Hello all, I would like to know if i can raid competitively with "Kupo" wich comes with RebornBuddy, or if the other routines out there are fine for competitive raiding. Thank you all so much.
He probably means like clearing coil etc like people without bots do. And yes you can use RB in raids. It's not like it does everything for you though, just the combat side of things with a combat routine.
You use Combat Assist with a good combat routine for your class, this will keep up your rotation for you while you concentrate on moving and stuff.
Is it better than RebornCo? I think when I used Magitech it didn't use Medica while RebornCo uses it..
It depends what class you are using. I still wouldn't attempt healing/tanking in FCOB with any routine unless someone can prove they successfully did otherwise. I'm T13 cleared with Bard using Kupper with 400+ dps in practically full Augmented Ironworks gear which is far from BiS, I had terrible luck with Dreadwyrm gear dropping for me. I modded Kupper to do some micromanagement better like no buffs while singing and no dots on certain targets. I'm also T12 cleared with Ninja using Kupper.
I have the magitec folder, but the profile to allow me to use it never shows up...there was not much for installation for that combat routine either...anyone else having this problem or know a fix?