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    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Forum' started by tiesto1337, Apr 11, 2015.


    Would you like to see a RB Store for FF14?

    1. Yes

      2 vote(s)
    2. No

      0 vote(s)
    1. tiesto1337

      tiesto1337 New Member

      Feb 12, 2015
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      Hey everyone, I personally think it's time that we start moving towards the RebornBuddy Store. The amount of supported Plugin's, Profiles and Combat Routines are getting fewer and fewer every day. A lot of the things that we are still using are not support as the Developers have moved on to different games where they can get some sort of compensation for their time and effort. I believe that this will be a big boost to the community and essential for growth overall. I would like to see what the rest of the community thinks, please answer the poll so we can see who is on-board with the RB Store for FF14.

    2. lotrodude

      lotrodude Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      With the new expansion coming out soon, I think this is the right time to start getting ready. Bossland should try to have the store already in place, and all of the bugs worked out before new customers show up with the next expansion.
      tiesto1337 likes this.
    3. Wheredidigo

      Wheredidigo Community Developer

      Dec 15, 2013
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      It is Mastahg that needs to implement the Store, NOT Bossland. Let's keep that in mind.
    4. WoWuser123

      WoWuser123 Member

      Aug 4, 2011
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      i voted no because I don't like it in it's current form. With better quality control and maybe some price control it could be good.
    5. Wheredidigo

      Wheredidigo Community Developer

      Dec 15, 2013
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      Now I don't know if I'm supposed to be sharing this information or not, but I don't see why not, so let me quote some stuff that came out of the Community Developer Skype Chat(I've changed the Skype names to protect their Skype identity, but that is the HB Core Dev Raphus)

      Regarding Price Control:
      Regarding Quality Control:
      So it seems that the Buddy Staff IS trying to stop people from selling 10 lines of code for 150 Euro. Anything being posted on the Store now is capped at 30 Euro, and eventually everything else will be brought down to 30 Euro.
    6. exaccuss

      exaccuss Active Member

      Nov 10, 2013
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      If it helps get out more quality custom routines, i'm all for it.
    7. Blitzx303

      Blitzx303 Member

      Apr 5, 2011
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      I'm for this...Hoping a machinist CR gets released ASAP when 3.0 drops.
    8. WoWuser123

      WoWuser123 Member

      Aug 4, 2011
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      Those are gonna be a welcome addition. Though I don't think it would be enough to just set a max of €30.

      Let met explain with an example (WoW store as it's the only game I've played).
      Studio60 has been cranking out multiple old raid farming profiles, probably all great quality, but I haven't tried them. I haven't tried them because I think in the end they're overpriced. A single profile isn't that bad, but if you want all you're set back about €70 for now. This is before the addition of AQ, Ulduar, ToGC, EoE, OS, RS, VoA or any of the Cata ones. I'm sure this is scaring away customers in a way they try to aquire those profiles by other means.
      If instead of all the single quest profiles he would have made a framework (botbase or plugin) that would handle all the common/background/config stuff and allow users to load profiles which he (or the community) could easily add and sell that for €30 then I'd buy.

      I'm all for supporting developers and the store works better for that then a donation button, but making all quality stuff payed will end up being bad.

      Also if it's just Mastagh working on this bot then he'll be the one that has to check everyone's code before it gets put on the store, giving him less time to do further development on the bot itself.
    9. tiesto1337

      tiesto1337 New Member

      Feb 12, 2015
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      Don't you play Final Fantasy? The donates are slim-to-non, people won't do the work (especially the support side) for free. I get that you have issues with the store but it isn't a poll regarding if the store is good or bad. The poll is about bringing the store to FF to get developers to come back to actually making things for this bot. What would you rather have, a community where people are actively making things (at a cost) or a community where developers are running to other games because it isn't worth their time?
    10. WoWuser123

      WoWuser123 Member

      Aug 4, 2011
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      I only started playing FF about a week ago, so I don't know what happened to the community here when the HB/Archbuddy store was released. I do know however what happened to the HB community.

      Since I only started playing the game about a week ago I probably don't even know 5% of all that's possible within the game as it's in some ways very different to WoW. Crafting for example seems to be a game on it's own and I'm still learning the basics of it. This also means I don't know what's all needed or wanted for the bot.

      If Rebornbuddy store is added you might have to pay for over 90% of the stuff that's being released. If that's the case it WILL scare away customers, making them go to either other bots or means to just get everything for free. If to many get scared away then it's gonna do more bad then good, especially if Mastagh is gonna have to spend quite a bit of time on store stuff and the development of the bot itself will suffer from it.

      As I said, I'm not contra supporting developers, I just don't think you should be forced to do so for mostly everything.
      Last edited: Apr 12, 2015
    11. Neverdyne

      Neverdyne Community Developer

      Sep 12, 2014
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      The alternative is having less and less things developed by the community. Many community devs have already left for greener pastures. For example, there's just one dev still actively supporting his combat routine. Mastahg does a very good job, the API is clean and has very few bugs compared to other buddy bots. But he's a one man team, and can't realistically do everything. Providing a good API falls short when there's no one to do stuff with it. If it weren't for community developers the bot wouldn't even repair, there goes all your lengthy botting sessions.

