hey, first off i wanted to say that i love your profiles man, ty very much for your time and efforts. i was wondering why you dont have a noob/geared/elite profiles for BC and LK, and in your LK profile i was thinking maybe you should try the storm peaks at 76 instead of crystalsong, im only getting like 70k now lol =( just a thought, plus im running into an elite every once in awhile and dieing lol(i think its a neutral elite, but my aoe gets it or something im not sure) anyways thanks again for all of your hard work =)
Try the upload that i've been testing for a bit for players 76-79, try the new build that I uploaded, I took out Crystalsong Forest (note: you may die while travelling from Grizzly Hills to Stormpeaks k3) The paladin that I tested it on is averaging 650-700 xp / hour unrested!! holy cow. 0 deaths, ~150 kills / hour
left it overnight, been getting about 150k per hr unrested, easy kills and i havnt had any deaths, so seems great, im almost 79 =D thx man
Did the gnolls, using mixed mode, came back to the computer and in was by the Ebon Watch?!!!! Level 79 atm. Log not included as it's too large. I thought it was strange too (Find vendors auto if off, train skills is off)
level 76 in dragon blight. 1st bad move runs right through a huge huge huge pack of undead . 2nd he tries to repair Xark Bolthammer at horde camp. Thought this was alliance ?
Code: <Vendor Name="Xark Bolthammer" Entry="29907" Type="Repair" X="6097.559" Y="-1071.257" Z="404.4125" /> this guy is at K3 --> http://www.wowhead.com/npc=29907 which is a neutral camp in Storm Peaks it's friendly unless you lost rep by killing them. If they're not friendly, delete the vendors and delete the <!-- and --> in the 76-80 profile ... it will let you repair in crystalsong as far as the huge pack of undead, I have a lot of blackspots for them. Give me a map SS and a visual SS and i'll see what I can do. HB hasn't been wanting to use all of my blackspots, which is dumb
I have fixed some of the blackspots going to and from areas, and some that overlapped hotspots -- redownload
Thanks for this profile! I'll begin testing this tonight on my level 71 Boomkin Druid. One minor suggestion I have while I wait for the mesh to download/load would be to include a SS of the general area in which this profile runs like you included in your 1-60 grind profile so we could start the bot closer to where it will be grinding which will reduce the time needed to download meshes. other than that looks like a great profile! thanks, -HoHv2
Spot on kick, just dragged my dk from 70-77 in < 24 hours (had full rested to start) 200k+xp all the way (after rested died off). Havent had a single time where i've needed to intervene. I'll be trying the hyjal one of yours tommorow, cheers. Rep
hmmm Im 72 and am in Drakil ruins, in an hour I died 6 times... 5 from the giants and ( i was watchin it back and forth) and it sold all my greens to the repair vendor. Had to stop it.
you're running through dragonblight, give me a ss of where that was and i'll blackspot it (doesn't mean the bot won't try to go through there
Is there a way for them to avoid the giants... I watched him run to attack something with the giant just walking by.
giants, in...... dragonblight? Give me a SS (map and a visual) and i'll see about putting some blackspots there (as long as HB obeys them)
there is one big guy that you could run into using the dragonblight profile, but its really rare that it would happen.. its this guy: Gigantaur - NPC - World of Warcraft
yeah i noticed that guy, i have iceshatter avoided, i'll add him I still need pix for where you guys are saying you're having problems with the bot running through dragonblight
personally leveling with that profile through 3 characters, ive only ever seen him twice, so i wouldnt exactly consider him too much of an issue, but here's the map of where he patrols Gigantaur - NPC - World of Warcraft