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  • Looking for some input

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by suntzzz, Dec 27, 2010.

    1. suntzzz

      suntzzz New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hey guys usually I dont make these sorts of threads but I'm not quite sure what to do. The other day I purchased a fairly expensive item off the neutral auction house (close to 100k) and later that day I was slapped with a ban for exploiting the economy. Oddly it was on my vanilla account so it leads me to believe that the only reason I was banned was because an internal flag was raised when an expensive item like that is transferred off the neutral ah. None of my bots have been banned..which is what you would normally expect.

      Now my options are 1) buy a new vanilla account and just start over, 2) use my main as my gold holding account, or 3) try and dispute the ban.

      Now a few things should be clarified first. I don't sell gold and I bot solely for my main (mostly so I can buy tcg items). Also I have a fairly large sum of gold sitting in a guild bank and luckily I still have a character on one of my active accounts in there...but its my main account's character and Im thinking I may get hit with a ban on there as well.

      I would appreciate any input you guys have to offer.
    2. zavis

      zavis New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Sounds Unlucky. I just transformed 61k from Horde to Ally tho the Neutral AH... Nothing have happend..

      But i just use the 2 option
    3. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      dispute it, if you were legitly buying (an) item(s), then tell them that... simple
    4. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Personally I would dispute the ban. I recently had my guild bank hacked, when Blizzard restored the gold I let it sit on my main character (the guild leader) for a couple of days before I deposited it into the guild bank. Within a couple of hours my main account was suspended "exploiting the economy" and under further investigation. When I finally spoke to someone about this he said it was an automated system and that was the sole reason for my suspension.

      It is unlikely they will look into any other accounts, from my point of view you have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
    5. suntzzz

      suntzzz New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      So if you don't mind me asking do you keep all your gold on your main account? Ive been using a vanilla just so my main isn't involved in any botting activities whatsoever (including selling on the auction house). Its not that I lost a bunch of gold from losing my vanilla account but I did have about 10k on my bank toon. I'm just concerned that if I use my main to take over the banking duties from the vanilla account that once I withdraw the gold (the gold thats left, since Im not the guildmaster and I only have officer status) its going to get me banned. Also the item I purchased with the vanilla account was for my main account which is another reason Im reluctant to dispute it.
      Last edited: Dec 27, 2010
    6. tknm

      tknm New Member

      Feb 15, 2010
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      Out of curiosity, if you don't mind saying, or at least giving a rough estimate, how much gold was it to trigger an automated system like that?
    7. suntzzz

      suntzzz New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      So I went ahead and disputed it and was unbanned. I did this once more since then. Now there is another item Im interested in purchasing but I dont know if the next ban will be permanent. Im a bit shocked that they arent looking into my bots and just banning my vanilla over and over again.

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