How do I go about asking a friend if he bots? Last night we were raiding and as soon as the patch was dropped he went offline on wow and said he was having some issues and would have to sit out the rest of the raid. me and him always struggle for tops DPS, im a botting Ret Paladin that can play my class exactly the same with or without HB im just lazy and like the Bot, he is a monk that normally comes 1st or 2nd, The GM didnt think anything of it and the raid continued as normal, So how do I ask if he bots or not? Many thanks,
Don't ask just get in a group with him and debuff his perk(Stats/Crit for monks). If it instantly rebuffs then he bots. The new patch didn't force realm restarts though so it would of had no effect on him unless he lost connectivity to wow and had to update his client. People will never admit to botting if they're smart. Blizzard can review chat logs and if they did they would be giving blizzard direct evidence to ban their account.
Most botters don't even use the forums exempting patch updates so this wouldn't be a very good method lol.
Thats a good idea with the buff ! I dont even know why I want to know im jsut curious if he is as good as he looks on paper or are we both botters lol
Thanks, There's actually 4 botters that hide in my raiding guild group but i let them think I don't know so they don't have to be all defensive around me.
He came back on an hour after raid and blamed his ISP Did you find out about those 4 with the method you told me?
Yea, we were botting dungeons and i randomly bebuffed myself in the middle of fights to see. They instantly reapplied their buffs while in the middle of the fight every time. I try not to let everyone else know when I'm hunting their secret if you didn't catch on. They didn't even realize they were doing it. I've always wondered why HB Doesn't just apply it at start of dungeons/raids/parties and then any other time make the user reapply it manually because ya this is a dead give away and very easy to detect people with.
This can backfire on you fair enough. Maybe he had noticed you were botting too. And he obviously dont wanna talk about this ingame. Then if you and him get into rage sometimes in the future, you would get vulnerable for incoming reports from him, so I see no real reason to attempt such conversation with him at all!
I think only botters would know that this is a surefire way? normal run of the mill players dont notice the little things
Some people are actually very perceptive. Think about it... you have 9 buffs and only 2 of those buffs are always applied you always have to ask the other players for the other 7 buffs. It becomes obvious after a while. after playing with the same people every week.
my CR dont rebuff - i clicked it off. - Because everytime i sat to eat it would stand up and buff.. pissed me off, so took it off.
I didn't turn it off i simply modified it to only buff in the start of the instance/raids. Not gonna get reported for painfully obvious stuff like that. Most of guild members in my guild are cool but there's a few with questionable stances about bots that i'd rather not test with obvious stuff like this. Fully executing a buff is a restricted function otherwise i'd just say ya its a add-on.
During Cata and Mop I was using VuhDo to heal manually with my Resto-Druid. VuhDo had a nice option to turn my entire RaidFrames black if one player misses my stats-buff and one click on any raidframe reapplied the buff. Therefore I had to buff instantly to be able to continue healing
I turned my autobuff off a few weeks ago, now people are asking for spellpower all the time I'm lock obv
Thats why I always turn off autobuff . In fact I turn off almost everything but the basic rotation because I like to control everything else.
Im always asked to rebuff the raid. my cr buffs me and anyone around me at the door when we respawn. anyone out of range doesnt get buffed. and yeah, like hk11, my cr is gutted with half the options turned off. ive found most of my botting friends in-guild by saying something simple like 'my rejuv healing is low, need to check my cr'. this is missed by 9/10 people and the non botters that ask, i tell em its a paid addon that you cant get from curse.