0. Go to Nagrand 1. Start Honorbuddy 2. Select Questing 3. In Settings & Tools deselect "Kill between hotspots" 4. Start bot Profile based on JA's Gorok hunter profile, thanks man. View attachment [QB]NAKK.xml Please, report, if you are successful.
we have to use rarekiller? and for somereason the bot still attack Ironhide bulls also continues stucking on this two hotspots: Moving to Type: Hotspot, Loc: <3748.549, 6046.555, 36.76236> Moving to Type: Hotspot, Loc: <3748.549, 6046.555, 36.76236>
The code shows it looking for Nakk's ID and it's a Quest profile, so Rarekiller shouldn't be needed. Rarekiller really isn't needed anymore. If this one doesn't work I'll make one once I get Pathrunner, which hopefully should happen by tomorrow. I could make it so the hotspots avoid mobs and are far away from the rare (near the road), but with a max target distance that should still cause it to go to the mob once found.