I had skipped Cata, so I've been going back at 100 and finishing up the zones for Loremaster. I just noticed that the default behavior of a Kicks profile is to abandon EVERY SINGLE other quest in your log when you start Hyjal? <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/run for i=1,GetNumQuestLogEntries() do SelectQuestLogEntry(i); SetAbandonQuest(); AbandonQuest(); end" /> Lost all of my Inn quests and a lot more including some legendary questlines and all my #)$(*ing Abrogator Stones. Maybe a dialog or config option to confirm this for any character significantly above the zone's intended quest level?
Its not possible. Maybe one solution is to only abandon grey and green quests which are incomplete: PHP: <!-- Abandon all Grey Quests which are Incomplete --> <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/run for i=1,GetNumQuestLogEntries() do local _,l,_,_,_,iC,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ = GetQuestLogTitle(i) if not iC and GetQuestDifficultyColor(l)==QuestDifficultyColors['trivial'] then SelectQuestLogEntry(i) SetAbandonQuest() AbandonQuest() end end" WaitTime="5000" /> PHP: <!-- Abandon all Green Quests which are Incomplete --> <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/run for i=1,GetNumQuestLogEntries() do local _,l,_,_,_,iC,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ = GetQuestLogTitle(i) if not iC and GetQuestDifficultyColor(l)==QuestDifficultyColors['standard'] then SelectQuestLogEntry(i) SetAbandonQuest() AbandonQuest() end end" WaitTime="5000" /> But for Suggestions please use this Thread: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...les/131188-kicks-1-100-mega-profile-pack.html
Or just to...not do it at all. Just a terrible idea all around, why you would ever mess with someone's quest log. I've never seen a Profile run with more than 3-4 at a time.