If you're not worried about mining and have a 90+ toon you can just do the quest for draenor engineering (or buy it in ashran for like 100g) and build 150 Stealthman-54s all the way up to 600 in about 5 minutes. Each one costs 2 blackrock ore, 2 true iron ore, and 2 nagrand arrowbloom. All of those should be dirt cheap on the AH too. I didn't even need to buy any of the mats because I had so many saved in the bank.
I have this in as an optional way to level. I have not pushed it to live yet as I have not tested it completely. It is a "level only Engineering via WoD" option. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
Seems to just be looping between training mining, engineering, and mailing. Here's my log View attachment 5064 2015-02-23 08.03.txt Edit: I hand leveled to 425 to reach the next engineering training and it seems to be on it's way again. What I noticed that might not be in the log is that it trained tinkering belts to 420 and then didnt have anything from 420-425 so it got stuck in a loop. It's on it's way to obsidium now though.
Hello Benny, Im using the payed profile, the bot think that im a 412 eng when im 427, is there any way to change this manually? Thanks in advance
The bot does not take into account any mods like faction bonuses and item bonuses as you cannot learn anything passed your unmodified bonus. So it would not matter. Either way, I need you to submit a log like the second post for me to see if it is causing any other issues. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
Any update on my issue from awhile ago? For some reason it wants to keep going to outlands to farm Fel Iron...but my engineering is beyond Fel Iron. Here is a new log I just grabbed. Thanks in advance!
You will need to turn the debugs on in the profile for me, also use singular when you do that just so i can see the normal outputs. I am currently doing a big bug fix on this profile so there are a bunch of changes I have yet to push, Waiting on the toon to get to 600 before I push them. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
Yes, I have fixed this issue and changed where it farms the fel iron as well to make the profile run a little faster. Hopefully I will have this pushed in the next day or so and then we will await approval. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
Stuck in a weird engineering trainer/mail box loop right now. I've got 40+ empty bag slots right now...not sure what's happening, but here is the log. Thanks! npt
Got you fixed up via skype, and added in some logging for if people get hung in the same spot. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
Need you to do as the second post says, upload a log with the debugs turned on and mats list turned on as well. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
It is stuck at skill 249 in engineering. Not sure what has caused this but for me to go further....what are you missing to craft High Explosive Bomb If you can tell me what you are missing for me I can get it corrected in the profile. If you do not want to wait on that process which could take up to 3 days for the update to get approved. You can manually make the bomb to skill 250 and then start the profile again and it will pick back up. All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest
It was going pretty good for a while but just got hung up here in Org [PB-Bennyquest-Debug]: Move Main City. View attachment 7852 2015-04-02 21.39.txt
If you tick reset to true in profile settings it still hangs in this same manner? All's well that Heals well, Bennyquest