Giving a range of hours over like how many millions of users is going to get you pinned? Stop being paranoid lol. Additionally, Its a poll that's anonymous your name is not viewable by me or any of the other people viewing this forum. You do not need to post a reply to select a poll answer thats your choice. I bot 24/7 always don't believe me? Watch my signature it never stops going up its a live gold tracker tied directly into my HB Bots.
0-4 atm, i would run 24/7 if I had the time to sit down and figure out how to 100% automate what I want to do.
Atleast your making progression. You've been able to setup your 0-4 range successfully so thats a step in the right direction and that's whats important.
This Poll useless until you add more Informations like what the Users do...Questing, Farming, Dungeons etc....because you can do Questing 24/7/365 without any Risk...
This wasn't for risk assessment it was just curiosity. Not trying to give blizzard a exact target type to pick up. If that's what your trying to accomplish create your own poll.
questing and ashran-bg for blues enough to get me into arena on pretty much every toon It stays on about 16-20 hours. I play CSGO/diablo while the bot is on, watch movies. Questing suck, cause there are quite a few things that bugs out, and sometimes HB just completely stops, so better to do questing while you can check it every hour or so. I use Tuanha for CR, and BGmillz for bg, its quite good.
When leveling toons, 24+ hours until fully leveled. Gold farming in MOP land 10-18 hours, depending on when I get home from work to start the bot until I wake up in the morning. The only reason why I dont do farming during the day is because my dogs are in the computer room and it gets too hot in there while at work. Otherwise, I would run 24 hours. No bans yet. 22 lvl 100s on 2 separate accounts.