      Think of all the things that could be done, that are missing because of a lack of devs: healing routines, tanking routines, dungeon bot, better spell avoidance, materia farmer, more questing profiles, fate tag, raf-style followers, etc. One day if the API grows, we could have triple triad, chocobo racing, market board auctioning, PvP, complete relic weapon profile, and whatever the expansion brings. There's so much to do yet on Rebornbuddy, but it's up to him I guess.
      Last edited: Apr 12, 2015
      y2krazy likes this.
    12. Wheredidigo

      Wheredidigo Community Developer

      Dec 15, 2013
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      Let me also clarify that Mastahg would NOT be the reviewing products on the Store. The Buddy Staff is the one that does it. They have people that approve the products, but right now the main thing they look for is malicious code to make sure that no one is installing keyloggers to steal your username/passwords. It isn't a full on code review to make sure that you are using best practices or anything g of that sort.
    13. kagepande

      kagepande Community Developer

      Oct 20, 2014
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      I may not be a community developer but I will agree with this, there are people that have even made great profiles that are still not here, profiles are indeed easier then C# but not as simple as writing a post on your social media, it still takes us hours upon hours to gather all the data, code the first version, create a new character, and SIT THERE AND WATCH that new character for the entire duration of the profile to make sure it works and fix anything as it comes up. We don't even get all the bugs out then, and this when it comes to the "customer support" in each thread, yall report issues and we fix them, its almost a never ending cycle because someone will almost always find a issue with a plugin/profile. Over at HB(I bot there as well) you can get free profiles and they are O.K but end up getting stuck, broken, or start looping, but there are some good ones. In my experience the profiles on the store are much better because the developers care, you get the profile you want and they get a little money for their time.

      Just put yourself into the shoes of some the people here who put countless hours into plugins/profiles you use, and they don't get any money for it. You just spent 40,60,80,100+ hours on something and your will, will run out soon enough when all you got to show is a large download number and a thread filled with demands, for nothing.
    14. Endus

      Endus Community Developer

      Jul 9, 2012
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      $1500? That's a hell of a lot more than the $30 I've received so far lol (for a CR I've been developing for months). I'd love for devs to come back to RB, especially if I could snag a co-developer to help with Ultima (or whatever we renamed/turned Ultima into). :cool:

      The smaller market would still be an issue, but FFXIV is the second biggest MMORPG out there right now (as far as I know) so it would still surely attract some devs.

      Although, from the outside looking in I do agree that the market seems to have a lot of people charging for work that doesn't really seem worth the price (clogging up the marketplace). A lot of that work has little effort put into it or is completely conceptual and should be free rather than on the market (but as mentioned, the Buddy team's job isn't to QA the code extensively and it's up to the buyers to decide what's worth it and what's not). It may be a necessary "evil" if it brings the development we need to FFXIV/RebornBuddy.
    15. blackmagetripp

      blackmagetripp New Member

      Apr 6, 2015
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      I may be new to reborn buddy but i came from hb in wow. when the devs can get paid for their work the amount of content they can crank out is some quality stuff. I am in full support of a rb store and would gladly pay up to $30 for a profile/cr. these devs deserve it,if some people arent happy with having to spend more money on a bot they have already paid for oh well rb on its own does alot.
    16. WilliamTM

      WilliamTM New Member

      Feb 22, 2015
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      I voted yes. More content and better quality is better for everyone! Some people already deserve to get paid for their great work in the community.
    17. tataros

      tataros New Member

      Dec 6, 2011
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      I vote yes cause this means that more people will have motivation to make things...this will make rebornbuddy better. wow is in decline again as more and more people quitting WoD and FFXIV is very good and have a steady grow. Atm is the second best sub game.

      I have a good laugh when I see some people try to sell basic grinding profiles..imo there shouldn't be an option for selling profiles, only things botbases/plugins/ and of course combat routines...but on the other hand, the 1-50 questing profile here on forums would worth every bit of money..
      Last edited: Apr 13, 2015
    18. kagepande

      kagepande Community Developer

      Oct 20, 2014
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      Basic mob grinding, etc no it shouldn't be released for money those can be done in 10-20 min tops. But the advanced profiles such as Kaga's 1-50 Main Scenario, my Gathering 1-50 questing profiles, and the advanced unspoiled profiles(I could make them work better and currently am looking at it) those arnt completed in a day, far from it, if its a good developer, we test them to try to get as many bugs out as possible, but there will be bugs no matter what until a certain point in time. Even HB has profiles in the store, and some of them are crazy good and I see why they are up there for 1-5 euros.
    19. Wheredidigo

      Wheredidigo Community Developer

      Dec 15, 2013
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      Profiles have their place for being sold. Like you said, the 1-50 questing profile would be worth every penny. Now imagine a profile that did the entire Zodiak Weapon quest chain. I mean everything...all quests, all grinds for light, all the spiritbinding for filling out the materia...everything. I would gladly pay the 30 Euro cap for a profile that did that grind for me.

      I do agree that basic grinding profiles don't really have a place, but that's because those profiles are really easy to make with the existing profile maker. The entire point to the Store would be to get better quality/quantity on the complex stuff. I also think that you'll see more individual class CR's instead of all-in-one's.
      lotrodude likes this.
    20. Neverdyne

      Neverdyne Community Developer

      Sep 12, 2014
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      Yeah, some profiles out there take more time to make than plugins / bot bases. I completely agree that simple things should not ever be on the store. Perhaps a rating system would help in this regard.

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