Can we get an option to combustion if over x threshold + x amount of adds will be hit? The one you added works but it combusts at like a 3k ignite...i dont want it to combust that low it should do it at like 8k+ ignite...i did 20k dps as fire on beastlord at 678 ilvl and im pretty sure i do more than that as arcane spamming arcane barrage lol...also it likes to living bomb every single target should just living bomb 1 target then ib to spread it to the rest, it seems like all the bot ever gets done is living bomb spam 24/7 do i have a setting wrong?
I have noticed from the update adding overlay that fire is f**ked at least for me at lest went to bottom of the meters on my alt I am sure Millz will sort it.
In arcane spec when cooldowns are disabled it's blowing AB every time you move killing your stacks. How are you ment to store stacks for PC it needs fixed. also I noticed a bug with hot keys if says you have burst bound to alt+q and you set PC to just q when you press alt+q it will pop PC .
PC is part of your burst. Do you have PC selected under talent and the "On Burst Enabled" box checked?
Can you try a fresh HB install please? You've got a very old version of Portal installed - it's not using the store version by the looks of it. Yeah I'm going to add some options to allow changing the font size. Started working on a better system which mimics the old in game addon I used to have. Added the extra combustion setting to my to-do list. I'm changing LB in the next build - agree it's casting it way too much. Hmm the overlay build hasn't really altered the fire rotation - just added another setting. Got some tuning changes to go in though so will be pushing another build within the next day or 2. AB should never cast when less than selected number of charges in the GUI - default is 4 - but if CDs are disabled it also disables the burn phase - so once < 93% mana, and ~4 charges, then it'll cast AB. Hotkeys -> Will look into this.
At the start of the fight I want to hold on to charges until cooldowns are enabled. On fights like blackhand if you start fight with cooldowns enabled by the time you get your 4 stacks and the routine decides it's a good time to enter burn phase and pops PC the slag bombs drop shortly after so tank moves boss negating PC and causing a massive loss on dps. I think you should have a option that holds off burn phase until cooldowns are enable or maybe tie the PC hotkey so we could leave cooldowns disable and use the PC hotkey to start out burn phase. Tbh I do not know why the routine would even think if entering burn phase with cooldowns enabled. Oh and maybe a hot key to invocation to force a burn phase as well might be nice, so I know the boss will be in a position soon to allow burn phase so I pop evocation hotkey the routine then keeps mana and stacks up so when PC hotkey is used all the conditions are there for a epic burn phase would also allow for better proc usage.
Hey - Burn phase IS held when cooldowns are disabled. But when it can't enter burn phase (cooldowns disabled) it will cast Arcane Barrage when < 93% mana (i.e. it plays the 'conserve' rotation).
It should not waste charges at start of the fight it takes to long to get them back up for burn phase surly you can see this.
also a pause on user input for certain spells or a hotkey for them would be nice, like blink for example is really hard to use even with a macro to stop casting in it because HB is faster than a human and will try to recast the spell you cancelled with the blink macro before u can blink even if u spam it as fast as possible...basically the only time i can blink is if i pause the rotation and blink or wait untill its casting arcane missiles since its channeled otherwise it will cancel arcane blast and the millisecond arcane blast is cancelled it will start casting another one before blink can even be cast
I want to use this CR with my mage, but I'm having a really hard time finding a CR that does a good job at kiting, is kiting impossible for the bot to replicate? Does this CR do well in BGs? I've tried 3 CR's, and the survivability is garbage with full honor gear, and I can't waste more money on a CR that doesn't kite. someones opinion about this would be appreciated.
Yeah of course, but if cooldowns are disabled (which means burst phase is also disabled), then the options are; a) Keep casting arcane blast until we hit 0 mana, which will do very little damage - and if the player doesn't re-enable cooldowns quite quickly after the start of the fight the toon will sit on 0% mana. That would end up being a support nightmare. b) Cast blast until < 93% mana then barrage - i.e. the normal rotation - conserve phase c) Cast blast until < 93% mana, then wait until mana has regened above 93% and cast another I know where you're coming from, but there's no ideal solution to hold onto those arcane blast charges. Hey - You can enable the manual cast detection on the hotkeys tab Portal doesn't kite. I believe Singular is the only one that does, but kiting isn't easily done via the bot as it needs to turn around and run away, which looks very bot like, and makes it stop DPS while it performs the kiting manoeuvre. BGFarmer has some in-built movement for PvP to make it strafe randomly until it's out of range of the threat, but it's still not really kiting.
It's only 2-3 seconds and doesnt suck mana. by the time you get your four charges a second later slag mines are cast so the tank moves but the issue is 1 second before PC has been cast. It really is holding of for 2-3 seconds so mana is never a issue. On mythic I just do an extra blast or 2 by that time the tank is moved so I can enter burn phase. It also helps me a lot that the tank know's not to move miles. I have tried camping four stacks burning mana, evocation, then burn phase and lots of other ways but simply holding off for a couple of seconds is the best way to maximise damage output.
Can anyone share their fire mage settings? i have 4 piece and i'd like to experiment with portal if it'll be any better than playing by hand. Oh and can someone explain the 2pc combustion trick to me?
Millz I see you say not to use burst in pve but it's the only effective way I've found of getting the prismatic crystal right... so many times it will place it and the boss will move seconds later. Why do you insist on just using cooldown key?
You prepot and precast pyroblast, put up living bomb and time warp, cast fireball until you get pyro and heating up procs, unload your pyros onto that target double inferno blast the same target, pyro the next target combust then inferno blast
Hi I have now one problem that never happened to me. When I open the HB and Portal Premium, I have a popup telling me: Facing: Disabled, Targeting: enable etc... how can I get out this?