Hey fellow botters, I made a murloc rush deck for warlocks. I tried it out with auto concede on and i ended up happy with the result. The win rate is about 90% 2 of the lost games happend on another account with another deck. Feel free to try it out and tell me what you think, and remember to change it to BehaveRush instead of control for better use
Go to your hearthbuddy folder, find the folder routines/defaultroutine/defaultroutine.cs. Open it with notepad, when youre inside the text file hold CTRL+B search for behave and hit enter. it should now have taken you down further in the text file and you should see this: Behavior behave = new BehaviorControl();//change this to new BehaviorRush() for rush mode, change this part to BehaviorRush, and it should work
set up to Rush mode, I lost two fights so far 0.00% effectiveness, I wonder if my murloc deck is better than this.. testes.. it's shit in casual games
but I have rank 16 and I don't want to play ranked 20 I reduced my rank from 16 to 20 and in rank 20 I have about 70-80% win rate not counting concedes, it works but only with auto concede and in rank 20
If you do not use the same settings as I do, you won't see the same results as I see. This is made for golden frame farming, not for ladder climbing
I reduced my rank from 16 to 20. Win rate about 70-80% for me, because sometimes you will play against other players with good cards that play auto concede and stay in rank 20. This build only works in ranked rank 20 with auto concede on.
I know it only works in rank 20, and that is the reason you're supposed to stay at rank 20, to gain ranked win and farm for golden frame. I thought i made it clear.
I noticed bad decission with picking starting hand, if you roll 2 soulfire then bot will take it.. It's really crappy start, so I think better if soulfire will be replaced with another to make more powerfull deck, I suggest replace 1 soulfire with ironbeak owl