more of the ppl logging at that time are botters and would keep an eye on them

      krully37 no hb is fine bliz cant detect the CR too
      Last edited: Mar 24, 2015
    13. blasthoss

      blasthoss New Member

      Jan 2, 2015
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      I am suspicious about the tripwire thing as well.

      I am not saying everyone who was on during tripwire got banned but there does seem to be a connection.

      I am not sure if cached links are allowed but this thread was 5 pages long with people posting about getting banned (although to the buddy team's credit, it was posted in the wrong section).
      Last edited: Mar 24, 2015
    14. theDizzle

      theDizzle New Member

      Oct 27, 2014
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      I was in an RBG when the tripwire hit and I am not banned. It must have been something in addition to that like player reports.
    15. Eamos

      Eamos New Member

      Mar 17, 2015
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      Yes, pretty much that's exactly what that is. Bossland is a business and they'll protect it of course, so if blizzard found a way to detect HB Bossland will probably try to "hide" (with deleting threads and such) as long as possible until they have found a solution or they can't hide it anymore because of a big banwave for example. I still have every site of the deleted thread open so I could take screenshots to show that the thread existed and what was written in it. But since it's their forum it's their right to delete posts/threads, nothing you can do.

      But yes, I also think there's something going on, especially with the upcoming token. US was hit, EU will be hit probably soon. The thing is, I personally know that there will be something going on (blizzard is able to detect HB for example) if my main account gets banned tomorrow or whenever EU will be hit. I only started leveling on him yesterday and only for 3 levels in the middle of the night so nobody could even report me since there was nobody around + my IP is not flagged or anything since it's my only account where I started botting now. So if my main account will be hit if EU gets something like US currently, I am most definitely sure that HB is now detectable by Blizzard (at least currently until bossland finds a solution) because that would be the only explanation why my account could be banned. But I don't want to accuse bossland of something before it actually happened, that's why I still speak in conjunctive.P
      Last edited: Mar 24, 2015
    16. blasthoss

      blasthoss New Member

      Jan 2, 2015
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      I am only posting here to give info to other botters who are worried about their account.

      Personally I think Blizzard's stance on botting is overzealous and stupid and I would not play if I can't use HB to automate the boring dumb stuff.

      I got a 6 month suspension and here's the email text:
      Account Name: *****************************
      Account Action: 6-Month Suspension
      Offense: Exploitation of game mechanics
      Recent activity on this account has shown characters exploiting functionality to the detriment of the game environment or the intended player experience.
      The account holder is responsible for all activity on the account. We issue suspensions and closures to protect our players and our service in accordance with our Terms of Use: blizzard.com/company/about/termsofuse.html
      Exploitive gains such as items or currency may have been removed as part of this action. Further inappropriate behavior may result in additional penalties, including permanent closure. For dispute of this action and further information on exploitative activity, please review our appeal process: battle.net/support/article/how-to-appeal
      This World of Warcraft account will be reactivated on September 23rd, 2015.
      Thank you for your time and for understanding.
      Customer Service
      Blizzard Entertainment
      In the last 3 months I did the following -- and literally 80% of my time was in my garrison or a raid. The only time I left the bot unattended was to get up and take a piss or get a drink.
      - Garrison Stuff using Garrison Butler (lite paid) 30%
      - CR in raid using Enyo 50%
      - Questing 10% (leveled 1 toon from 90-98 over 1 week)
      - Transmog/Dungeon Farm Profiles: 5%
      - BG Buddy: 5%
      - absolutely NO dungeonbuddy or gatherbuddy

      I feel like I was being extremely safe. I only have one account & was definitely not exploiting the economy.

      The only thing that really had me worried about what I was doing was when I was online for the tripwire.
      Last edited: Mar 24, 2015
    17. cg1203im2

      cg1203im2 Community Developer

      Aug 7, 2012
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      I use a massive amount of LUA in my profiles. Then i read this thread on OC:
      New 32-bit Detection Method Added
      and stopped all my LUA based profiles immediately.
      I don't know how much truth is in this thread. Just to be sure.

      A simple
      CastSpell(spellID, spellbookType);
      is a protected function already. So if Blizz is monitoring LUA commands, it could be a trigger to investigate. If Your CR uses LUA, well... who knows.

      Then I think... such a LUA banwave was before. about a year ago with one of this routine only bots pure LUA.
      Bossland was smarter than Blizzard that time, so I assume they still smarter
      Last edited: Mar 24, 2015
    18. krully37

      krully37 New Member

      Nov 9, 2014
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      No offense but you're a bad example since you used it (even if it's 5 minutes) with BGBuddy. I'm just pointing out people being banned with ONLY (no point to lie about that) :
      - Questing
      - Garrisonbuddy
      - Combat Routine in PvE (since using CR in PvP is more reportable)

      Won't use HB again for a couple weeks til I have more informations, if nothing has changed (there is a risk, there will always be a risk, but it wasn't really high until now apparently) I'll stop using it.
      However, I'd like to add I'm not here to say Bossland is a bad company or such, and not trying to have people not buying Honorbuddy. I already bought and a lifetime key and I want to know if the risks I agreed to take are higher right now, nothing more.

      That's really interesting, thanks for sharing, if that's true the risk is higher than ever and explains about the CR bans happening...
    19. Mr_Pibb

      Mr_Pibb New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Well it would be nice to read the thread I postet, wouldn`t it? As far as I remember there was somebody who only did garrison stuff and raiding with a cr. No DB, BGB, GB... But who knows?

      Everybody has to decide for himself if he wants to bot or not. But Keeping information away is a shitty move in my oppinion.
    20. blasthoss

      blasthoss New Member

      Jan 2, 2015
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      I knew the risks but I really doubt it was due to player reports from BGBuddy.

      I ran it while attended for around 3 battlegrounds to get 600 honor and didn't see anything quirky while it was running.

      I feel like I was detected in another way, but can only speculate.

      Also literally only used CR in PVP for the 3 BGBuddy runs listed above (I hate pvp but needed 600 honor for a transmog -- using Singular CR -- again attended the whole time).

      Sorry if u don't think my scenario fits with what u describe but I felt like it did. I am just trying putting my info out there so botters can read the thread and then decide for themselves which methods of using the bot are "safe".

      I really honestly do not think I was doing anything noticeable that would be report-worthy.

      Can you explain to me how using BGBuddy (even for 5 minutes) is unsafe if attended -- are u saying the pathing of the bot is noticeable and warrants reporting or are u saying that it can be instantly detected by blizzard?
      Last edited: Mar 24, 2015

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